Grants for travels etc for PhD students at LTH

Below are some of the grants open to PhD students at LTH. The list was compiled by Hanna Modin in September 2010. The most relevant are in the beginning. The list is not complete; there are certainly others that I have missed. If you have additional information or if there are errors please let me know and I will update the document.

The Scholarship portal

This is a LU web site that lists a lot of grants. You need to log in. The web site has an English version. It is easy to find the grants that can currently be applied for (Current scholarships & grants). In this website you apply for the faculty grants online.

Faculty grants

The faculties award scholarships for travel, equipment, etc from different funds. The application is open in the beginning of each semester. The application proceeds electronically via the scholarship portal ( They usually take months to reply. It is possible to apply for this grant after your conference if that the conference was after the deadline for the previous application.

Royal Physiographic society

This is a society in Lund that has many grants and prizes. Their web site is totally in Swedish but it is possible to send them applications written in English. Only the popular summary of the research has to be in Swedish. For PhD students the relevant grants are Resestipendier för yngre forskares resor ( The application is open four times per year. The travel has to be scheduled for half a month after the application deadline. The application is filled in on the webpage, submitted electronically and then printed and signed. The signed one has to be sent to them by regular mail with thw following attachments:

-Letter from the supervisor (written according to a PM on their web site)

-Research program (1-2 pages)

-Short CV

-List of academic merits

They have very specific rules about their applications and about how the CV and the list of merits should be organised. See and

Ångpanneföreningens forskningsstiftelse (Åforsk)

This is a priver fund that give contributions to research. For students Stipendier rather than Forskningsanslag is relevant. Many students from TVRL have been awarded money from them. One application each semester. Use the form from their web site.

Stiftelsen J. Gust Richert

Åke och Greta Lissheds Stiftelse

Application in February. You have to register as a user on their web site.

Kungliga Vetenskapsakademin (KVA)

Royal Swedish academy of science. The scholarships that are relevant to us are those in geosciences: They are administrating some different funds. Please see their web site.

Stiftelsens Nils Hörjels forskningsfond vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola

The application from 2010:

This fund gives money especially for visiting other universities. You can apply after your travel.

Skånska Ingenjörsklubbens 100-årsstiftelse

The club for Scanian engineers award to prizes every year. The application for 2010:

Magn Bergvalls stiftelse

This gives money to senior researchers. Please ask your supervisor if if you can write an application in his/her name.

Uppsala University

Uppsala university sometimes has scholarships that students from other universities can apply for.

Stiftelsen Längmanska kulturfonden

This fund can contribute to scientific research.

Stiftelsen Lars Hiertas Minne