SchoolofHistory and International Relations
Tworoundsoffundingwillbeheldannually,normallyinFebruary and September. Forapplication closingdates please refer to the School Research Website. Submita complete electronic PDF ofyour applicationtoSonjaYates, Research Committee Secretary, .
The aimof theSchoolResearch Funding Programisto improve research performance withinthe School,and inparticularto improve performanceinthose elementsof researchoutputand input that contributeto the School’sprofileinthe allocation offunding to the University.Funding isdirectedto two areas:
- Project grantsfor newresearch
- Smallgrantsto encourage researchcollaboration andresearch outputs
ProjectGrantsare designed tosupport:
- newprojectsnot suitable forexternalfundingeitherbecauseoftheirsize orbecause ofa lack of funding opportunities inthearea.Projectsfor whichfundsmaybeapplied under this schememayincludepilot projects(smaller discreet projectswhose viabilityfor large grant fundingisbeingexplored).
- Applicationsto thisscheme mayalso bemadefor matchingfunds(up to thelimit ofthe scheme) providedbyan externalagency.
- Visiting Research Fellowassociated with a project or grant application (return air fare and modestmaintenancesupport).
Individualgrantsareintendedto support small,low-cost researchprojectswith immediatelyforeseeable outcomes.Smallgrantsmayincludefunding for:
- Support for Conference organisation;
- Costsassociatedwithscholarlypublication (eg. administrative assistance, researchassistance,indexingand editing costsdirectlyrelated to publications)to amaximumof $2,000;
- Researchmaintenance (software subscription,surveycosts,mileage);
- ResearchAssistance.
- employed at0.4 FTEoraboveasan academicmember ofstaff; or
- a researcher withfullacademicstatus;
- a generalstaff member inreceipt of current academicstatusthrougha Schoolinthe Faculty. Casualorcontract tutors are not eligibleto applyfor fundingunder thisschemebecause theyare notexpected toundertakeresearch asa part of their paidemployment.
Researchstudentswhoare not employedasacademicstaffmembers(currentlyholding anacademic position where research isa part of theexpected workoutcomes) arenot eligible forfunding under this scheme.
Projectswillnot be fundedover the maximum amountlisted in the guidelines.
Most projectswillbe fundedatlessthan the maximum amountlisted.Applicantsare strongly encouraged toprepare realisticbudgetsthat accuratelyreflectwhat isactuallyrequired toachievethe projectaims. Applicationsmaybe funded atamountslowerthan those requested, either because of constraintson the Schoolresearchbudget or becauseitemsina projectbudgetare deemed insufficientlyjustified.
If the proposal is for a pilot project,the applicationmustidentifytheexternalfundingsource(s) to which further application willbe made when thepilotproject iscompleted,and the proposed timeframe for such externalapplication. If the proposalisfor agenuinelylowbudgetprojectfor which noexternal fundingsource can beidentified, the application must demonstrate that a genuineeffort hasbeen made to identifyexternalfundingsources.
SchoolProject funding isnot intendedto cover itemsthat duplicate servicesalreadyprovidedbytheFacultyandtheUniversity, or that areavailable throughotherchannels.
Time releaseisnot included amongthe eligible itemsbecause it isassumedthat theschoolworkload formulatakesresearchactivitiesintoaccountinequalising workloads.
Every applicationtotheSchoolProjectGrantScheme requiresthecompletion of the Staff Project Application Form
-Project Form
The project form isa cover sheet containing thebasicinformation about your application.
-ResearcherInformation Form
Every applicationmade to theSchoolProjectGrant Schememustcontaina ResearcherInformationformcompleted byeach namedinvestigator involved with the project.Whensubmitting your ResearcherInformation Form youare required to confirm thatyou have a fullyup-to-dateRMIS record. Thiswillbe checked inplace of apublicationslist.
Using theOutcomestemplate,list the outcomesplannedforyour researchprojectorconference attendance. Inconsidering theoutcomesyou areasked to be asrealisticaspossible and to aim forhigh-qualityoutletsin your field of research.Where suchinformation isavailable, consultjournal rankingslistsfor the ranking ofa particular outlet.If your chosen outlet isunranked,includea short explanationof the reasoning behindyour choice of outlet (reasonsmayincludepositivereputationinthefield,strongeditorialboard with important linkswithinthe field etc.)
For books, include a background on thestrengthsof your chosen publishing house or imprint and whypublication withthisgroupallowsyou toachieveyour researchgoals.
-Budget Template
You are required tobe asprecise aspossibleinyourbudgeting for theproject. TheSchoolProject
Grant scheme willonlypurchase equipment thatisnot alreadyavailablethroughother sources. Teaching release willnot be funded through thescheme.
-Final Reportsof previousSISresearch funding (whereapplicable)
Finalproject reportswillbe required toaddressthe outcomeslisted onthe ProjectOutcomesform, and identifyand explainanyvariationsfrom theoriginalplan. The FacultyResearch Officemustalso be advised of thepublication of anyoutcomespublishedafter thesubmissionof theproject finalreport.
While there areno formallimitson thenumber ofSchoolProjectGrant applicationsthat anyresearcher mayholdata given time, applicantsshouldbeaware thatthe Schoolhasdiscretion not tofund multiple applications.
FinalReportswillbe requiredbythe School Research Committee on allprojectsfunded bytheSchool at the end of thefunding period whichisusuallyone year. Subsequent fundingapplications willnot be considered unless areport has been received.
Where applicable, Final Reportsshould justifywhya research project hasnot been conducted in accordance with theoriginalapplicationoutline and budget.Applicantswhohavebeengranted funding inthe expectation of anapplication forexternalgrant willberequired to provide evidence of its submission in their report. The template for FinalReportson fundsreceived isavailable on the SchoolResearch website.
The policyof the Universityrequires that appropriate ethicsclearances(for example, AnimalEthicsand HumanEthics) be issuedbefore research projectsmaycommence.It isthe applicant’sresponsibilityto ensure that theappropriate ethicsclearancesareobtained. Where clearancesare required, applicants shouldsubmit protocolsfor ethicsclearanceto theappropriatecommittee once their applicationhas been submitted, in order toensure thatclearancesareobtained in time for work tocommencepromptly.
Funding willbe conditionalon anyrequiredapprovalsbeingobtained, andmaybe rescinded if itis determined that the appropriate clearanceshave notbeenissued.
The aimof theprogram isto provide funds thatwillassist visitsto Flinders Universitybydistinguished researchersor researcherswith particularskillsor expertise,designed toenhance theresearchoutput of the School. Support isintended to bring bona fide visitorsto the University, and willnot be grantedto upgrade the salarylevelofshort-term staff alreadyemployed at theUniversity.Preferencewillnormally be given to Fellowswho can commence their visitswithineighteenmonths.
- Distinguished visitorswhocancontribute tothe research ofUniversitygroups;
- Researcherswithexpertiseand skillin a particular disciplineor techniquewhocancontribute to a researchprogramintheSchool;
- Representativesofinstitutions with whichtheSchoolmaywish to establishor consolidate links.
The Fellowshipwillnormallyprovidea returneconomyairfarefor the Fellow purchased through Flinders University’sofficialtravelagent. In exceptionalcasesonly,aliving allowance maybe provided(eg. when a Fellow’ssalaryisunableto covermaintenance costsinAustralia).
Visitorspreviouslysupportedunder thisscheme willnot beeligibletoapplyagainuntilat least three yearsafter thepreviousvisit.
The visitormuststaysufficientlylong for the Universityto obtain maximum benefit.The absolute minimumvisitto be approvedwillbetwo weeks.The VisitingResearchFellow willnormallyspend the majorityof the Fellowshipperiod at the University. Hisorhercontributionto theacademiclife of the Schoolmayinclude apubliclecture,guestlecturesin ongoing teaching programs,participation ina symposium or research seminar, and/or participation in theSchool’s program forhigher degrees studentsor forcommunityengagement.
Applicationsshould provide detailsof theproposed visit, including dates,and:
- the visitor's curriculum vitae, with a list ofpublicationsinthepreviousfiveyears;
- Astatement of the anticipatedbenefitsto the researchoutputof the staff memberor group,the benefitsto research student projects, andpossible publications;
- Astatement of probablefunding for thevisit(forexample, whether thevisitor willbeon paid studyleave fromthe home institution, whether the visitor willneed aliving allowance aswellas assistance with fares);
- Confirmation that the application hasthe support of theDean ofSchool.
Please note that if a VRF applicationissuccessful,proposerswillneed toarrangeacademicstatus, officespace, libraryaccessand computer facilitiesfor their Visiting ResearchFellowprior to their arrival, through their SchoolOffice.
In addition tothe requiredformsandtemplates, pleaseprovide an outline of the project using the following headings:
Aims and significance of theproject
Describethe specificaimsandpotentialsignificance ofyourproject.Describe the relationship of your proposedprojectto current researchin your field.
Research Plan, Methods and Innovation
Your research plan shouldmake clear thescope andlimitationsofyour project, and describe your researchmethodology, drawingattention to anyconceptualor methodologicalinnovationsinthe research.
Provide an outline of the proposed timetable foryourproject.
Justificationof Budget
Justifyeach itemlisted inthe Budget, explaining whyitisrequired foryour research.
Expected Outcomes
Explainwhat publicationsor other outcomesyouexpect toarise from thisresearch.If appropriate, providean indication of anyreasonswhythe publicationsare likelytobe recognisedashigh qualityor ashaving high impact. Identify the journalsor publishers you intend to submityour workto.
The required lengthof the ProjectOutline foreach project category are as follows:
Project:No more than 2A4 pages intotal
Small Grant:No more than 2 A4 pages intotal.
PLEASE NOTE: Each Project OutlineMUST addressthe 5 pointsset out above.
Individualconvenorsof conferences(or centresorgroupsorganising conferences)to be held in Adelaideand associated withFlindersUniversitymayapplyforfundingtosupporttheorganisation of the conference.It isexpectedthat these fundswillusuallybe used to cover up-front expensesincurred prior to registration feesbeingreceived.
These fundswillnot be provided to support the stagingof major nationaland internationalconferences such asthose organised bynationalor internationalassociations.
Schoolfundsshouldnotbe usedto payforconference entertainmentortosubsidise registrationcosts. Applicantsshouldprovidedetailsof theconferenceand their involvement in it, and:
- a detailed descriptionof thewhole projected budget for the conference (including projected income andexpenditure, andcopiesof quotesfor airfares, bushire,accommodation, etc;);
- justification ofhowtheSchoolfundswillbeused;and
- detailsof publication outcomesexpectedasa result ofthe conference.
Costsofpublishing conference proceedingsshouldnot be included in the budget. Theymaybesought at a laterdate throughtheSchool’spublicationsupportscheme.
On thecompletion of the conference, recipientsof Conference Supportare required to provide a report to the SchoolResearch Committee,including a fullstatement of actualincome and expenditure. Where a fundedconferencemakesasubstantial profit, the organisers willbe expected to refund someor allof the School’scontribution.
Atemplate for the productionof thisreport isavailableon theSchool Research website.
Individualsmayseekfunding for a contribution towardsthe costof publication (egadministrative assistance, researchassistance,indexingandediting costsdirectlyrelated topublications).These funds are not intended to coverthe costsofresearchtowardsapublication.
The Schoolwillnormallyonlysupportpublicationsthat meetthe criteria forinclusion in oneof the eligibleERAcategories.
Please note:the following willnot be supported
- Publication with pressesthat are not eligiblefor ERA;
- Support for ongoing publication of a journalor seriesof publications;
- Publicationsbystaff without continuing orconvertible positions; or
- Publicationsby postgraduatestudents.
Applicantsshouldprovide detailsof the publication, and:
- a detailed descriptionandjustification of howtheSchoolfundswillbe used;
- detailsof anyother funding from othersources;
- an indication of the number ofFlindersUniversitystaff and/orstudentswhomaybe involved in the publication;and
- evidenceofa contract with a publisher.
An outline of the processfor managinga visiting research fellowapplication isavailableon theSchoolResearchwebsite.
Last updated 12/2015