Minutes of the 108th meeting (108.12) of the BURLEY BRIDGE ASSOCIATION
held onMonday 10th December 2012 at 23 Hall Drive, Burley-in-Wharfedale.
108.1 – Present: Peter Bayer, Donald Hill, Colin Newton, Denis Read (Chairman & Treasurer), Madeline Rylands, Keith Wadd, Peter Young (Secretary).
108.2–Apologies: David Nixon.
On behalf of the committee the Chairman was pleased to welcome David Asher who was unanimously co-opted on to the committee.
108.3 – Minutes of the meeting October 8th(106.12), circulated: The minutes were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
108.4 – Matters arising not covered elsewhere: 1. CN asked about support from MPswhichhe was pleased to note. 2. Re funding: following suggestions from Minister Richard Benyon MP, DR has spoken to Dale Smith, local councillor and current Lord Mayor. He is very busy but a reply was promised. 3. A proposal to approach Colin Speakman to invite him to be a Vice-President was approved unanimously. 4. Nidderdale AONB to be contacted. KW will send details.
108.5 – Burley Appeal update: 1. DR as Treasurer circulated latest results of Appeal which is still in progress. Letter has been sent round Askwith and a useful donation received. West Riding Rambler will carry an appeal to RA West Riding members. 2. Committee decided against an appeal to Menston village at present, a presentation to the Parish Council was made in October. 3. DH wondered at what point the pledges made could be redeemed. It was thought there is more work to do before this happens. 4. Bank accounts now at HSBC. 5. Cheques received at the meeting.
108.6 – Ramboll update: 1. DR read out a recent email from Ramboll, they are willing to begin consultation, at their cost, with statutory authorities, primarily the EA, with the view to defining the work they would require to complete the approvals process. Ramboll would then be in a position to reduce their estimated fees and hopefully make our fund-raising easier.
2. MR spoke in favour of asking Ramboll to follow this route, and the committee agreed unanimously. Secretary to contact SJ. 3. KW thought we might have information useful in the Bridleway Bridge application and a river survey done for it. BBA had paid for the work, crayfish and other aspects mentioned. Ian Whitlam might have some information but it could be with Ramboll. The importance of 'precedence' in planning applications was emphasised by a committee member following a recent meeting attended.
108.7 – Ilkley Community Fund, and other funding sources: 1. DR had prepared an appeal letter to ICF, circulated at the meeting. Committee discussed aspects of this, DA offered to check website re information. Committee accepted with thanks. 2. DR has contacted Ilkley Evergreens walking club who have now got appeal letters and a note to circulate. Contact name given. 3. Ilkley Harriers 'do not circulate members' but maybe have an item in a newsletter. Pending at present. 4. Complete Runner - PY to contact. DA contact Chevin Trek. 5. Other sources mentioned, CN: suggested Freemasons etc. Bradford4Funding, Sarah Moss. 6. PB mentioned proposed green corridor from Bradford centre to Saltaire - start of Yorkshire Heritage Way. Could be of interest. 7. DR said Ilkley Gazette carried website of Ilkley Carnival but he could not open it. DA will try, there is a deadline.
108.8 – Presentations to Burley Community Trust: DR will do presentation in Jan 2013 in the Round House, 10-15 minutes. Only one person permitted. Discussion re significance of BCT in the village. KW: it can express support, which BPC apparently cannot.
108.9 – Recent and Coming Events: 1. Dec 1 Burley Lights only made £23 profit. Gazebo found to have no roof, was not used. 4 members standing outdoors, but good rapport with public and general support. 2. Dec 8 at Burley Oaks school, CN & PY, position of stand not good and £15 to pay. Again event redeemed by general support of all who came to the stand. Secretary delivered prizes for school to distribute, staff who were seen very pleasant.
3. Coming events: none at present., an unusual situation. DR wondered about a Yorkshire Heritage Way themed event, committee thought there may be scope for publicity in the idea. PB: River crossing should feature. More thought needed, events need to be fundraisers.
108.10 – Secretary's Report and Correspondence: Some items already covered. 1. Donationfrom Steve Cobb, last BB Hike organiser. 2. New councillor has replaced Matt Palmer, Secretary to write for her support. 3. First PayPal payment has come through. Need to give this more publicity.
108.11 – Treasurer's Report: 1. Current account reported, rest as Appeal figures. All cheques paid in. 2. Thermometer idea mentioned to show progress of appeal. David Nixon had suggested it. Agreed that some publicity is needed. KW suggested sponsorship of item/event in the local school.
108.12 – Any Other Business: 1. 'Walkers are Welcome' in Burley. DA offered to look at this. KW can identify some RA members in the area, he passed over some information. Secretary also has details. 2. Yorkshire Heritage Way 'flyer' publicity item, DH having problems producing a sample. YHW to be agenda item next meeting, this can be discussed.. 3. Land ownership issue explained to DA. 4. Secretary to send DA items e.g. letterheads, bridge pictures.
108.13 – Date of Next Meeting: Monday January 7th 2013, 7.30pm at 23 Hall Drive, Burley in Wharfedale.
Peter Young
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