Teacher: Elie Tcheimegni Room 222 SUBJECT: Geometry Grade level: 9th -12th Time: 10:45am to 12:05pm 11/15/11
Daily Lesson Planner:
Directed Teaching Activity PlannerFocusing Student Attention / ßStatement of Objective: What should students know and do as a result of the lesson?
5 min
/ Cadets will be able to Identify and solve adjacent, corresponding, vertical, alternate interior/exterior & complementary/supplementary angles problems in order to describe angles formed in a real-world connection and solve real-life problems related to angles using a variety of tools.ßWarm-Up: How will you engage students in learning? How will you connect the lesson to their prior knowledge?
Introductory and/or Developmental Activities / Teacher Directed Activities: How will you aid students in constructing meaning of new concepts? How will you introduce/model new skills or procedures?
Guided Practice / Teacher-Monitored Activities: What will students do together to use new concepts or skills? How will you assist students in this process?Time
Independent Activities and/or Meaningful-Use Tasks / Extension, Refinement, and Practice Activities: What opportunities will students have to use the new skills and concepts in a meaningful way? How will students expand and solidify their understanding of the concept and apply it to a real-world situation? How will students demonstrate their mastery of the essential learning outcomes?Time
Assessment / ßFormative Assessment: How will you monitor student progress throughout the lesson?Time
5min / ·
ßSummative Assessment: How will you ensure that all students have mastered the identified learning indicators? How will you assess their learning daily? How will you assess their learning at the end of a unit?
ßClosure Activities: How will you assist students in reflecting upon what they learned today and are preparing for tomorrow’s lesson? What homework will be assigned to help students practice, prepare, or elaborate on a concept or skill taught?
Are there any special circumstances of which the observer should be aware? (e.g., new students, special events, other adults/paraprofessionals in classroom): one student has a 504
Daily Resource PlannerText Resources
How will various forms of text (e.g., print, video, etc.) be used to help learners develop a deeper understanding of the key concepts and skills? What text resources can be utilized to assist learners in enhancing literary experiences? / Technology ResourcesHow can the use of technology enhance the learning experience? What tools may be accessed to further develop students’ skills in using technology as an integrated part of their learning? How can information literacy skills be integrated with instruction? / Cooperative GroupingsWhat cooperative structures will facilitate learning? How will students be involved in group processing? How will students work with one another during the unit? / Content-based reading and Writing OpportunitiesHow will reading strategies for the discipline be overtly taught and reinforced? How will students have the opportunity to extend their thinking through writing?
Textbook: Prentice Hall mathematics PHSuccessNet by Laurie E. Bass, Randall I. Charles
Web Site www.PHSchool.com / Understanding Math
United streaming video
www. Phschool.com / Strategies or flipped classroom model I must use to reach all students: One-on-one interaction, Class discussions, Research/Lab work, Collaborative student work, Hands-on learning activity
• Use questioning techniques to engage higher order intellectual skills.
• Use a variety of communication aids, including manipulatives, drawings, gestures, and verbal language to transmit information and accept alternative responses.
Affirm alternative responses that show mastery. Provide the English vocabulary and structures through models of complete verbal responses. / By completing BCR questions and group writing/closure 3-2-1 summary
Hands-On Experiences and/or
Manipulative Usage
What hands-on experiences and/or manipulative will be used to help students develop an understanding of key skills and processes for investigation? / Individualized InstructionHow will the lesson need to be adapted for students with special needs (i.e., special education, talented and gifted, ESOL/language minority)? In what ways will you vary the modalities of learning to ensure that ALL students have an opportunity to learn? / Material Resources
What materials will need to be prepared before each lesson in order to ensure the unit goes smoothly? What library media resources are available to enhance your lessons? / Other Planning ConsiderationsWhat else should be considered when planning and delivering this unit? What reminders should you record for yourself? What are the time constraints and considerations for this unit?
Graphic organizer worksheet / · I will use collecting strategy questioning technique to build foundation concepts then the “Bridging strategy” which demands three thinking operations: comparing, contrasting and grouping. Having undergone comparing and contrasting, students are expected to discover relationships among previously isolated facts and identify the critical characteristics, attributes, or patterns of a concept. The third strategy is the “Anchoring strategy” which demands two cognitive operations: labeling and classifying.This would formalizes the construction of concepts and the naming of the concepts.
· Peer-teaching and self-evaluation, differentiation of level of exercises, use of technology if required
· / Manipulative
Understanding Math,
Overhead Projector
· Class materials (handouts) and /or textbook
· Students have calculators available for their own use
· Computer, LCD projector, Visualizer
· Students need pencil, paper, patty paper, and partner/group members( for reteach) / Timing , possibility of using calculator tools if I have additional time