Grand Prairie YMCA Youth Volleyball Rules
The Grand Prairie YMCA will follow the rules of the USVBA with several modifications.
Game Length:
1. The first two games will be played until one team scores 25 points and the third game will be played until one team scores 15 points. There will be two (1 minute) time outs per team per game (unused timeouts will not carry over to new games)
2. Rally scoring will be used for every game.
3. Teams must win by two points
4. Games will ALWAYS be played, regardless of the number of players. To be in playoff contention a team MUST field 5 players within 10 mins of the scheduled time. If a team does not have 5 players the game will be forfeited, the teams may scrimmage for the time left.
Player Rotation and Substitutions:
Only one type of player change will be allowed for regular season.
- Continuous Rotation: All players must enter the rotation from the same position. All teams must do a continuous rotation to ensure players get equal time to participate. a. The server may not be substituted or rotated out until after they have had an opportunity to serve.
The Grand Prairie YMCA strives to ensure that every player plays at least half of the game. Coaches are encouraged to do what they can to ensure that this happens.
o Any coach violating the player participation rules will be given an automatic yellow card. On the second violation a red card will be given. An automatic side out or point will be awarded to the opposing team for both the yellow and/or red cards.
1. All players will have an equal opportunity to serve.
2. 8U: the service line will be moved forward 8 feet, for those who need it. Overhand servers must serve from the end line. The overall goal for everyone should be to serve from behind the end line.
3. 11U: the service line will be moved forward 6 feet, for those who need it. Overhand servers must serve from the end line. The overall goal for everyone should be to serve from behind the end line.
4. The server may not serve until the referee has blown the whistle.
5. The server has 10 seconds to serve the ball after the referee’s whistle has blown.
6. Any serve that contacts the ceiling, net, or basketball backboard (and doesn’t go over) is an automatic side out. If the serve hits the net or ceiling and goes to the opposing side, it is a live ball and should be played. Intentional serves at the ceiling will be a side out. (referee’s judgment)
7. The server may only be substituted due to injury.
8. After five consecutive points have been scored by the player serving; the ball will automatically go to the opposing team. All age groups
Receiving the Serve:
1. Players may not move, talk, or in any way attempt to break the server’s concentration.
A. Any coach, bench player, parent or spectator that deliberately attempts to break a servers concentration will be subject to one or all of the following actions by the referee or site director:
i. Yellow card warning – automatic side out or point for opposing team, and continuation of serve.
ii. Red card Violation – automatic side out or point for opposing team, continuation of serve and ejection of person(s) involved.
2. Each team will have three (3) hits to return the ball.
3. If the ball contacts a wall or backboard during a volley it is considered out, and a side out or point will be awarded.
4. If the ball contacts the ceiling it may still be played if and only if:
A. The ball comes down on the side of the team that hit it into the ceiling, and:
B. That team still has one or more hits remaining.
Sportsmanship and Behavior:
Protest of referee’s judgment call(s) will not be allowed. A letter of grievance, clarifications and/or interpretation of rule(s) or other matters may be submitted to the Sports Committee via the Youth Sports Program Director within 72 hours of the end of the game in question. Coaches and spectators are reminded that the referees are in charge and in control of each game and that their judgment calls and / or decisions are final. A coach may call a time out to question a rules interpretation, (not a judgment call), by the game official. If the ruling has been incorrectly applied, the time-out will not be charged. If a coach has no time-outs left and is incorrect, the team will be charged with a technical foul. Any player, coach or spectator ejected will automatically be suspended for at least one (1) game and will be placed on one (1) year probation. If ejected again during the probation, that person will be removed from the program. All violations shall be recorded in the official scorebook and referred to the Youth Sports Committee. The coach involved in such an incident may be required to appear before the Youth Sports Committee.