A.  Games will be played according to the current N.S.A. slow-pitch softball rules denoted in the N.S.A. Official Guide. Pitching 6/10 rule. This year we will have pitching mats. If the ball hits the mat, it is a strike, if it misses the mat, it is a ball.

B.  Any league rules in direct conflict with the N.S.A. slow-pitch softball rules will supersede the N.S.A. rules. Ball: Men 12" ball Women 11" ball

C.  Team managers and umpires cannot set aside any rules.

D.  Per NSA, all games (regular and rain make-up) will start with a 1 & 1 count on the batter.

E.  Bases are now set at 70' (from 65') per NSA. We will adopt this for both nights. Pitching Rubber is now 53'.

F.  Due to increased interest in co-ed adult softball, 3 games will now be played. This requires an earlier start time that will effect each team about once every three weeks. 5:30 start for the first 4 weeks, 5:45 for the remainder of the season.


A.  Each team shall have a roster minimum (15 for men’s teams and 14 for co-ed teams) and a roster maximum of twenty players.

B.  Final team rosters should be turned into the on-site softball supervisor before your May 19/20, 2015 scheduled game. Players may be asked to show photo ID to confirm a roster before or during any scheduled game. Any MISREPRESENTATION OF PLAYERS CAN RESULT IN TEAM DISQUALIFICATION WITHOUT A REFUND.

C.  No player may be added to the roster after final rosters are due. EXCEPTION: G.B.P.& R. will attempt to work with teams who are in danger of forfeiting games.

D.  All participants must be eighteen years of age before participating in league play.

E.  All participants must be out of high school before participating in league play.

F.  Eight (men’s & co-ed) defensive eligible players must be present to start a game. The team must also maintain a minimum of eight players throughout the game. When a team drops below the required number of eligible players, it will forfeit the game. Co-ed teams must also maintain the NSA ratio of men / women (4 men / 4 women) to continue play. A team can play with 5&4 of either sex in co-ed. The infield and outfield will have the same number of each sex (3 & 3 in the infield and 2 & 2 in the outfield) with opposite sex as the pitcher and catcher.

G.  No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the playing field or in the bench area. No player, manager or coach may consume any alcoholic beverages during his / her game. Failure to abide by this rule will result in that person’s disqualification from further participation during that night of play. No alcoholic beverages may be consumed in the softball complex prior to or during a player’s game.

H.  No smoking is allowed on the playing field including the coaches’ boxes.

I.  The on-deck batter may loosen up with the following only: 1) two official softball bats OR

2) One approved warm-up bat. Nothing may be attached to the bat such as a donut. THE ON-DECK BATTER MUST LOOSEN UP WITHIN THE FENCED-IN PLAYING AREA OF HIS OR HER SOFTBALL FIELD. Failure to abide by this rule can result in penalty to the batter (a strike will be assessed) and if repeated violation of this safety rule occurs, the League Supervisor reserves the right to eject the offending player from the game.

J.  Team managers are responsible for the actions of their players, team attendants and spectators before, during and after the game.

C. The Umpires

1.  All umpires will be N.S.A. registered.

2.  One umpire will be scheduled for all men’s games and co-ed games.


A.  Any player, who switches teams before the final rosters are due, must return all team property to the first team before he / she can become eligible to play on the second team.

B.  All new players added to the roster before the final rosters are due must wait a period of 24 hours before they can play

C.  Any player released from one Grand Blanc Parks and Recreation roster and added to another Grand Blanc Parks and Recreation roster, before the final rosters are due, must have the manager from the releasing team sign the preliminary roster (showing release) and then must sign the entering team’s roster to be eligible. All signatures must take place in the presence of a Parks and Recreation staff member. The released player must then wait a period of 24 hours before they are eligible to play.


A.  Game Scheduling

1.  Games times for Tuesday & Wednesday will/may be scheduled @ 5:30/6:30/7:30 or 5:45/6:45/7:45

2.  Forfeit time for the first game will be 30 minutes from the scheduled start time. It will be 5 minutes for all other games. The clock will start at 5:30/5:45 and games will begin when the correct number of eligible players arrive. The offending team will be automatically made the "Away Team". In double/triple header leagues, there will be a maximum of 10 minutes between games. Forfeit time for the second & third games in all co-ed/men's leagues will be game time, or immediately following the conclusion of the first game if game time (7:30/7:45) has passed.

3.  A coin toss at the start of each night of league play will determine the home team. In all double header leagues, teams will reverse home and visitor for the second game of the night.

4.  The team sitting in the common bench area will maintain the score on the scoreboard, including up to date home run totals.

5.  Rainouts: All cancellations will be scheduled on team’s regular night of play with an extension of the season.

F. The Game

1. Each game has an hour time limit. No new inning may begin after the time limit unless the score is tied. A tied game that is suspended due to darkness will be resumed to its completion at the next possible date.

2, Mercy Rule: If any team is ahead by twenty runs or more at the completion of three innings (or 2 ½

in the case of the home team), fifteen run or more at the completion of four innings (or 3 ½ in the

case of the home team) the game is over. If a team is ahead by 10 runs or more at the

completion of five innings (or 4 ½ in the case of the home team) or anytime thereafter, game is over.

1.  In determining a complete game, all games, regular season and playoff, will follow the N.S.A. criteria if a full seven innings is not played.

2.  CO-ED ONLY: There will be an intersecting line drawn across the third base line mid-way between third base and home plate. Once a runner crosses that line, he / she must proceed home. A defensive player with the ball may then merely tag home plate for a force out regardless of how many runners are on base. If a player crosses the line and returns to third base, the defensive team may appeal.

G. Home Run Rule

MEN’S: A limit of seven over-the-fence home runs will be used. All balls hit over the fence in excess of seven will be ruled an out. Any fly ball touched by a defensive player, which then goes over the fence in fair territory, will not be included in the total of over-the-fence home runs.

The team that hits the home run is responsible for retrieving the ball.

Co-Ed: A limit of a two over-the-fence home run differential between teams playing in the same game will be enforced throughout the game. All balls hit over the fence in excess of the two home run advantage will be ruled an out. When the team behind in total home runs hits an over the fence home run, the opposing team will be granted another over the fence home run. This procedure will continue throughout the game. The team that hits the home run is responsible for retrieving the ball.

H. Extra Player (EP) and Designated Runner (DR)—MEN’S ONLY

a. A team must have (at game time) eleven players present to have an “EP” or a “DR” or twelve players to have both. If a team loses a player(s) to injury, or for any reason other than ejection, and falls below eleven players, they may continue to play as long as eight eligible players are available. If an ejection occurs, a substitute must be available or the game will end in a forfeit.

1.  “DR”—Designated Runner

A.  A designated runner, referred to as a “DR”, may be used for any player, provided it is made known prior to the start of the game and his name is indicated on the official score sheet.

B.  The “DR” may run only once an inning for any batting player, after the batter has reached base safely. (Exception: In any inning, if a batting player for whom the “DR” has previously run for within the same inning, reaches base safely more than once in the inning, the “DR” may run for that player again.)

C.  The “DR” may enter the game on defense or offense for any player.

1.  The “DR” may enter the game as a batter while his team is batting, however the “DR” substitute may not have run for any player within the half inning he is substituting for a player offensively.

2.  The re-entry rule does not apply for a “DR”. (Note: the “DR” has played offensively or defensively).

3.  The re-entry rule is applicable to the starting defensive player or his substitute if replaced by the “DR”.

4. The “EP” may not enter the game as the “DR”.

5. Once the “DR” has entered the game in a capacity greater than a “DR”, the “DR”

position is lost for the remainder of the game.

6. Any misrepresentation of the “EP” or “DR” will result in forfeiture of the game.

2. “CR”—Courtesy Runner (CO-ED ONLY)

A. The “CR” may run only once an inning for any batting player, after the batter has

reached base safely.

B. In co-ed, only males can run for males and only females can run for female players.

C. Once per inning means if the “CR” is needed, an out will be recorded. If the team falls

below 8 players, the game will end in forfeit.

I. Scorekeeping

1.  Each team will keep score during their turn at bat.

2.  Team managers must list both the first name and last names of each player participating.

3.  CO-ED ONLY: All players present may bat. If a team chooses to have all players bat—this must be stated at the start of the game. If players arrive late, they will be added to the end of the batting order of their sex.

4.  CO-ED ONLY: Free substitution will be allowed defensively, if all players are batting, keeping in line with the A.S.A. defensive ratio of male / female players on the field.

5.  CO-ED ONLY: A team may not score more than 10 runs per inning. An exception is made for a team trailing by more than 10 runs in that inning.

6.  The home plate umpire has final say over all scorekeeping.

7.  Intentional misrepresentation of the score or any information recorded on the scoresheet will result in forfeiture of the game.

J. Tie Breaker

1.  If a tie occurs for first place at the end of league play, head to head will be the 1st tie-breaker.

A.  If a tie occurs for other places, head to head games will be used to break the tie. If a tie still occurs, the team with the most runs scored in common games will win. If a tie still occurs, the least runs allowed in common games would decide. If still tied, a coin flip will be used

K. Forfeits & Protests

1.  A $25 forfeit fee will be charged to any team forfeiting a game due to lack of eligible players

to start a game. The forfeit fee must be paid to the league supervisor prior to the next game.

2.  Two forfeits by one team may be cause for that team to be dropped from the league.

3.  If a team wishes to protest a game, the manager must inform the umpire(s) before the next pitch is thrown. A $25 protest fee must be paid to the league supervisor after the game. A written explanation of the circumstances and specific rule violated (including rule and section number) must be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Office within 24 hours for the protest to be considered. If the protest is upheld, the protest fee will be refunded.

L. Equipment and Uniforms

1.  Metal cleats of any kind are illegal.

2.  All team players must wear MATCHING & NUMBERED jerseys. Strict enforcement of the uniform rule begins on Tuesday / Wednesday, May 19/20, 2015. Jerseys may have sleeves or be sleeveless.

A.  The league supervisor must approve all variations (acceptable variations include matching basic color and same sponsor). In an attempt to prevent forfeits, if an eligible player does not have an approved variation of the team jersey by the league supervisor, they will be given the option of paying $5.00, making them eligible for that night of play, or, sitting out that night of play.

B.  Managers are responsible for catching illegal shirts at their entry and bringing it to the attention of the umpire or league supervisor. It is a rectifiable error if an umpire catches a player with an illegal shirt participating in the game.

3.  Hats are optional. No handkerchiefs may be worn as headbands or neckbands.

4.  Players should not wear watches or loose jewelry.

M. Ejection Rule

1.  All players will refrain from the use of abusive, indecent or profane language, gestures, etc.

2.  Players ejected from a game must promptly leave the playing field and must be on their way out of the complex within one minute, obeying the “out of sight-out of sound” rule. Undo argument and refusal to leave, will subject the team to forfeiture of the game. Any further suspension will be at the discretion of the league supervisor and / or assistant director.