Grampian Diabetes Managed Clinical Network
Woolmanhill Hospital
AB25 1LD /
Enquiries to / Frances Philip
Extension / 55379
Direct Line / (01224) 555379
Email to /
Website /
29 March 2007
Dear Colleague
Grampian Diabetes Professional Conference 2 May 2007
I have very great pleasure in enclosing the Programme for this year’s Grampian Diabetes Professional Conference.
We have been very fortunate to secure the services of four key speakers who will give us an excellent update in their areas of specialist knowledge. Dr Deepak Garg, Consultant Cardiologist from Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin, will give us a presentation on the clinically very important interface between diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In the afternoon session two of the younger members in the Grampian Diabetes Service are offering us a valuable insight into eye disease in diabetes. Finally we have been extremely fortunate to secure the services of Dr Alistair Emslie-Smith who will be talking on “Communication in a Digital Age”. If it is anything like the presentation he gave at the recent Diabetes UK Professional Conference this will be an extremely strong finale to the day’s proceedings.
These keynote lectures will be supported with two Workgroup sessions. The Programme for this is enclosed. We will also have feedback from this year’s Scottish Diabetes Survey in a similar format to that we which enjoyed last year.
The venue still remains the same, ie Thainstone House Hotel, who provided us such good hospitality last time.
The cost of this year’s Conference will be £20. Any money surplus at the end of the Conference will be used to support the Pyramid Theatre Group coming to Grampian in the spring of next year. This group offers the opportunity for people with diabetes, carers and other lay members of the public to have a greater understanding of the impact diabetes can have on an individual, their family and those around them.
I look forward to having the opportunity to meet as many of you as possible on Wednesday the 2nd May. Tickets will be issued on a first come, first served basis. Unfortunately the hotel cannot comfortably cope with more than 100 delegates. I would therefore ask you to return the registration form to Frances at the MCN as promptly as you are able. Please share this with colleagues who you feel might be interested. This information is also available on the Grampian Diabetes Website at
Kind regards
Yours sincerely
Mark Houliston
Clinical Lead
MCN for Diabetes
Grampian Diabetes Professionals Conference
Thainstone House Hotel 2 May 2007
Draft Programme
08.15 / Registration and Coffee09.00 / Welcome / Dr Mark Houliston
09.10 / “Cardiology and Diabetes” / Dr Deepak Garg, Consultant Cardiologist
10.15 / Workshops 1
11.00 / Coffee
11.30 / Grampian Feedback from Scottish Diabetes Survey / Dr Mark Houliston
11.45 / CHP Review of Local Performance
12.30 / Feedback from CHP Groups
12.45 / Lunch
13.45 / Workshops 2
14.30 / “Management of Diabetic Eye Disease” / Dr Graeme Williams and
Dr Sam Philip
15.15 / Coffee
15.45 / “Communication in a Digital Age” / Dr Alistair Emslie-Smith
16.45 / Prize Giving and Close of Meeting
Workshop Programme
"DIY Diabetes - a Practice Based Clinic"
Diabetes and Self-Care.
The Management of Chronic Renal Disease
SCI Clinical – What Use has This for me?
The Philosophy of Structured Education
Screening for Depression In Chronic Disease – use of HADs
“Meeting the Challenge of Adolescence”
“Grampian Course Managing the Change” (commencing insulin)
Oral Hypoglycaemic Agents
The Scottish Diabetes Research Network and Current Research Projects in the Diabetes Centre in Aberdeen
Management of the Severe Diabetic Foot – in particular links between primary and secondary care
Professional Diabetes Conference
Thainstone House Hotel
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Delegate Registration Form
Contact Telephone No:
Work Address:
E-mail Address:
I enclose a cheque for £20.00 payable to: Grampian Diabetes MCN / or (for employees of NHS Grampian, with appropriate consent and funding), please recharge the cost of this Conference to the following financial code ………………………….
A list of Workshops is enclosed. Please list 1st and 2nd preference for morning and afternoon Workshops, which will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Morning Workshop Choice 1:
Morning Workshop Choice 2:
Afternoon Workshop Choice 1:
Afternoon Workshop Choice 2: