TIME: 90 minutes
OBJECTIVE: To mature in our spiritual growth by developing (1) a knowledge of God’s will for us and (2) renewing our relationship with God.
1.0 How is God’s word alive
1.2 God’s word is up to date
1.3 God’s word is life giving
1.4 God’s word sustains lives
1.5 God’s word transforms lives
2.0 Why study the Bible
2.1 It is necessary for spiritual growth
2.2 As children of God we have the capacity to grow
2.3 Scripture can be both milk and meat
2.4 How do Christians grow
2.5 Growth is basic to usefulness
2.6 Bible study is necessary for victory over sin
2.7 Bible study is necessary for effective service
2.8 Bible study is necessary for teaching others
3.0 Using God’s Word
3.1 General Steps
3.2 Specific Steps
Spiritual Growth – A Journey To Christlikeness
Lesson 4 – God’s Word – Letters From Home
ATTENTION: / We’ve spent some time defining, some myths about spiritual growth, and some barriers to growing, and we’ve looked at a continuum for spiritual growth. Recall that this continuum illustrates the phases we go through as we grow spiritually. Now I want to explore how to overcome barriers.MOTIVATION: / It’s hard to imagine anything more important to our spiritual growth than knowing God’s word. Not just knowing about it, but actually knowing it.
There is no magic bullet to cause someone to feel compelled to study God’s word. It’s something we have to determine for ourselves.
· We know God wants us to.
· We know we should.
· We know the benefits
We know there is no other place that reveals to us completely God’s will for us as a body and as individuals.
Becoming knowledgeable of God’s word is critical keys to spiritual maturity in two ways.
1 – By understanding God’s will through His word we cannot help but mature.
2 – We will be able to overcome the barriers to our spiritual growth by applying what we learn from God’s word.
OVERVIEW: / Today I want to remind us of some specific points why we should study God’s word.
TRANSITION: / Let’s begin by reading two verses related to God’s word.
Hebrews 4:12 – “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (ESV)
1Peter 1:23 – “since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God;
1.0 How is God’s word alive?
1.1 God’s word is alive in itself.
1.1.1 It is perennially fresh.
1.1.2 Since God first gave us his written word scripture has been the moving force in giving man direction and bringing him back to a relationship with God.
1.2 God’s word is up to date.
1.2.1 Unlike our text books and other sources of knowledge, the Bible does not become obsolete.
1.2.2 It speaks to us today as perceptively and definitively as it did in the first century.
1.2.3 To those of us who are honest and sincere in seeking God’s will the Bible:
· Discerns hearts
· Judges our thoughts and intentions
· Reveals who we truly are.
1.3 God’s word is life giving
1.3.1 The ability to reproduce is one of the elements that define a living organism.
1.3.2 Human thoughts and words cannot impart spiritual life but the word of God can. (James 1:18)
1.3.3 The only way to become a child of God is to obey God’s living word. (1 Peter 1:23)
1.4 God’s word sustains lives
1.4.1 As spiritually reborn children we are nourished to maturity through God’s word.
1.4.2 The illustration of a child craving milk is a perfect example. (1 Peter 2:2)
1.4.3 It is readily apparent to us when we see someone that is physically starving -- They look emaciated and sickly.
1.4.4 The same is often true of someone starving for spiritual nourishment – Their lives are emaciated, their spirit is sick and withering.
1.4.5 Sometimes they fool themselves and others for a while with outward symbols of health and prosperity but what really counts; their soul, is withering and dying from malnourishment and dehydration.
1.4.6 John 6:35 - Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
1.4.7 But be cautious, we cannot remain on a milk diet and grow strong…we need solid food. (Heb 5:13-14)
1.5 God’s word transforms lives.
1.5.1 Ephesians 4:23 encouraged the Ephesians to be renewed in their attitude (some versions say spirit) of their minds.
1.5.2 Romans 12:2 says that the renewing of our minds transforms us.
1.5.3 Even as believers we need to continue this transformation.
1.5.4 We must continue to grow towards Christlikeness.
1.5.5 Many seek almost anything and anyone to gain spiritual maturity while they only need to turn to God’s word.
TRANSITION: So we understand and accept that God’s word is alive and active. Hopefully we begin to understand that it is important. Let’s look in detail now why it is important to study the Bible.
2.0 Why study the Bible.
2.1 It is necessary for spiritual growth
2.1.1 There are thousands of books published every year with new ones added all the time that address aspects of spiritual life and spiritual growth.
2.1.2 Yet even though these books are well intended and perhaps even correct in their spiritual application, they cannot replace the root text of scripture.
2.1.3 As children of God we have the capacity to grow. 1 Peter 2:2 – “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” Just as babes grow from taking in milk so does the young Christian grow from taking in God’s word. Jeremiah 15:16 – “Your words were found, and I ate them,and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart…” Paul understood the importance of feeding on the word of God in 1 Cor 3:1-2.
But I, brothers, could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ. I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready…”
2.1.4 Scripture can be both milk and meat. Paul’s reference to milk wasn’t saying some scripture is milk while others are meat. True, some passages are difficult to understand at times but whether it is meat or milk depends on one’s depth of study and receptiveness. Even a commonly known verse like John 3:16 can be both meat and milk. To one it is a basic principle leading to an awareness of God’s love for us. To another it’s a deeper understanding of how deep and wonderful that love is.
2.1.5 How do Christians grow? (Colossians 2:6-7)
“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” We grow by being build up and established in our faith. The more we understand God’s word the more established and built up we become.
2.1.6 Growth is basic to usefulness. Babies are wonderful to have around but not much use to help around the house. In fact, we know they cause much more clutter and mess and are very high maintenance. Unfortunately, young Christians can be high maintenance too. We certainly love them and want them as a part of us but we also want them to grow and become useful as God intends them to become. If we don’t grow we continue to be a drain on resources and other members of the family.
2.2 Bible study is necessary for victory over sin.
2.2.1 We will never overcome sin without God’s word. Ephesians 6 – Paul lists spiritual armor to protect us from sin. All the items listed are defensive in nature expect 1 – verse 17, the sword of the Spirit. The sword lets us fight off sin and go on the offensive against it.
2.2.2 The more we know and understand God’s word the more useful it is as a weapon. Any weapon is only useful as one is trained in its use. A highly sophisticated rifle is only a club if you don’t know how to use it. And you may know just enough o use it in limited situations if you don’t practice with it and maintain it.
2.3 Bible study is necessary for effective service.
2.3.1 The Bible gives us support and insight we need to handle difficult situations.
2.3.2 It teaches us how to do the Lord’s work.
2.3.3 It teaches us how to be good servants for the master by showing us His will.
2.4 Bible study is necessary for teaching others.
2.4.1 2 Timothy 2:2 – “and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” We can’t honestly and confidently pass on to others what we haven’t learned for ourselves.
NOTE: A point I learned in teaching is that if you want to determine if you understand a concept, try to teach it to someone.
2.4.2 It isn’t necessary for us to memorize scripture as much as it is important that we know how to find where things are. We also should be able to detect when something doesn’t sound right to us. I mentioned earlier, there are thousands of books written on spiritual topics, many within our own membership. Knowledge of God’s word helps us identify error in man’s writing so as to keep us in line with God’s word.
TRANSITION: OK…hopefully now you are convinced of the importance of God’s word and the necessity to learn and apply it. So how do we use God’s word?
3.0 Using God’s Word
3.1 General Steps
3.1.1 Believe God’s word. There is a lot of noise in our lives that competes for our allegiance. In the world all sorts of human created sources compete with God’s word for authority. The majority of the world, even those professing to be believers in God follows those pseudo truths. John 6:68 is a great statement, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
3.1.2 Study God’s word Simple knowledge, especially superficial knowledge, won’t cause us to grow beyond infancy. In fact, it can prove to be dangerous in that we reach complacency believing we know all we need to know. 2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” Some versions say, “study.” To be able to rightly divide or rightly handle the word of truth requires in-depth knowledge. Superficial knowledge does not adequately arm us to stand up to false and incorrect teaching—even from within our own membership.
3.1.3 Honor God’s word We cannot pay lip service to God’s word. In other words, we cannot say we love and honor God’s word and not spend time in it and apply it in our lives. Honoring God’s word means accepting it, believing it, and obeying it.
3.1.4 Obey God’s word Sometimes when we study God’s word it enlightens us to something we don’t want to believe. God’s commands are not optional. God’s word is not like a buffet where we can pick what we like and reject what we don’t like. Ultimately obedience is the only appropriate response to God’s word.
3.2 Specific Steps
NOTE: We should be actively involved in three categories of Bible study.
3.2.1 Directed study or deductive study. Examples are sermons or formal classes. It should bring about an understanding of scripture by applying it to everyday life.
3.2.2 Active learning or inductive learning This is individually based. Rather than relying on a speaker or book to direct the process, active learning puts emphasis on our willingness to study scripture on our own. There are three skills for effective active learning: (The A.C.T. of learning)
· Attend – looking at context. Taking a big picture view.
· Consider – This is looking for meaning in what you are studying. Is it a command? Is it a principle?
· Take action – This is simply applying what we’ve studied to our lives. The key to active learning is to not look for facts but to look for meaning and application.
3.2.3 Devotional learning This is a one-on-one fellowship with God through the reading of his word. Beyond simply reading it is a form of worship and prayer. First, set aside a reasonable amount of time and a quiet place. Have a plan of action such as a formal reading program. Don’t rely too much on outside sources. Devotional books and thoughts are not bad but they are not a substitute for God’s word. They help focus our thoughts or give us a starting point for direction. Once you’ve read the passage think about what it is saying. Pray about it. Perhaps God has revealed something to you that you find difficult to accept…pray for His strength to obey Him. Perhaps it is an answer to a problem you are facing…rejoice in the answer. Last but not least, put into practice what you’ve learned (A.C.Tive learning) Learning has not taken place if a change of behavior has not occurred.
SUMMARY: / As I said when I began this lesson, I don’t know of a magic bullet that would cause everyone to become Bible scholars.We each have to answer that for ourselves.
REMOTIVATION: / Yet one I know for certain, we cannot grow spiritually without knowledge of God’s word.
So if we are serious about growing we must become even more involved in Bible study at all levels.
CLOSURE: / I hope you will resolve to enhance your Bible knowledge. God’s word is a living word and we can continue to grow through it.