2nd Grade
Week 12 / Topic –How do Rocks
Pages – 72-73
Day 1 & 2 / Topic-Secret Life of Rocks
Pages -74 - 75
Day 3 & 4 / Topic-Cause /Effect
Pages – 76-77
Day 5
ELD Focus
Nouns and Articles / FUNCTIONS – Cause and Effect 6.27, 6.28 and 6.29-natural processes
Common singular and plural nouns and articles – the, a, an / Rocks can change in size and shape.
Water and wind can change rocks.
This is called weathering. / All rocks have a beginning..
Some rocks are made by heat. / Have students do closely watched experiments, taking rocks and small hammers and watching the rocks begin to crumble into smaller pieces and sand. Hint put the rock inside a sock before hitting it with
Common/plural nouns with articles – a, an, the
Collective nouns – team group
Special nouns – es endings – boxes, foxes / .Water can get into the cracks of a rock. The water freezes and the cracks get bigger. / Some rocks are made from animal skeletons.
Some rocks change from one rock to another. / a hammer.
Show videos/video clips of rocks and weathering.
Have buddy pairs or table groups work on the answers to page 76.
Specific articles – the best song ,an answer
Other nouns – some, a lot, a little
Possessive – ‘s
Collective nouns – flock, box of bunch of
Irregular plurals – teeth, mice, fish / Sometimes rocks slide down a hill.
Earthquakes can break rocks.
When Earth shakes, rocks rub against each other. / Granite is a very hard rock.
Granite is an igneous rock formed out of magma- a melted rock deep inside the Earth.
Early Advanced
Content area abstract nouns – democracy, freedom
Derivational EX – converse-conversation
Derivational verb to noun gerund – Walking is healthy
Figurative Language-
Such as metaphors –hot as the sun, runs like a cheetah / .Plants can also break rocks.
Plants can grow in soil inside the cracks of rocks.
Sometimes the roots are strong and the rocks break apart. / The magma cools down as it moves up. It becomes solid rock underneath the Earth’s surface.
As the Earth’s crust wears away, the granite shows through.
Then the longer the granite is above the ground the wind, ice and rain break it down to smaller pieces and sand.

Grammatical Form_Nouns & Articles Function ______