France’s school structure
· The French National Ministry controls the curriculum that is maintained throughout the country.
· France is made up of 28 administrative districts that follow the national curriculum.
· The Ministry tells the schools what material to teach, but each district makes up their own exams that test the material.
École Maternelle = ______
· This is NOT a requirement, but most children do attend.
· Ages ______
École Primaire = ______
· Students begin at age ______
· Similar to grades ______in the United States
Collège = ______
· Similar to grades ______in the United States
· Brevet des Collèges is the first required ______for French students. It is taken at the end of ______grade. Students must pass in order to go on to High School!
Lycée = ______
· Similar to grades ______in the United States
· Students must choose a major (a specific group of subjects) to follow throughout lycée. These are called “Baccalauréat” or ______for short.
Le Bac
· There are ______different types of Bac.
· Students must pass a Bac specific exam at the end of high school in order to receive a ______and to ______!
1. BAC – L = ______(Humanities)
· The main subjects studied are languages, literature, philosophy, and ______.
2. BAC – S = ______
· The main subjects studied are______, physical science, biology, and industrial technology.
3. BAC – ES = ______
· The main subjects studied are history, economics, ______, math, and language.
Les écoles secondaires
École / Classe / Âge / Equivalent AméricainLe collège / Sixième (6e)
Cinquième (5e)
Quatrième (4e)
Troisième (3e) / 11 – 12 years old
12 – 13 years old
13 – 14 years old
14 – 15 years old / 6th
Le lycée / Deuxième (2e or seconde)
Première (1e)
Terminale / 15 - 16 years old
16 - 17 years old
17 – 18 years old / 10th
v As you can see from the chart above, the French count backwards from 6th grade to 12th grade! They use the logic that they will have a certain amount of years left before they graduate.
v Grades kindergarten – 5th count up (the same as us!)
***For example, if you are in 7th grade in France, they say ______because you have ______more years before your graduation year (your senior year)!
School Subjects
(Les matières)
1. le français
2. l’anglais
3. l’espagnol
4. l’allemand
5. le latin
6. l’histoire
7. la géographie
8. les sciences économiques
9. l’éducation civique
10. la musique
11. le dessin
12. l’éducation physique
13. les maths
14. la biologie
15. la physique
16. la chimie
17. l’informatique
18. les sciences naturelles
19. la philosophie
20. la technologie
Les Objets de la Salle de Classe
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
C’est un/une ______.
1. la salle de classe / la classe
2. le bureau
3. le pupitre
4. la chaise
5. la porte
6. la fenêtre
7. le tableau (noir)
8. la craie
9. l’effaceur (m.)
10. le drapeau
11. l’horloge (f.)
12. la corbeille / la poubelle
13. l’affiche (f.)
14. la carte
15. le livre
16. le cahier
17. le papier / la feuille de papier
18. l’examen (m)
19. le stylo
20. le crayon
21. le taille-crayon
22. la gomme
23. le nom
24. les ciseaux
25. le sac à dos
26. l’ordinateur (m.)
27. le professeur
28. le/la prof
29. l’élève (m/f)
30. l’interro (f)
31. les devoirs
32. la règle
33. la calculatrice
34. la table 36. le mur
35. le feutre 37. la lumière
Les Articles Définis et Indéfinis
Les Articles:
¨ Nouns are preceded by articles which must agree in ______and ______with the nouns they introduce.
¨ Definite –
le – masc. sing.
the = la – fem. sing.
les – masc + fem. plural
l’ – before a vowel or silent “h”
¨ Indefinite –
a, an = un – masc. sing.
une – fem. sing.
some = des – masc. + fem. plural
¨ Although articles are often omitted in English, they must be used in French.
- J’aime les films de science-fiction.
- Les jeunes aiment la musique.
- J’ai des amis à Québec.
¨ After a negative verb (other than être), un, une & des change to de (d’).
- Philippe mange une pizza.
- Eric ne mange pas de pizza.
- Je n’ai pas d’amis à Paris.
Les Noms – Forming Plurals
¨ In French, all nouns have gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural).
¨ Most French nouns form their plural by adding ______to the singular form.
¨ Nouns ending in ______, ______, ______remain unchanged in the plural.
le mois = les mois
la voix = les voix
le nez = les nez
¨ Nouns ending in ______and ______, add _____ to form the plural.
le château = les châteaux
le jeu = les jeux
¨ Most nouns ending in ______change to ______in the plural. (You have to drop the “l” first!)
l’animal = les animaux
l’hôpital = les hôpitaux
La Possession avec “de”
¨ While English often indicates possession with______, French always uses ______/_____ (in front of a vowel)
¨ To express possession, use the construction:
¨ Les exemples:
- le crayon de Claire
- le pupitre de Guy
- C’est le livre d’Emilie.
- C’est la chaise de Mme Green.
- C’est le cahier de l’élève.
1. The teacher’s (f) pen. ______
2. Isabelle’s paper.______
3. Shaniqua’s backpack.______
4. This is Marvin’s computer.______