Associationfor Children’sMental Health
PositionTitle: PSP Assistant Coordinator
- 18years of age or older.
- A parent or primarycare-giverthat is raisingor has raised achild with emotional, behavioraland/ormentalhealthchallenges,intellectual/developmental disabilities.
- High school graduate or GED holder.
- MDHHS PSP certification (preferred) or be in the process of certification
- Strongcommunication, time management and organizational skills.
- Abilityto facilitategroupdialogandconversation.
- Possess basiccomputer knowledge.
- Experience in public speakingand/ortraining.
- Leadership/coachingskills
- Validdriver’s licenseand transportation.
Reportsto:PSP Statewide Coordinatorand/orExecutive Director
The Parent Support Partner Assistant Coordinatorsupports the Statewide Coordinatorbypreparingfor andconductingtrainings,providescoachingsupport,and helps coordinatetechnical assistance andprofessionaldevelopmentmeetings. Other duties include helpingwith evaluations forthe training, help inrefinements to trainings,technical assistance andcurriculum. This is a .5 FTE position.
- Co-facilitates 5 dayParent Support Partner trainings.
- Co-facilitates quarterlyProfessionalDevelopment/Technical Assistance meetings for allParentSupportPartners.
- Providetrainees feedback andguidance to PSPs duringtheirtrainingand certification experience.
- Meets with Statewide Coordinator regularlythrough conference callsandface to face meetings.
- Assists with quarterlyProfessionalDevelopment/Technical Assistance meetings, supervisorroundtable and new supervisor trainings,and communityorientation and outreachasneeded.
- Primarily responsible for coaching calls
- Develops training materials, handouts, power points, and flyers
- Assists with completionof evaluationformsassessingthe skills of Parent Support Partnertrainees
- Identifies exercises, trainingtechniques,and reviews curriculum,meets with training/coachingteam, and identifies examples to sharewith traineesrelevant to trainingtopics.
- Travels within Michigantoprovidetraining, supervision, outreachand orientation.
- Occasionaltravel /trainingoutsideof thestateofMichigan.
- Providein-service trainingto staffand/or agencyprofessionals as needed.
- Performs otherdutiesasassignedbyStatewide Coordinator orExecutiveDirector
- Works with Statewide Coordinator to develop supervisor/CMH manual
The ParentSupportPartner Assistant Coordinatorwill exhibitproficiency inthe following areas:
- Demonstrates abilityineffectivelyteaching/training/presentingmaterial toanaudience.
- Possesses technical skill in theareaof communitycollaborations.
- Has knowledge of the child servingsystems and howto access useful resources in thecommunity.
- Possesses competence in working as a team member within ACMH/MDHHS/othersystems.
- Demonstrates strongcommitment to the mission/valuesofACMH.
- Has strongwrittenandverbalcommunication skills.
- Can understand and teach toadultlearningstyles/principles.
- Possesses computeranddata processingskills.
- Demonstrates leadership skills
- Can support, build and work as a member of a team
- Complies with datacollectionandstorage procedures.
- Meets and understands HIPAA/confidentialityrequirements.
- Will meet reportgenerationand documentation requirements.
Resumes will beaccepted throughFebruary 23, 2018 and should be sent to:
Jane Shank
6017 W. St Joe Hwy Ste 200
Lansing, MI 48917