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Textbooks: Fundamentals of English Grammar, 4th ed, by Betty Azar

Intermediate Grammar Workbook, 8th ed, by Karen Stanley

Course Outline:

Week 1 - 2

Quick review of simple present, present progressive, simple past, and past progressive.

Chapter 1 - pages 3-6, 10, 17-23 / Chapter 2 - pages 26, 29-35, 42-50/

Rules Quiz over rules for present and past

Exercise Quiz based on textbook exercises in Chapters 1 & 2

Week 2 - 7

Chapter 3, Future, (pages 55-79) and related sections of the Grammar III workbook

This includes the use of be going to, will, present progressive and simple present to express future ideas.

Chapter 4, Perfect Tenses (pages 81-110) and the related section of the Grammar III workbook

This includes (along with other items): formation of present perfect, basic uses of present perfect versus other tenses, present perfect progressive, adverbs commonly used with the perfect tenses

RulesQuiz over rules present perfect

Exercise Quiz based on textbook exercises in Chapters 3 and 4

Formation of past perfect and past perfect progressive and their use compared to other tenses

TEST 1 - Covering Chapters 3 and 4 and workbook explanations & exercises on future, present perfect, past perfect & related tenses - of course, you still need to be able to use the information from Chapters 1 and 2 on this test, but the focus will be on the items studied in Chapters 3 and 4

Week 8 - 15

Chapter 10 (pages 258-270) and related sections of the Grammar III workbook

Formation of passive voice and practice changing active sentences to passive sentences

Rules Quiz over changing active voice to passive voice.

Transitive vs. intransitive verbs, use of the "by" phrase, practice exercises, passive with progressive forms, passive with modals

Chapter 12 (pages 321-339) and related sections of the Grammar III workbook

Formation of adjective clauses; Adjective clauses describing people; Adjective clauses describing things; Adjective clauses with singular & plural verbs & with prepositions; Adjective clauses with possessive

Chapter 14 (pages 370-379) and related sections of the Grammar III workbook

Formation of noun clauses ; Noun clauses beginning with a question word ; Noun clauses with IF or

WHETHER; Noun clauses with THAT

TEST 2 Covers Chapter 10 (pages 258-270), Chapter 12 (pages 321-339) & Chapter 14 (pages 370-379) & workbook

COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM: During Final Exam week, you will take a comprehensive final which includes different types of exercises like the ones you find in the different unit tests throughout the term


Tests40% (20% each)

Comprehensive Final Exam25%




Your attendance grade is based on the percentage of classes attended.