Grafton Primary School

Sex and Relationships Policy

Sex and Relationships Policy

October 2013

Date Written: October 2012

Date for review: October 2013


The Governing Body recognises that effective Sex and Relationship Education is essential to help and support children through their physical, emotional and moral development, and to enable them to make responsible and well-informed decisions about their lives.

Effective Sex and Relationship Educationwill enable children to understand relationships as well as human sexuality, helping to prepare them for the opportunities, experiences and responsibilities of adult life.

Aims and Objectives

Sex and Relationship Education is part of the school’s Personal, Social and Health Education programme.In the early years children will be taught the importance of relationships and respecting themselves and others, and helped to build confidence and self-esteem. Children will be taught about their own physical growth and change, extending the vocabulary of the human body. They will also explore the differences between male and female; understand that a baby develops in its mother’s womb and developing their understanding of life cycles.

All children, including those who develop earlier than the average, need to know about puberty before they experience the onset of physical changes. Teachers need to take account of pupil’s development differences.

In year six all pupils should be taught about the changes in the body related to puberty and when these are likely to happen. The anxieties that may be caused and how they can deal with these. How a baby is born and the issues concerned in bringing up a baby.

The Governing Body recognises the importance if consulting parents/guardians regarding Sex and Relationship Education and invites parents into the school to see the teaching materials before the lessons. This will enable them to more easily discuss any issues that the children may raise outside school.

The role of Parents/ Carers

The school is well aware that the primary role in children’s Sex Education lies with parents and carers. We wish to build a positive and supporting relationship with parents and children at pour school through mutual understanding, trust and co-operation. In promoting this objective we;

  • Inform parents/ carers about the school’s Sex and Relationship Education policy and practice.
  • Answer any questions that parents may have.
  • Take seriously any issue that parents/ carers raise with teachers or governors about this policy and the arrangements for Sex and Relationship Education in the school.
  • Encourage parents to be involved in reviewing the school policy and making modifications to it, as necessary.
  • Inform parents/ carers about the best practice known with regard to Sex and Relationship Education, so that the teaching in school supports the key messages that parents/ carers give to children at home.

The Governing Body notes the right of parents/guardians to withdraw pupils from those parts of Sex and Relationship Education not included in the National Curriculum. If a parent/ carer wishes to withdraw their child from any aspect of the Sex and Relationship Education that school provides, they must put it into writing explaining clearly which aspects of the programme they do not wish their child to participate in. The school always complies with the wishes of parents/ carers in this regard.


Chair of Governors
