Langside Primary School Parent Teacher Council

Minutes of Meeting

14 January 2009

In Attendance: Co Opted Members:

Kevin Kane (chair) Christine Wilson

Michael Cross Catrina Davis

Stephen Lamb Mary Smith

Debbie Jaffray

Jane Stephen(Minute: Lindsay Hall)

Alison Currie

Maryam Butt

Stephen Boyle

Diane Webster

Kevin opened meeting & welcomed the 2 new members, Debbie Jaffray & Michael Cross. He also introduced Lindsay Hall, the new clerk. The meeting wished to thank Carol Haining and pass on their gratitude in recognition of her contribution to the Aye Read initiative and her work as editor on the Langsider.

  1. Matters Arising:

Minute approved.

Enterprise/Aye Read Initiative

Following consultation with school and parents, the school librarian has ordered £5,000 worth of books. These will restock class fiction libraries.

It was re-confirmed that PTC will cover these costs and that they will be invoiced. The school wished to thank the PTC very much for this contribution.

Buy & Donate Update:

48 families have bought and donated 67 books. Thank you to Catrina Davis for doing the art work acknowledging the families who donated a book.

  1. Finance Update :

Diane reported that current PTC bank balance remained at £6, 100, with £5,000 committed to re-stocking the class fiction liabraries.

Christine provided meeting with update on financial restrictions placed on the school by the authority. At time of meeting, all expenditure has been frozen and all spending must be approved by the school business manager. Currently, only essential expenditure for core provision is being approved. As a result all staff development scheduled for January, February & March had been cancelled and there is no money for supply teachers to cover absence. Head teachers have been warned by the authority to expect cuts in next year’s budget.

Christine is in the process of checking out whether this also applies to ring fenced budgets. If so the school may loose money for after school clubs.

There followed a general discussion around the implications for resources. At present the school is allocated £11 per pupil p.a. for all resources and classroom materials. It emerged that there is shortage of art materials, ink for printers etc.

Stephen Boyle suggested that the PTC could donate money and as the current financial situation is not going to go away the PTC should consider how they increased their own fundraising.

Catrina reminded the meeting of previous discussions where it had been agreed that themed fundraising would be a good idea.

Agreed:After some discussion, the meeting agreed that when the school’s financial position is clearer, the PTC are of a mind to donate a substantial amount of their left over money towards buying materials and resources for the school. A figure of £500 was suggested. Christine was off view that when things become critical, the school will come to PTC. In the meantime she time she will be exploring other resource avenues and reassessing budgets.

In terms of immediate needs, the school is short of PVA glue, crayons, pastel crayons, glue sticks and printer cartridges. Following a suggestion by Stephen Lamb, it was agreed that this would be highlighted in the Langsider along with a line asking parents if they would like to donate any of these things.

  1. Events/Fundraising Group: (Langside Events Group)

Jane Stephen reported that there had been a good meeting before Christmas where 9 parents had attended. The meeting agreed to call themselves the Langside Events Group and that they would like to raise money for school trips. They had Bring a £1 for Burns Day planned and other ideas included an Easter Bonnet Competition, Summer Fayre (mid May) and a multi cultural event in October.

In light of earlier discussion regarding the financial situation it was queried whether there should be an earlier fundraising event. It was also suggested that parents’ night, where there is a captive audience, could be a source for fundraising. For example, a second-hand uniform stall. Also, the school’s current financial situation could be highlighted in the Langsider.

Christine pointed out that the children in the school really like trips and after school parties/discos. An after school disco where there is a charge could be a fundraising event in itself.

Agreed: The meeting agreed that at future parents’ nights, the PTC will have an information desk to promote itself amongst the parent body. Also, the idea of a fundraising disco will be discussed at the next meeting of the Langside Events Group.

  1. Communication Group

Due to other commitments Carol Haining has resigned as editor of the Langsider. Alison Currie is now the new editor. The PTC expressed its best wishes to carol and thanked her for all her work on the PTC. The next Langsider issue is due to go home with the children on the 19th January. This issue will include a piece about the school’s financial situation and requests for donations of felt pens, crayons etc, an update on coming events, date of next PTC meeting and a piece about children’s health and the issue of children going out of school for lunch.

  1. Children’s Charter

Update from Christine. Glasgow City Council (GCC) has formulated and launched its Children’s Charter. All pupils will be given a copy of the Charter and these will be supported by leaflets and posters. Langside Primary will launch the Charter in week beginning 19th January. It will be a theme in PSDE over the next few weeks. Staff members have been asked to support children to make links between the Charter and the existing school values. The children will also be taught a song!

  1. Consultation on Fulltime Start for P1 Children.

Christine advised that GCC has consulted on opinions as to when fulltime education for Primary One children should start. At present, fulltime education starts after the September weekend. Parents registering their children to start school in August 2009 are being asked whether this should remain the case or whether fulltime education should start from day one of formal education.

It was agreed that the PTC should have a position on this and after discussion around the table the balance of opinion was that the current situation should prevail.

However, concern was expressed about the consultation paper produced by GCC.

Agreed: The Meeting agreed that Kevin Kane will write up a response, including the concerns about the consultation process and email it to PTC members for comment.

  1. Future PTC Meetings:

The meeting agreed dates of PTC meetings for the remainder of the school year. These are as follows:

  • Wednesday 25 February 2009 @ 7.00pm
  • Wednesday 1st April 2009 @ 7.00pm
  • Wednesday 13 May 2009 @ 7.00pm
  • Wednesday 17 June 2009 @ 7.00pm
  1. Any Other Business:

On 12th May 2009 the school is hosting a meeting for new parents with children starting school in August. It was agreed that the PTC should have a presence at this.

Kevin noted his wish to meet with the Pupil Council

The school website is very out of date. This is partly due to staffing issues which are hoped to be resolved at the end of January 2009.

Stephen L suggested that old Langside pupils get a copy of the Langsider. This is with a view to creating a Friends of Langside and a possible source of fundraising and income generation. To be discussed at next meeting.

Date of Next Meeting: 25th February 2009 @ 7pm.