(only CS seniors may vote)

VOTER (your) name and PERM (for verification): ______

VOTE either by emailing by May 8 OR fill this ballot out NOW.

Graduating Seniors in Computer Science (non-exhaustive, based on most CURRENT list of those declared through GOLD)


Aleksandr / Arkhipov
Breen / Baker
Ryan / Bane
Gregory / Banks
Derik / Barseghian
Michael / Benny
Justin / Bolter
Robert / Bosch
Eric / Brooks
Keith / Burke
Christopher / Chan
Michael / Chen
Daniel / Chesher
Ian / Chua
Christopher / Cornell
Sam / Crigman
Alon / Dakik
Morgan / Derodeff
Wayne / Dilly
Hiyasmin / Dimaranan
Viktoria / Felmetsger
Jessica / Gale
Golnaz / Golshan
Michael / Grainger
Gleb / Gudkov
Michael / Guerrero
Jeffrey / Hagen
Ross / Hale
Kyaw-soe / Han
Walter / Hecht
/ Amanda / Helman
Jonathan / Hester
Brian / Hibler
Giang / Hoang
Jacqueline / Hu
Beau-kyle / Huang
Adam / Huda
Bryan / Jacobson
Lauren / Jaques
Kyle / Kakligian
Can / Katircioglu
Robert / Kerlan III
Chang / Kim
Michael / Kim
George / Kubinyi
Robert / Kuchinski
David / Kwon
Nick / Lane-Smith
Michelle / Larson
John / Lechleiter
Jong / Lee
Alon / Levi
Erik / Logan
Justin / Mathena
Hossein / Mirnateghi
Brian / Nehring
Vincent / Ohm
Robert / Oster
Glenn / Powell
Jeffrey / Pruett
/ Jason / Purdy
Jordan / Ramrus
Alexander / Rehman
Caleb / Richardson
Brandon / Salzberg
Marissa / Sanecki
Andrew / Schramm
Dustin / Seberger
Aleksandr / Shnayder
Phillip / Sinats
Harsh / Singh
Jesse / Smith
Matthew / Sun
Ricky / Taing
Ben / Tan
Alexander / Touma
Victor / Wang
Michael / Weber
Catherine / Wilson
Leo / Wong
Ricky / Wong
Ssu-Hsien / Wu
Jennifer / Yu
Wai-man / Yung
Laili / Zandieh
Olivia / Zhao
Zhimin "Jeremy" / Zhou

OTHER SENIOR(s) not mentioned:

Outstanding Faculty (CIRCLE your selection)

Divyakant Agrawal / John Gilbert / Linda Petzold / Giovanni Vigna
Kevin Almeroth / Teofilo Gonzalez / Tim Sherwood / Yuan-Fang Wang
Elizabeth Belding-Royer / Tobias Hollerer / Ambuj Singh / Richard Wolski
Tevfik Bultan / Oscar Ibarra / Terence Smith / Tao Yang
Peter Cappello / Richard Kemmerer / Jianwen Su / Fred Carlin
Omer Egecioglu / Alan Konheim / Subhash Suri / Mike Costanzo
Amr El Abaddi / Chandra Krintz / Matthew Turk / Eliot Jacobson

Outstanding TA(CIRCLE your selection)

(List of TAs who taught this year)

Ahmed Metwally / Chris Coakley / Jian Han / Selim Gurun
Allan Knight / Chris Shiflet / Khaled Adel Harras / Shashidar Mysore
Alphan Altinok / Christopher Coakley / Lihua Lin / Stefan Karpinski
Amit Jardosh / Dan Han / Lin Tan / Stephen Diverdi
Ankur Jain / Fred Tu / Long Jiao / Tao Cheng
Arash Nikkar / Gabriela Cretu / Nagender Bandi / Ted Huffmire
Arsany Sawires / Graham Hughes / Navneet Panda / Vineet Thanedar
Arun Qamra / Haiying Guan / Nisheeth Shrivastava / Wei Niu
Ashwin Murthy / Hangjin Zhang / Ping Wu / Wilson Chen
Aysu Betin / Huahai He / Priya Nagpurkar / Xiaojie Xu
Bin Lin / Hui Dai / Qingqing Yuan / Zhongnan Shen
Cagdas E. Gerede / Hussam Mousa / Rahul Nirmal
Caijie Zhang / Ingrid Skei / Raju Rangaswami
Chao-I Chen / Jason Wither / Sara Woodworth

OTHER TA(s) not mentioned:

If you have trouble deciding:


  1. Student: Vote for outstanding student based on their academic ability, their involvement in school activities, and their attitude
  2. Professor: Vote on the overall teaching ability, clarity of presentation, fairness, availability, and involvement in student activities
  3. TA: teaching approach, clarity, attitude, fairness