Lêer verw/Navrae/Enquiries:
File ref:15/3/4-15/Farm_708Mr HL Olivier
16 September 2016
Cloof Wine Estate (Pty) Ltd.
P O Box 269
Your application received on 12 August 2016, regarding the subject refers.
By virtue of the authority that is delegated to the Director: Development Services in terms of the decision of Council No. 7.25 dated 13 May 2015 as determined in Section 69(1) of the Swartland Municipal Land Use Planning By-Law (PG 7420 of 3 July 2015), the application for the temporary departure on Farm Hillside West no. 708, Division Malmesbury is hereby in terms of Section 60 of the By-Law approved, subject to the following conditions:
- Town Planning and Building Control
(a) To present the entertainment activity Rocking the Daisies Music Festival;
(b) The entertainment activity (Rocking the Daisies Music Festival) include camping, selling of refreshments and memorabilia, ablusion facilities and parking;
(c) This departure is only valid from 18 September 2016 to 14 October 2016 in order to give sufficient time for setting up, hosting the festival (4 days from 6 October 2016 to 9 October 2016) and breaking down and clearing the site 10 October 2016 to 14 October 2016);
(d) All structures to be used for the festival must be erected by a professional person to avoid any injuries that may occur during the festival and setting up/breaking down of the tents;
(e) No activities during the festival may result in any contamination of ground or surface water;
(f) Measurements be in place to prevent pollution of the ground by oil leaks of motor vehicles;
- Protection Services
(a) All relevant sections and regulations of the “Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act”, (Act 2 of 2010) as well as the Health and Safety Act (SANS code 10366) must be adhered to. Proof of this must be made available if required;
(b) A full and final copy of the safety and emergency plan be submitted to this municipality for our records;
(c) A certificate of compliance in terms of electrical and structures / stages be signed off by an engineer registered in terms of the relevant legislation;
(d) Each food stall must be in possession of a certificate of acceptability;
- Water
(a) No municipal drinking water can be supplied to the proposed entertainment activity;
(b) Water to be used for domestic purposes must be clean water that complies with the requirements of SANS 241. “Clean water” is defined as clean and clear water that is free of any Escherichia coli organisms per 100 milliliters and free from any particles in concentrations that could be harmful to human health;
(c) The owner of Farm 708, Malmesbury be responsible to provide clean water to the festival and Swartland Municipality or the Department of Water Affairs accept no responsibility regarding the quality and quantity of the water that is used during the festival;
- Sewerage
(a) No municipal sewer services can be provided to the proposed festival;
(b) Sufficient ablution facilities be provided by the owner/event co-ordinator for the festival;
(c) Any sewerage be removed from the farm by a contractor and be disposed of in an acceptable manner;
- Refuse Removal
(a) A written application for the use of the Highlands dumpsite be submitted to Swartland Municipality. Payments to be made by means of coupons;
- Eskom
(a) No tents or structures may be erected within 9m of Eskom overhead power lines;
(b) The organizers inform visitors about the danger of overhead power lines on the property;
- Department of Agriculture
(a) The proposed event must be managed in such a way that it does not impact on the farming and agri-tourism activities of the surrounding farming units (eg. noise pollution, dust generation, product security);
(b) The proposed infrastructure (ablution, tents and stage) must be placed outside the intensive agricultural areas, as stated;
(c) The proposed infrastructure must be placed outside the ecological corridors and the listed activities in terms of the National Environmental Management Act No. 107 of 1998 must be noted;
(d) Although October is not regarded as a winter month, high intensity downpours may still occur. Increased volumes of stormwater runoff can be expected as the roofed areas will prevent water infiltration and stormwater will accumulate in open areas and roads. The proposed site unfortunately slopes away from the water-course and on to agricultural land. The natural slope is however favourable, less than 3%. The event must not contribute to soil erosion. It is therefore advised that stormwater is not accumulated but rather be dispersed evenly as far as possible;
(e) No contamination of surface and ground water occur as a result of the proposed event. Solid waste and sewerage must be removed from the site and disposed in a responsible manner;
- Department of Transport and Public Works
(a) You are entitled in terms of section 4.10.29 of the SADC-RTSM to erect a maximum of six TGF 17 signs to direct motorists to the event. Should you wish to make use of these signs, it may be placed at the following locations:
- Minor Road 5348/Main Road 224 intersection;
- Main Road 215/main Road 224 intersection;
- On Main Road 224 in Malmesbury. However, should you wish to place it within the municipal boundaries of Swartland Municipality, the approval of the Swartland Municipality will be required.
(b) The signs may not exceed more than two days prior to the event and shall be removed not later than two days after the event;
(c) The uppercase letter size used on the signs may not exceed 105mm;
(d) The signs shall have a black semi-matt background with yellow semi-mat symbols and border;
(e) The signs may not be erected closer than 2m to the shoulder of the road concerned;
(f) The design of the sign must be in accordance with the SADC-RTSM;
- Department of Water Affairs
(a) The ablution facilities be set up at least 100m away from any water resource, which include dams and rivers;
(b) Schedule 1(1)(e) of the Act on Permissible use of Water allows a person, subject to this act to use the water or water surface of a water resource to which that person has lawful access to for recreation;
(c) An entitlement under Schedule 1 of this said Act does not override any other law, ordinance, by-law or regulation, and is subject to any limitation or prohibition there under.
(d) The Department of Water Affairs is not liable for any damages/injuries or death caused by an engagement/activity with respect to this water use.
Yours faithfully
via Department Development Services
Copy :Director : Civil Engineering Services
Director : Protection Services
Office of the Station Commissioner, SAPS, Darling, 7345
Reasons for approval
- There are no physical restrictions on the property that will have a negative impact on the proposed application.
- The application is temporary and therefore it will not have a negative impact on the character of the surrounding area.
- The proposed music festival is accessible from a public road.
- Services will be provided for onsite by the organizers.
- The Rocking the Daisies Music festival has become an annual event that attracts thousands of people to the Swartland area promoting tourism as well as local economic development in the area.