Revised September 2016


Appropriate terminal degree as defined by the academic unit.

This requirement is satisfied by signature of the department chair and dean on the submission document.

Faculty member must meet two of the three categories below:

B1. Evidence of scholarly performance involving discipline related inquiry and/or

creative activity.

This requirement is satisfied by earning a total of 6 points over a five-year period (each item in Category A = 3 points; and each item in Category B = 1 point).

(3 points each) / CATEGORY B
(1 point each)
Books/Monographs / Non-refereed journal articles
Refereed journal articles / Conference proceedings
Juried sound/video recording / Commissioned reports
Published musical score / Presentations at professional meetings (paper, poster, roundtable)
Juried art exhibition / Book review
Juried musical performances/productions / Non-juried creative performance
Juried theatrical performances/productions / Published instructional software
External grant submitted or awarded*
Chapters in books
Other: see below / Other: See Below

For activities which do not appear in Category A or B, and for which the submitting faculty member desires consideration as evidence of scholarship, the submitting faculty member must (1) indicate the category in which the faculty member wishes the activity to be considered, (2) describe the activity in detail, and (3) provide justification for the appropriateness of the activity as a scholarly activity in general and specifically for the category chosen. (Evidence may consist of items such as letters from peers, evidence of national or regional awards for the activity, etc.) Note: It is the duty of the submitting faculty member to determine the appropriate category prior to submission to the Graduate Council; the Graduate Council will only consider the activity for the category submitted.

* A single external grant submitted and/or awarded can only count 3 points total

(not 3 points for submission and 3 points for award)

B2. Evidence of involvement in professional organizations.

This requirement is satisfied by demonstrated involvement in two activities over the five year time period.

Involvement in professional organizations means active engagement with professional organizations at state, regional, national, or international levels. It goes beyond paid membership. Examples include but are not limited to serving as a session organizer or discussant at a meeting, being an officer or committee member, editing or refereeing in an organizational journal, or serving as a judge at a performance or exhibit. Items that might be included in Category B2 of scholarship are not eligible. This is not an all-inclusive list.

B3. Evidence of engagement in graduate education.

This requirement is satisfied by fulfilling any of three of the following (Your three choices may be all in one area or may come from a combination of 2 or 3 areas.)

A.  Teaching a 5000 level course

B.  Teaching a 6000 level course

C.  Teaching a 7000 level course

D.  Teaching a 8000 level course

E.  Teaching a 4000 level course with at least one graduate student enrolled

F.  Serving as a chair or committee member of a thesis, dissertation, or research paper

Graduate level teaching from other institutions may be considered in determining if these criteria are met.

Application Timeline

Faculty may apply for graduate status at any time as that they believe they meet the criteria. The Graduate Council does not meet regularly during the summer semester, therefor full graduate faculty status applications submitted during the summer semester will be delayed. Associate faculty status applications are reviewed year round.

Note: The graduate faculty status document was initially approved in April 2002.