Graduate Council Minutes – 9-16-2015
Attending: C. DeFilippo, H. Flores, S. Hansen , J. Hornak, D. Jacobs, C. Licata, S. Ludi, J. Mukhopadhyay, J. Perkins, S. Rommel, M. Schweppe, T. Trabold, L. Underhill, J. Venkataraman
The Council agreed to send a letter to Don thanking him for his years of service to the Council.
Topic: Conflict resolution for graduate students document – Carol and Hector
- Chris reported that there was push back from the proposal and they reached out to others
- -students want guidelines when they have trouble with advisors
- Jayanti – asked for a copy of the revisions
- Hector – will share with the grad student advisory committee
Topic: Chris – hours of work vs. credit hours
- we can use the middle states document
- it is on the web site under “course development:
- what is the best way to have it reviewed by program chairs and committees?
- Linda – College Curriculum Committee (CCC) should be following the rules
- Should have online learning guidelines
- Chris - guidelines have hrs/reading, etc.
- Chris - approval – min work/cr (can go above)
- Jim – CCC should look at this during evaluation of proposals
- Carol – substance?
- Jim – can’t scrutinize
- Linda – in Dubai, have to submit more documentation – outside eyes have to understand
- Chris – key players – faculty – how do they plan to follow the guidelines?
- Department CC should assign contact hours relative to credit hours – in line with their knowledge
- Marla – should pay attention to upper limits as well, for courses that require too much work
- Sean – people read at different rates
- Carol – how do you document the amount of work?
- Marla – 2 to 3 hours of work per credit for undergrads, and 3-4 hours of work for grad students
- Hector – “How do you measure the value of college?” – gate keeper – dissemination
- Chris – undergrad coordinators, too
- Deans and department chairs have these guidelines
- They should be send to all faculty
- Sean – decentralized, chairs share with faculty
- Chris – reference on course proposal form
- Sean – are all form uniform across the campus? Yes
- Chris – the form is being refined now so it is easy to add this info
- Simple guidelines followed by details
- Linda – should the form be the same for undergrads and grads?
- Chris – yes
Joe – next week we continue discussion of the strategic plan and in two weeks we will have a program proposal, previously we focused on the 30% question and we need to look at the rest
Hector – for the grad retreat he wants to use the SOAR approach
Sean suggested some additional ideas for the retreat and will email info