Document Title: Minutes of the 11thIEEE DySPAN-SCMeeting in August 2014 in Piscataway, NJ.

Document Date: August 29, 2014

Document No: DCN sc-14-0032-00-MINS

Author’s Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Hiroshi Harada / NICT /

Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE DySPAN-SC and its Working Groups. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.

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Minutes of The IEEE DySPAN Standards Committee Meeting

Piscataway, NJ,Aug.25 — 28, 2014

Name / Affiliation / Email
Chair / Hiroshi Harada / NICT /
Treasurer / Oliver Holland / Kings College London /

Meeting participants: See Appendix A

Monday, Aug. 25th, 2014

Item 1: Opening business

Chair of the DySPAN-SC (Hiroshi Harada) called the meetingto order at 15:20 local time. The Chair thanked Matthew Sherman and CEA-LETI for hosting the DySPAN-SC meeting and 1900.X WG meetings.

The Chair made a brief introduction about the meeting. Then, the Chair made call for Potentially EssentialPatents and indicated patent related links for further information.

Attendance of the participants was taken (See Appendix A). 9 participants attended the meeting, 7 have voting rights.The quorum to start the meetinghas been established.

Motion #1:Approve the agenda of the 10th general meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SCas shown in the document DCN sc-14-0024-01-MTNG.

Moved by Matthew Sherman.

Seconded by Stanislav Filin.

Discussion: None.

Voting result: No: 0; Abstain: 0.Motion passed by unanimous consent.

The Chair informed that the minutes of the previous meeting are available in the mentor.

Motion #2:Approve the minutes of the 10th general meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC(DCN sc-14-0016-00-MINS),Grenoble, France in April 2014.

Moved by Bernd Bochow.

Seconded by Matthew Sherman.

Discussion on the motion: None.

Voting result: No: 0; Abstain: 0.Motion passed by unanimous consent.

Item 2: Reports of officers

2.1Report from DySPAN-SC Chair

  • The Chair reported about the following items. The details are in the slides from number 16 to number 24 of the document sc-14-0024-01-MTNG.

Current structure of the IEEE DySPAN-SC.

Standards published by the WGs of DySPAN-SC.

On-going projects of DySPAN-SC.

The meetings in 2014 and the host of those meetings. The Chair stated that theDySPAN-SC leadership would like to express their special thanks to CEA-LETI and BAE systems for hosting the DySPAN-SC meetings in 2014.

2.2Current officers, membership, and standard development tools of the DySPAN-SC

  • The Chair reported about current officers, membership and tools for the standards development. The details are in the slides from number 27 to number 31 of the document sc-14-0024-01-MTNG.

2.3 Treasurer’s report

The Treasurer reported about financial status of the DySPAN-SC. The details are in document sc-14-0021-00-MTNG.

The Treasurer emphasized that WGs and meeting hosts should coordinate with the Treasurer before holding meetings—Treasurer/leadership have no issue with losses for a good cause, but they should be planned.

Item 3: Progress reports of WGs

3.1Status report of 1900.1 WG

  • The 1900.1 WG Chair (Oliver Holland) presented the status of 1900.1 WG activities.

3.2Status report of 1900.5 WG

  • The 1900.5 WG Chair (Matthew Sherman) presented the status of 1900.5 WG activities.

3.3Status report of 1900.6 WG

  • The 1900.6 WG Acting Chair (Oliver Holland) presented the status of 1900.6 WG activities.

3.4Status report of 1900.7 WG

  • The 1900.7 WG Chair (Stanislav Filin) presented the status of the 1900.7 WG activities.

Motion #2:to modify the gotowebinar license to a standard GoToMeeting License and renew for one year as well as acquire a 3rd GoToMeeting License?

Moved by: Matthew Sherman

Seconded by: Oliver Holland

Discussion: None

Result: Passed with unanimous consent

Item 4: Administrative items

4.1Policies and procedures (P&P)

  • The Chair informed about the status of DySPAN-SC draft P&P

IEEE DySPAN-SC is using the IEEE COM/SDB P&P until a new IEEE DySPAN-SC P&P is approved by COM/SDB


Draft P&Ps of DySPAN-SC is available on the mentor.

Second revised P&P was prepared. sc-13-0031-03 is the P&P.

Readiness review for the P&P was done by IEEE Dyspan-SC voting members and approved on Jul. 29.

The final approved Dyspan-SC P&P has submitted to Audcom.

The chairman has got the following e-mail from IEEE-SA on Aug.8.

The recently submitted DySPAN-SC Policies and Procedures have satisfied all AudCom comments. Thank you for all your efforts!

Audcom meeting was held on 21 Aug. The Leadership is waiting for the final result.

Item 5: Meeting planning

The meeting plans for 2014 were introduced.

The meeting was recessed at 17:00 local time.

Thursday, August28th, 2014 15:00


Oliver Holland (Kings Collage London, Acting Chair)

Matthew Sherman (BAE systems, Acting Secretary)

Stanislav Filin (NICT)

Bernd Bochow (Self)

Dominique Noguet (CEA-LETI)

Vinh Dien Hoang(NICT)

No Quorum

Item 6: Wrap-up reports

6.1 Wrap-up report of 1900.1 WG

6.2 Status report of 1900.5 WG

6.3 Status report of 1900.6 WG

6.4 Status report of1900.7 WG

Decided to review available material and defer any decisions to electronic means...

Reviewed report from 1900.1 sc-14-0025-00-MTNG

Reviewed report from 1900.6 sc-14-0026-00-MTNG

Reviewed report from 1900.5 5-14-0081-00

Reviewed report from 1900.7 7-14-0024-00

Item 8: AoB

Send excel spreadsheet with sponsor requirements to Reinhard & Tony.

The meeting was adjourned.

Appendix A

List of Participants

Last name / First name / Employer / Affiliation / Opening session / Closing session
1 / Filin / Stanislav / NICT / NICT / X / X
2 / Harada / Hiroshi / Kyoto University/NICT / NICT / X
3 / Holland / Oliver / King’s College London / King’s College London / X / X
5 / Noguet / Dominique / CEA-LETI / CEA-LETI / X / X
6 / Swain / Darcy / MITRE / US DoD / X
7 / Hoang / Vinh Dien / NICT Singapore / NICT / X / X
8 / Sherman / Matthew / BAE Systems / BAE Systems / X / X
9 / Bochow / Bernd / FOKUS / Self/IEEE member / X / X
10 / Rennier / Tony / DMI Inc. / US DoD / x