Grading Rubric for CP803 Assignment 2 – Case Consultation Paper
Please note: overall points awarded are based on the assessment of the Section Instructor. Passing papers are expected to address all points of the assignment. Full point papers are expected to demonstrate excellence in thought, analysis and writing.
Criteria Levels of Achievement
/ High / Moderate / Not sufficientBrief Description of Client and Presenting Concerns / Succinct description of client, setting, presenting concern and clinicians concern on presentation / Description provides some information about client and concerns but not all / Description does not provide information requested in assignment
Brief Social and Family History/Trauma Framework / Information for the assessment is covered in a comprehensive but succinct way; information flows in a way that presents a “picture” of the client, his/her strengths and challenges; limitations of information are mentioned; information attributed to appropriate sources; assessment language is descriptive rather than interpretive; Rationale for trauma framework is presented / Some information is presented but some sections are not addressed or acknowledged; some sections of the assessment may not flow logically or may be disjointed; assessment language may be more interpretive than descriptive; rationale for trauma framework addressed but not clearly established / Many sections of the assessment are not covered or addressed; information is disjointed or conflicting; many assumptions about client are made with little information to back up; language is interpretive or judgmental rather than descriptive; rationale for trauma framework not addressed
Trauma adaptations / Trauma adaptions are clearly and succinctly presented about range of factors that have contributed to or influenced the client’s current situation. Themes and threads are identified and synthesized. Foundational knowledge of trauma framework is demonstrated and clear linkages are made between clinical presentation and trauma etiology. / Trauma adaptation may be presented but arenot comprehensive or accurately reflective of the client’s situation. Formulation may be a summary of information rather than a synthesis of information. Themes are identified but not synthesized. Knowledge of trauma framework is tentative and linkages between trauma and clinical presentation are tentatively established / Trauma adaptations are not presented. Information about client repeated in summary form. Themes not identified. Knowledge of trauma framework is not established.
Treatment approach / Appropriate questions regarding effective intervention is developed. Knowledge of phase oriented treatment is demonstrated and applied to client’s clinical presentation and presenting concerns. / Appropriate question about effective intervention not well formulated. Knowledge of phase oriented treatment is tentative and application to client is not demonstrated / No approach to treatment identified, poor knowledge of phase oriented treatment.
Treatment relationship; vicarious trauma / Clinical relationship has been clearly discussed, including barriers, culture and impact on clinician. Demonstrates linkages to impact of trauma on relational capacities; challenges of establishing clinical relationship in trauma framework; applies vicarious trauma framework to specific clinical relationship / Clinical relationship addressed but missing some information on barriers, culture and impact on clinician. Makes tentative linkages to trauma framework. Tentatively address vicarious trauma concerns / Does not adequately address clinical relationship, missing information on barriers, culture. Does not utilized vicarious trauma frameworks to raised concerns about impact on clinician
Consultation Questions / Formulates clear questions for consultation based on practice, challenges or concerns. / Questions formulated are general and not based on addressing practice challenges or are unclear in their formulation. / Does not include questions for consultation.
Writing Skills
Professional Style / Paper written with attention to use of professional, not “jargon” language, topic headings, protection of confidentiality; colloquial or conversational language not used / Paper either too informal or filled with too much jargon, abbreviations not clear to reader, confidentiality not completely protected / Paper very informal, no protection of confidentiality, many abbreviations and jargon
Clarity / Writer’s meaning is easily understood; language is descriptive with appropriate detail; language is accurate for meaning intended / Writer’s meaningis somewhat clear, but open to interpretation; some words/phrases lack detail or used inaccurately / Meaning very difficult to discern; confusing language used throughout
Organization / Sections of the paper are clearly identified with topic headings and follow in logical order; content under each topic is appropriate for that topic; information does not appear in more than one section / Some effort made to organize content in logical order and in appropriate sections; some repetition of content; some content not in most relevant section / Content does not follow any logical order and is hard for reader to follow; topic headings not present or do not reflect content included under that heading; much repetition of information
Grammar, spelling, punctuation / No or few errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation / Some errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation but not to the extent of interfering with ease of reading or understanding meaning of writer / Errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation are so numerous that paper is difficult to read or understand
APA format and reference page (if used, not required) / APA format used consistently in in-text citations and in reference page / Some errors in in-text citation and reference page / APA format not used at all