To: The Faculty
From: Karen Walton
Re:Faculty Handbook Revision
Date: February 8, 2012
There is an error in section 4.1.1 of the Faculty Handbook, namely the phrase “a clinical nursing rank (which is ineligible for tenure)” should be deleted as indicated below.
4.1 Types of Contracts
Full-time faculty at DeSales University may be employed underfour types of contracts:
a. Probationary Contract
b. Tenure Contract
c. Extended Contract
d. Renewable Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Contract
4.1.1 Probationary Contracts
A faculty member may be employed by DeSales University for at most seven consecutive years on a probationary contract. In the sixth year, the faculty member must apply for a Tenure Contract, an Extended Contract, a Renewable Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Contract,a clinical nursing rank (which is ineligible for tenure) or must resign from the faculty of the University, effective the end of the seventh year of employment. Probationary appointments may be for one year, or for other stated periods, subject to renewal. In the event of a decision not to renewhis/her appointment, the faculty member should be informed of the decision in writing, and, if the faculty member so requests, should be advised of the reasons which contributed to that decision in an interview with the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. Often these reasons will flow primarily from the University's responsibility to provide for ongoing program flexibility and improvement through judicious appointment of faculty and may not in themselves be prejudicial to the faculty member's professional competence. He/she should also have an opportunity to seek relief through the Faculty Review Committee.
Clinical nursing ranks are, in fact, ranks. They are not contracts. The introduction of the clinical nursing ranks was not intended to be an alternative or option when applying for a particular type of contract, such as a Tenure Contract, Extended Contract, or a Renewable Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Contract.
Dr. Margaret Slusser, Chair of the Nursing Department, Dr. Carol Mest, Director of the MSN Program, Dr. Rodger Berg, Head of the Division of Heathcare and Natural Sciences, and Rank and Tenure Committee agree that the phrase “a clinical nursing rank (which is ineligible for tenure)” is incorrect and should be deleted from section 4.1.1 of the Faculty Handbook.
The Faculty Handbook is being revised as of today, February 8, 2012. By means of this memo, the Rank and Tenure Committee is informing the faculty of the revision of section 4.1.1 of theFaculty Handbook.