ELA Common Core Extension-1st Grade

Unit 2

Sharing Time

Writing Focus: Narratives (Anchor 4)

Week 7

Lesson: 6 – Jack and the Wolf/The Three Little Pigs Essential Question: What lessons can you learn from story characters?
Writing Standards:
W 1.3 - Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details, regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.
Writing/Research Activities to Supplement:
Day 1: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Complete lesson on T22 about complete sentences.
·  In Journals have students choose their favorite pet and have them describe it.
Writing Block
·  Introduce a personal narrative by sharing My Trip to Mexico (Word Document), and going through student expectations (see pg. 77 in The Common Core Writing Book). Identify how the writer used description in the sample.
Day 2: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Complete mini-lesson on T42 about complete sentences
·  Have students exchange journals with a partner and draw a picture of their partner’s animals using the written description they wrote from yesterday. Explain why it is important to completely describe an object and what happens when we leave part of the description out.
Writing Block
·  Demonstrate using pg. 78 in the Common Core Writing Book to plan out your personal narrative based on an event.
Day 3: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Use T52 in HM to teach children the difference in complete and incomplete sentences.
·  In Journals have children write and draw about their favorite character from a fable or fairy tale.
Writing Block
·  Explain to the children what a topic sentence is and why it is important. Reference My Trip to Mexico, to show how the author used a topic sentence.
·  Take completed Event Map (from yesterday) and have students try and write a topic sentence to go along with the map.
·  Then as a group talk about and write a topic sentence to use tomorrow during demonstration.
Day 4: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Teacher will do mini lesson on pg. T62 – Words that Name People and Animals.
·  In Journals have children tell about the plot (story) that their character from yesterday came from. Remind them to write complete sentences and encourage them to try and write at least 3 sentences.
Writing Block
·  Use the Event Map and the Topic Sentence that were previously generated and demonstrate how to write a paragraph about the event.
·  Remind students to use capital letters, punctuation and finger spacing throughout their writing. Also, remind them that a paragraph begins with indentation.
Day 5: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Complete lesson on T68-69 on Complete Sentences.
·  In Journals have children write about a lesson they learned from a fable or fairy tale.
Writing Block
·  Give children an opportunity to write about an event. Remind them that this week they have watched and helped as we generated a personal narrative together. Now it’s their turn!
·  Give them a blank Event and Reaction Map (pg. 78 – the Common Core Writing Book) and have them fill in the map using their own life event.
·  Pull children who may be having trouble, or who you have noticed are having trouble with the planning. Allow them to work at a table with you for more guidance.

Week 8

Lesson 7: How Animals Communicate/Insect Messages Essential Question: How do animals communicate?
Writing Standards:
W 1.3 - Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details, regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.
Writing/Research Activities to Supplement
Day 1: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Teacher will complete mini-lesson on T116 about subject and verbs.
·  In Journals have students write about their weekend. Use an orange crayon to circle the subject of the sentences written and a purple crayon to circle the verbs in the sentences written.
Writing Block:
·  Give the children back their Event Map and have them write their paragraph.
·  Remind them to use their Editor’s Checklist to assess their work.
NOTE: Assess the student’s writing to address need.
Day 2: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Use T136 and Projectable 7.4 to define and identify the subject of a sentence.
·  In Journals write about the new information you learned after hearing Prairie Dogs (Read Aloud from Monday). Have students identify the subject of their sentences using an orange crayon.
Writing Block:
·  Select a group or two of students to work with by identifying common needs. This will be your conferencing time and the needs will vary. For specific instruction see pgs. 88 – 100 (Mini Lessons). The goal of this time is to address specific concerns based on student performance on Event Writing done on Monday.
**NOTE: If there is a skill that the whole group needs work on, then you may instruct whole group at this time.
·  Have other students practice by writing a paragraph using 5 of the Words to Know. They may self-check using Editor’s Checklist and then switch papers and check neighbors.
Day 3: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Teacher will model identifying the action verb and predicate using T146 and Projectable 7.8 in HM.
·  In Journals recall your favorite animal from How Animals Communicate and tell how it communicates. Have them underline the predicate with a brown crayon.
Writing Block:
·  Select a group or two of students to work with by identifying common needs. This will be your conferencing time and the needs will vary. For specific instruction see pgs. 88 – 100 (Mini Lessons). The goal of this time is to address specific concerns based on student performance on Event Writing done on Monday.
**NOTE: If there is a skill that the whole group needs work on, then you may instruct whole group at this time.
·  The other students will look back at paragraph using Words to Know (from yesterday), and they will read it aloud to a partner. The partners will discuss if it makes sense. If not students will revise work.
Day 4: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Teacher will teach about nouns for places and things on T156.
·  In Journals have children free write a paragraph about any topic. Then have them identify the subject using orange and the verb using purple. Remind them that proper nouns should be capitalized.
Writing Block:
·  Select a group or two of students to work with by identifying common needs. This will be your conferencing time and the needs will vary. For specific instruction see pgs. 88 – 100 (Mini Lessons). The goal of this time is to address specific concerns based on student performance on Event Writing done on Monday.
**NOTE: If there is a skill that the whole group needs work on, then you may instruct whole group at this time.
·  Have other students reread Insect Messages again. Then have them answer the following questions in paragraph form using information from the text they have just read.
Why do insects send messages? How do they send the messages to each other?
·  Remind them that we want to answer the questions completely and we also want to make sure that we put the answer in our own words. (Remind them that is what we do when we answer TRC questions too.)
·  If they are having trouble doing this activity alone, allow them to work in pairs.
Day 5: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Teacher will complete mini lesson on page T162.
·  In Journals have the children write about their favorite activity this week. Remind them to use complete sentences and the Editor’s Checklist.
Writing Block:
·  After meeting with all the children at least once in small groups (Tues – Thur), give the children their papers back and ask them to look at their work making sure that they have revised using the editor’s checklist and have fixed all of the issues that you talked about in small groups.
·  Bring out the Checklist of Expectations (Pg. 77 in the Common Core Writing Book) and the original piece that you modeled from last week. Model assessing yourself based on the checklist and write one goal to work on next at the bottom of your paper.
·  Have the children self-assess their own work like you modeled and write one goal for themselves at the bottom of their papers for their next writing.
·  Remind them that they are not finished with narratives; however we are checking our progress. You will observe and monitor to help anyone who is having trouble with the self-assessment.
***Keep this paper***

Week 9

Lesson: 8 – A Musical Day/Drums Essential Question: Why is the order of story events important?
Writing Standards:
W 1.3 - Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details, regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.
Writing/Research Activities to Supplement:
Day 1: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Introduce statements using the lesson on T210.
·  In Journals have students write about an instrument that they or someone they know can play. You may need to talk about different types of instruments before they write.
Writing Block
·  Introduce realistic fiction by sharing One Sunny Day (Word Document), and going through student expectations (see pg. 77 in The Common Core Writing Book). Identify how the writer used description in the sample and how this is a make believe story that could possibly happen, but did not. Explain that when an author makes up a story that could have actually happened then it is called Realistic Fiction.
Day 2: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Teach lesson on T230 and use Projectable 8.4 to continue exploring statements.
·  In Journals have the children write about what they learned from the read aloud on Monday. Remind them it was The Neighbors – a story about Li and Chen.
Writing Block
·  Demonstrate using pg. 79 in the Common Core Writing Book to plan out your realistic fiction. This is another good opportunity to talk about how to pick a topic that is not too broad.
Day 3: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Teach Grammar lesson on T240 using Projectable 8.8. This lesson continues teaching children how to write correct statements.
·  In Journals have children describe how listening to music makes them feel. You may play some music in the background to get their minds thinking.
Writing Block
·  Review the importance of a topic sentence. Reference One Sunny Day, to show how the author used a topic sentence.
·  Take completed Narrative Map (from yesterday) and have students try and write a topic sentence to go along with the map.
·  Then as a group talk about and write a topic sentence to use tomorrow during demonstration.
Day 4: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Teacher will do mini lesson on pg. T250 reviewing action verbs.
·  In Journals have students write about someone who taught them how to do something.
Writing Block
·  Use the Narrative Map and the Topic Sentence that were previously generated and demonstrate how to write a paragraph about the event.
·  Remind students to use capital letters, punctuation and finger spacing throughout their writing. Also, remind them that a paragraph begins with indentation.
Day 5: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Complete lesson on T256-257 on Writing Statements
·  Have students free write a paragraph about the topic of their choice or the teachers choice using skills learned this week.
Writing Block
·  Give children an opportunity to plan their writing. Remind them that this week they have watched and helped as we generated a piece of realistic fiction together. Now it’s their turn!
·  Give them a blank Narrative Map (pg. 79 – the Common Core Writing Book) and have them fill in the map using their own life event.
·  Pull children who may be having trouble, or who you have noticed are having trouble with the planning. Allow them to work at a table with you for more guidance.

Week 10

Lesson 9: Dr. Seuss/Two Poems from Dr. Suess Essential Question: How do words and pictures help tell a story?
Writing Standards:
W 1.3 - Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details, regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.
Writing/Research Activities to Supplement
Day 1: Daily Grammar and Writing Journal Topic:
·  Teacher will complete mini-lesson on T304 about singular and plural nouns.
·  In Journals have students write about their weekend. Have them to proof read their writing using the Editor’s Checklist and if time permits have them switch with a partner and have the partner proofread their paper also.
Writing Block:
·  Give the children back their Narrative Map and have them write their paragraph.
·  Remind them to use their Editor’s Checklist to assess their work.