Elmira District Secondary School –Interdisciplinary Studies 2014-2015
Leadership – IDC30X/IDC40X
Semester: 2 / Block: B / Room: 110Teacher: Mrs. Austin / Contact Information:
519-669-5414 ext.111 / Course/Teacher Website:
Ministry Document: /
Big Ideas
This course will help students develop the skills and knowledge of different subjects and disciplines to solve problems, make decisions, create personal meaning, and present findings beyond the scope of a single subject or discipline. Leadership students are given the opportunity to work on school projects, to give student perspective on important issues, and to plan events that help build and maintain school spirit and Lancer pride.
Essential Learnings
Students in IDC3OX/40X will:
Combine the skills and knowledge of different subjects and disciplines to solve problems, make decisions, create personal meaning and present findings.
Through inquiry and research, become aware of a variety of resources and viewpoints on leadership issues.
Examine their own learning styles, relate their inquiries and research to real-life situations, and investigate leadership opportunities in new disciplines.
Develop and reflect upon personal leadership skills, organization and communication skills in order to become positive role models, motivators and peers.
Course Units
Unit 1: Leadership
Unit 2:Team and Climate Building
Unit 3:Organization
Unit 4:Communication
Unit 5:Facilitation/Teaching
Assessment Breakdown
Term Work(event planning, reflections, class assignments, group work, icebreaker, leader presentation, movie review) / 70% / Create Your Own Leadership Event / 10% /
Summative Reflection Assignment / 10%
Event Evaluations / 10%
Classroom Expectations
1. Be Present. Due to the interactive and participatory nature of this course, you are strongly encouraged to participate fully in every class. If you are absent, you are responsible for catching up on missed notes or handouts and to see what occurred in the planning of events.
2. Be Punctual. Being late hinders your ability to learn effectively and disrupts the learning of others. If you are late, you must take responsibility for the work you have missed.
3. Be Ready to Learn. Bring all of the following required materials to class every day: binder, paper, pen, pencil.
4. Be Productive. This means:
Be positive and open-minded. This course will challenge you, putting you in situations that may initially be outside your comfort zone. Come to class with a positive attitude and remember... GO BIG!!!
Stay in class. To maximize student learning, students will not be permitted (unless in emergency or for health reasons) to leave the room during a lesson to go to the washroom, get a drink of water, etc.
Use class time to your advantage. Participate fully in all activities, complete all in-class work.
Respect the learning environment. If you wish to listen to music when completing independent work, you must first ask for permission – if granted please use headphones and keep the volume at a reasonable level.
Minimize distractions. Please do not bring cell phones to class; if you do bring a cell phone to class it is to be OFF. This means that students cannot use them as calculators, telephones, cameras, game consoles or for any other purpose during class time unless permission is granted by the classroom teacher.
5. Seek Extra Help. If you are struggling with any concept or requirement of this course, ask for help.
6. Assessments. You will have many opportunities to receive feedback on your learning in the form of progress checks, quizzes, assignments and projects. These assessment items will not factor into your overall mark in the course. However, you are strongly encouraged to submit all items for assessment in order to learn from the feedback provided, and to prepare more thoroughly for evaluations (assignments, projects, presentations, etc.).
7. Summative Assignments. These are major evaluation items that must be submitted on the assigned due date. A completion contract will be implemented if you do not respect due dates.
Learning Skills Chart
Learning skills will be assessed using the following checklist.
The student:
Fulfils responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment.
Completes and submits class work, homework, and assignments according to agreed-upon timelines.
Takes responsibility for and managing own behaviour.
The student:
Devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks.
Establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals.
Identifies, gathers, evaluates, and uses information, technology and resources to complete tasks.
Independent Work
The student:
Independently monitors, assesses, and revises plans to complete tasks and meet goals.
Uses class time appropriately to complete tasks
Follows instructions with minimal supervision.
The student:
Accepts various roles such as motivating and encouraging others to participate and taking on an equitable share of the work.
Responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and traditions of others.
Builds healthy peer to peer relationships in person and through personal and media-assisted interactions.
Works with others to resolve conflicts and build consensus to achieve group goals.
Shares information, resources, and expertise and promotes critical thinking to solve problems and make decisions.
The student:
Looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities for learning.
Demonstrates the capacity for innovation and a willingness to take risks.
Demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning.
Approaches new tasks with a positive attitude.
Recognizes and advocates appropriately for the rights of self and others to seek assistance when needed and utilizing appropriate supports.
The student:
Sets own individual goals and monitoring progress towards achieving them.
Seeks clarification orassistance when needed.
Assesses or reflects critically on own strengths, needs and interests.
Identifies learning opportunities, choices and strategies to meet personal needs and achieve goals.
Perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges.
In accordance with the WRDSB guidelines outlined in the Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting Handbook, the following policies are in effect for each subject at EDSS:
Late and Missing Assignments: It is important for students to develop good personal management skills (such as time management and planning). These skills will be reflected in the learning skills area of the report card. All of the above listed skills in the Essential Learning Goals checklist must be demonstrated in order to earn this credit.
Attendance: Attendance in classes is an important part of learning, and absences should be avoided. When a student is absent, a parent/guardian must call the school’s attendance line on the date of absence, or provide a note explaining the absence for the student to submit the following day. Students are responsible for what they missed during their absence.
Cheating and Plagiarism: It is important for students to do their own best work. Most assignments for this class are done within the classroom, observed by the teacher, and this helps to minimize the chances of cheating and plagiarism. In the event that cheating or plagiarism occurs, the following consequences may be implemented, in consultation with administration, depending on the situation:
- The student may be required to redo all or part of the assignment or assessment.
- The student may be required to complete an alternate assignment or assessment.
- The student’s work may be treated as a missed assignment.
There may also be other consequences that are determined to be appropriate (e.g. detention, suspension, etc.) as per the school’s progressive discipline process. Parents/guardians will be informed about the infraction and the consequences.
Please refer to your student handbook for more details on these policies and other academic procedures.
Please sign below indicating you have read and understand the requirements for successful completion of this course.
Student / Parent/GuardianDate / Date
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