Text Book

  • Across the Centuries

Course Instructor & Contact Information

“Al Salaamu Alaykum” – I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself to you. My name is Mr. Tom and I am from Canada. I hold a degree in Education and have an MBA as well. This will be my third year teaching in Kuwait, at A’Takamul International School. Since being in Kuwait I have been blessed with many wonderful friends and experiences. In my twelve-year career, as an educator, I have specialized in teaching Primary, Elementary, Middle School and High School students across all curriculum areas. This year I have the pleasure of teaching your child Grade 8 Social Studies.

Kind Regards,

Mr. Tom; Email:; Mobile: 6615.2292


In the Grade 8 course, students will learn about the geography and history of empires as agents of conquest. Students will also explore themes related to historical sources, geography and art history with greater depth. Thematically, the focus is on the expansion of medieval empires such as Islamic Spain and the European Crusading empires. Contact between civilizations will also be analyzed throughout the course that ends with the study of the Inca, Aztec, and the Spanish in South America. Students will also begin to use geographic tools of research with greater confidence in order to better understand humanity’s relationship with the natural environment.

Social Studies Department Policies -- Grading/Assessments/Testing

The school year is divided into two semesters and each semester is further divided into two quarters. Outlined below is how grades will be earned / calculated this year.

Quarter Grade

  • Tests (given at the end of units / chapters)35%
  • Quizzes (covering the lesson or a topic) 20%
  • Homework / Classwork combined 10%
  • Project35%

Semester Grade

  • 1st Quarter40%
  • 2nd Quarter40%
  • Semester Exam 20%

Course (Year) Grade

  • 1st Semester50%
  • 2nd Semester50%


  • Each Quarter will have a minimum of:
  • Two quizzes;
  • Two test; and,
  • Four class work/homework assignments
  • Each Semester will have:
  • Thematic project; and,
  • Semester Exam

Academic Goals

  • Main Idea & Supporting Information Identification
  • Introductory Referencing – MLA Format

Late Assignments

  • All assigned work must be turned in on their due dates. Failure to do so will result in a zero.
  • If absent, your assigned work must be accompanied by a note from your doctor or parent detailing the reason for your absence and it will only be accepted the next day you return to school.

Quiz & Test Makeup

  • In the event that you are absent from school on a scheduled quiz or test date, you must provide a note from your doctor or parent detailing the reason for your absence.

Materials Required

  1. Textbooks:
  2. To See A World – World Cultures and Geography
  3. Social Studies Book 4 – Kuwait and the Islamic World
  4. I would strongly suggest that you photocopy each Quarter’s readings for class and leave your textbook at home.
  5. 2-Ring Binder & A4 Paper
  6. Agenda – must have for every class
  7. Pocket-size dictionary
  8. 1 Box of Kleenex/Tissues

Student Responsibilities

  • It is a student’s responsibility to arrive in class fully prepared.
  • Notebooksmust be maintained in a neat and ordered manner.
  • Students are to maintain their textbooks in a responsible manner. No writing is to be done in the textbooks. If textbooks are vandalized and are found to be unsuitable for re-use, the student responsible will be required to replace the textbook.
  • All work that is set in class must be completed. At times this may require students to finish incomplete tasks at home.
  • Students are encouraged to ask for help and explanations during class, as well as outside class. Questions can relate to class work and / or homework.
  • All assessment due dates should be written into your Agenda.
  • The Agenda is an important tool to allow parents and teachers to communicate. All parents can write a note in their child’s Agenda for the teacher, if you have any concerns or need any information. It is the students’ responsibility to bring their parent’s notes to the teacher’s attention. Parents must also check and sign their child’s Agenda daily. This ensures any message concerning their child’s behavior or progress is communicated promptly.

Class Attendance

  • Being late or absent from class will effect your final grade.

Classroom Rules

  • I have extremely high expectations for myself professionally and I feel that it is very important that all of my students expect only the best from themselves as well.
  • The following are this year’s daily classroom rules and expectations:
  • Always be prepared for class (learning supplies) and on time.
  • Be respectful of yourself, your peers, our guests, and myself.
  • Be an active listener, participant, and independent learner.

Textbook Readings

Quarter 1–Introduction to Geography & The Mediterranean World

  1. Unit 1: Looking At The World
  2. Chapter 1 -- Exploring Culture
  3. Lesson 1: A World of People – pgs. 4-9
  4. Lesson 2: What Shapes & Changes Culture – pgs. 12-17
  5. Evaluating Information – pgs. 18-19
  6. Chapter 2 – Exploring Geography
  7. Lesson 2: Interaction – pgs.32-35
  8. Making Decisions – pgs. 36-37
  9. Lesson 3: Movement – pgs. 38-41
  10. Unit 7: The Mediterranean and Southwest Asia
  11. Chapter 7 -- The Mediterranean World
  12. Lesson 1: Ancient Greece – pgs. 154-161
  13. Lesson 2: Ancient Rome – pgs. 168-173

Quarter 2–The Arabian Peninsula and Iran

  1. Unit 7: The Mediterranean and Southwest Asia (Con’t)
  2. Chapter 8–The Arabian Peninsula
  3. Lesson 1: Islam Develops – pgs. 184-188
  4. Lesson 2: The Spread of Islam – pgs. 189-192
  5. Lesson 3: Saudi Arabia Today – pgs. 193-198
  6. Chapter 9 – Iran
  7. Lesson 1: Iran’s Land & Traditions – pgs.204-207
  8. Lesson 2: Iran’s Proud Legacy – pgs. 208-212
  9. The Ministry Kuwait – Kuwait & the Islamic World
  10. Chapter 1: The Islamic World – pgs. 9-25
  11. Chapter 2: The Emergence of Islam – pgs. 27-42
  12. Chapter 3: The Growth of Islam – pgs. 43-63

Quarter 3 -- African Civilizations

  1. Unit 4: Africa
  2. Chapter 10 -- Egypt
  3. Lesson 1: Rulers from the North – pgs. 228-231
  4. Lesson 2: Islamic Egypt – pgs. 232-237
  5. Lesson 3: A Trip Down the Nile – pgs. 239-243
  6. Chapter 11 – Mali
  7. Lesson 1: From Empire to Colony – pgs.248-254
  8. Lesson 2: Mali and Its People – pgs. 255-258
  9. The Ministry of Kuwait – Kuwait & the Islamic World
  10. Chapter 3: The Growth of Islam – pgs. 66-72

Quarter 4 – Modern Empires

  1. Unit 6: Europe
  2. Chapter 19–The Rise of Spain, Great Britain, & Russia
  3. Lesson 1: Spain: The First Modern Empire – pgs. 438-443
  4. Lesson 2: Great Britain’s Sea Empire – pgs. 444-450
  5. The Ministry of Kuwait – Kuwait & the Islamic World
  6. Chapter 3: Growth of Islam – pgs. 63-66
  7. Chapter 4: The Influence of Islam…Modern World – pgs. 73-89
  8. Chapter 5:Relations Between Kuwait…World – pgs. 91-112

**Additional readingsmay be assigned in class throughout the school year.**

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