Grade 8 Poetry Portfolio

Part A)Your final project for poetry will be 5 original poems based on figurative techniquesfrom the notes that we took in class (minimum 5 techniques), as well as a paragraph analysis for each of the 5 poems (5-8 sentences each) on why each figurative techniquesare effective in your poems to create tone, mood, feeling, theme, message, purpose, etc.

  • Alliteration
  • Repetition
  • Rhyme
  • Personification
  • Metaphor
  • Assonance/Consonance
  • Imagery
  • Symbol
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Simile
  • Oxymoron
  • Hyperbole
  • Haiku
  • Limerick
  • Free Verse

**Each poem must include a visual with it to enhance the meaning and theme.

Rubric for 5 poems:

Rubric for found poetry: 5= completely 4= mostly 3= sometimes 2= rarely 1= commencing

Identify how words can imitate sounds and create special effects, experiment with repetition, rhyme and rhythm to create effects in own oral, print and other media texts /5

Identify creative uses of language and visuals in popular culture, such as commercials, rock videos and magazines; explain how imagery and figurative language, such as hyperbole, create tone and mood /5

Experiment with several ways to focus a topic, and select a form appropriate to audience and purpose /5

Experiment with figurative language, voice, sentence patterns, camera angle and music to create an impression or mood /5

Use words and phrases to modify, clarify and enhance ideas and descriptions in own writing /5

Part B) Found poetry: is a type of poetry created by taking words, phrases, and sometimes whole passages from other sources and reframing them as poetry (a literary equivalent of a collage) by making changes in spacing and lines, or by adding or deleting text, thus imparting new meaning.

Found Poem Marking Rubric Name:


The poem is effectively written around a central mood/tone/theme found in the prose/3

The poem has an original title that incorporates the central mood and theme of the poem using words derived from the prose. /3



The poem is displayed with a central visual theme that is directly related to the found poem./3

The creator has chosen to use colour and/or black & white to effectively communicate the mood of the poem /2

The photo(s) or visual element in the collage are neatly displayed and show evidence of specific choice that contributes to the central theme of the poem. /3

The poem is visually appealing on the page/2

The creator reads his/her poem clearly with an effective use of tone to create the mood of the poem /4

The creator clearly explains his/her visual choices to the audience to demonstrate how the tone/mood of the poem has been visually created. /4


Found Poetry Planning Page- Hand in!

Name: ______

My central theme is______

My mood is ______

My tone (attitude) is ______

My colour choice will be ______because ______

My visual will be ______because ______