Grade 8 Health and Physical Education

SwansonMiddle School

Instructors: To be Determined

Welcome to the best health and physical education program in ArlingtonCounty! We want you to have a great year learning more than you ever have in health and experiencing new or higher skill level activities in physical education. We hope you will be challenged in your thinking as you learn to apply short and long term goals to your personal life, family life, and your community. We encourage you to become motivated by your activities in order to prepare you for the physical, social, and emotional nuances of life.

The primary objectives of the physical education component of Grade 8 Health and P.E. is to encourage and develop physical, emotional, and social skills necessary for the participation in sports and life-long activities.

Teaching units will include:

Throwing & Catching SkillsField HockeyFootballSoccer

Frisbee ActivitiesDanceBasketballGolf

Aerobic ActivitiesVolleyballBadmintonLacrosse

Kickball ActivitiesJump Rope SkillsSoftball

Conditioning SkillsSOLs: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, & 8.6,


Students are required to dress for physical activity. A Swanson P.E. uniform is strongly suggested and students may not wear the clothes they wore to school for physical education class. Appropriate, functional athletic shoes are also required.


Classwork—The students will be graded on warm-up activities and working toward improving on physical fitness test scores. The sport class work grade is based on objective and subjective evaluation of skill during activities and the student’s effort. The students will also be able todemonstrate responsible actions that lead to personal and group success in physical activity settings. These actions include practicing safety, understanding and accepting different characteristics in others, adherence to rules and procedures, etiquette, cooperation, ethical actions, and positive social interaction. Students will participate cooperatively with others and understand reasons for rules and procedures.

The primary objective of the 8th Grade Health curriculum is to develop the capacity to acquire, interpret, and apply health concepts which will reflect the individuals’ understanding the relationship between personal behavior and personal health. Through the acquisition of health education experiences, students will understand their personal responsibility in leading effective, happy, healthy lives.

Topics of Study:SOLs

1st Qtr. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

  • Short & long term effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs 8.1 c
  • Marketing $ advertising techniques used to entice consumers8.4 a,b
  • Refusal skills to employ to say “No” to drugs and alcohol8.2 b
  • Tips to quit smoking or using drugs or alcohol8.1 b,e
  • Support in the community to assist with addictions8.2 b


  • Various forms of drugs and alcohol & their effects8.1 f
  • Healthy alternatives to drugs & alcohol use8.2 c
  • Diseases related to alcohol, tobacco, and drug use8.1 a

2nd Qtr. Social, Emotional, Mental Health

  • Various definitions associated with mental health issues8.1 c,d,e,f
  • Positive and negative methods to handle stress8.1 f, 8.2 c
  • Common mental/emotional problems, symptoms, and treatment8.1 e, 8.2 c
  • Warning signs of suicide and how to seek help8.1 d, 8.2 d
  • Community resources that offer support for mental/emotional help8.2 c
  • Coping with loss and the process of grief8.2 b
  • Concepts to make positive choices for a healthy emotional balance8.2 b,c, 8.3 a,b

3rd Qtr. Family Life Education

  • Etiology, symptoms, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections 8.1 a,b,e,h
  • Reproductive anatomy identification and functions8.2 c
  • Refusal skills to say “No” to sexual activity8.2 b,c
  • Physical and emotional changes in pubescent teens8.2 c, 8.3 b
  • Changing role of the family and its members teen to adult period8.2 c

4th Qtr. Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases

  • Pathogens and the diseases they produce8.1 a
  • Differences between communicable/non-communicable diseases8.1 h
  • Personal health choices in relation to disease acquisition/risk8.1 b
  • Body’s defense against disease8.1 a
  • Common diseases, their symptoms, causes, and prevention8.1 a,b,f
  • Positive health habits to reduce risk and health hazards8.2 c,d
  • Research a non-communicable and present findings to class8.1 a,b, 8.4 a


Students will need either a health notebook or a health section in their binders, paper, and writing implements.

Grading/Evaluation: 33% of the overall H/PE grade is from grades derived in health.

Quizzesabout 15%

Testsabout 35%

Classworkabout 10%

Projects/Homeworkabout 40%

APS grading policy (refer to page ___ of the Student/Parent Handbook)

Letter Grade / Percentages / Quality Points / AP & IB Quality Points
A / 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 / 4.0 / 5.0
B+ / 87, 88, 89 / 3.5 / 4.5
B / 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 / 3.0 / 4.0
C+ / 77, 78, 79 / 2.5 / 3.5
C / 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 / 2.0 / 3.0
D+ / 67, 68, 69 / 1.5 / 2.5
D / 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 / 1.0 / 2.0
E / 0 – 59 / 0.0 / 0.0