Grade 8 Expressions & Equations Review


Lucygraphed asystemof linearequations.

What isthesolutiontothesystemofequations?

A (-4, 2) B (-1,3) C (0,2) D (2,4)


What isthesolution totheequation below?

2(x – 3) = 2x + 5

A 2¾ B - 2¾ C Thereis nosolution D Thereareinfinitely manysolutions.


Simplify: 48


A 4-32 B 4-2 C 44 D 412


Kyeth sorted allthe soilinasample into 10batches. Each batch had amass of

3.94x10-8gram. What was the total mass ofthe original soilsample?

A 3.94x108 B 3.94x10-7 C 3.94x10-9 D 3.9410-18


What isthe solution to the equation below?

¾ (4x – 8) = 12

A 2 B 2¾ C 6 D 6⅔


The estimatedareas oftwo lakes inacampground are 5x105 squareyardsand

6x106squareyards.Howdoesthe areaofthe larger lakecomparetotheareaofthe smallerlake?

A Itis1.2timesgreater. BItis1.5timesgreater.

C Itis8timesgreater. D Itis12timesgreater.

7. (8EE6)

What istheequation ofthe lineshownonthe grid below?

A y=2x+3 B y=2x-3 C y=3x+2 D y=3x-2

8. (8EE4)

At agiventime, Saturn was 9.1x108 milesfrom the SunandEarthwas9.3x107miles from the Sun.Bywhatdistanceisoneplanet closertothe Sunthan theother planet?

A 2x 101 B 2x1015 C 8.17x107 D 8.17x108

9. (8EE1)

Whichexpressionis notequivalent to 63


A 1 B 6-3 C 1 D 1

62 216 63

10. (8EE3)

Alabhastwobacteriacultures.CultureAcontains 8x104 bacteria, andculture B contains

4x106 bacteria. Howdothetwo culturescompare insize?

A Culture A contains twice as many bacteria as culture B

B CultureAcontains ½asmanybacteriaasculture B.

C CultureAcontains asmanybacteriaasculture B.

D CultureAcontains asmanybacteriaasculture B.

11. (8EE4)

Evaluate (2.4 x 104)(4.5 x 103)

A 1.08 x 107 B 1.08 x 108 C 1.08 x 1012 D 1.08 x 1013

12 (8EE3)

Amicronisapproximately 4x10-5 inch.Thediameterofthe circularholemadebya pininasheetofpaperis2,000 microns.Whichamount isclosesttothe diameter ofthe circularhole?

A 2X10-2inch B 8x10-2 inch C 2x10-3inch D 8x 10-3inch

13. (8EE8b)

What isthesolution tothesystemofequations below?

3x + 4y = -2

2x – 4y = -8

A x = 2, y = 2 B x = 6, y = -2 C x = 4, y = 4 D x = -2, y = 1

14. (8EE5)

Theequation y=12xgivesPhilip'searningsindollars y,forworking xhours.The table below showsFiona'searningsatherjob.

How much more does Fiona earn per hour than Philip?

A $2 B $6 C $14 D $30


Whichequation representsthe lineshownon the coordinate grid below?

A y = x - 2 B y = x + 5 C y = -x - 2 D y = -x + 5


KyleandMartinjogged atconstantspeeds.

  • Theequation y =7xrepresentsthedistanceinmiles,y, Kylejogged over xhours.
  • Thegraph belowdisplaystherelationshipbetween thedistanceandthe number ofhoursMartin jogged.

Whichstatement istrue?

A Kyleisjogging 1mileperhourfasterthan Martin.

B Martin isjogging 1 mileperhourfasterthan Kyle.

C Kyleisjogging 7milesperhourfasterthan Martin.

D Martin isjogging 7milesperhourfasterthan Kyle.

17. (8EE8c)

Linelcontainspoints (-2, -4) and (4, 2). Linekcontains points (-1, 6) and (4, -4)

Whichstatement describestheintersectionoftheselines?

A Theyintersectonthex-axis. B Theyintersectonthey-axis.

C Theyareparallel anddonot intersect. D Theyarethesamelineandintersectateverypoint

18. (8EE7b)

What isthesolution totheequation below?

3(2x -4) + 2(x + 7) = 6

A x = ⅜ B x = ½ C x = D x =

19. (8EE7b)

Solvethe equationbelowfor d.

0.2(d – 6) = 0.3d + 5 – 3 + 0.1d

Showyour work.

Answerd= ______

20. (8EE5)

Aliciawantstobuya6-month gymmembership andiscomparing pricesfrom two different gyms.Goose'sGymcharges$40permonthplusaone-time$80sign-upfee; whereasSilver's Gymcharges$50permonth andnoother fees.Whichofthegyms offersabetter dealtoAliciafor a6-month membership andbyhow much?


Answer ______

21. (8EE8b)

Solvegraphicallythesystemoflinear equations below.

y=-2x +3

y = 2x-1

Graphtheequations onthe coordinate grid.

What isthe solution tothe systemof linear equations?

Answer ______

22. (8EE7a)

IfGeraldweretographthe equations + = 2and + = 4 onthesame coordinate plane,howmanysolutionstothesystemofequationsshouldheexpect?



IfGeraldweretographtheequations 3x+2y=12and + = 2 onthesame coordinateplane,where shouldthe linesintersect?Explainyour answer.


23. (8EE6)

Studentsorganizeda12-hour "dance-a-thon" asafundraiser fortheir summercamp. Thegraphbelowrepresentstheamount ofmoneythey raisedduring thefirst 8hours.

What wasthe amount ofmoneyraisedperhour during thefirst 8hours?

Show yourwork or explain how you determinedyour answer.

Answer $______perhour

Duringthe next4hoursofthe dance-a-thon, thestudents raisedmoneyattwice the hourly rateofthefirst8hours.

Onthecoordinate plane,completethe graph forthenext4hours torepresentthetotal amount ofmoneyraisedatthe dance-a-thon. Usewordsand numbersonthefollowinglinesto explain howyouknewwhere to drawthe graph.
