Grade 8 day lesson plan:

-Introduce Business department & topics

-Using NetSupport and students helping. Complete the following tutorial step by step with students:

Steps of tutorial: (print out for all gr 9 students as reference)

  1. Go to:
  2. Select “Try it out” with the image of the scratch cat

To change the background:

  1. Click on the stage or background image selector and click on “Choose backdrop from library” then select Blue sky option:

To change the Sprite:

  1. Create a new sprite by clicking on the sprite icon – then choose from the default sprite Scratch has to offer – an apple

Programming the apple:

  1. Click and drag when green flag is clicked
  1. Click and drag: and change the value to -5
  1. Add the forever loop:
  1. Now set y to 180 so it restarts at the beginning:
  1. Add an “If” statement to have it go up to the top when it hits the bottom:
  1. Add a go to “random position” to have it start from different x values

Programming the bowl:

  1. Delete the cat if not already done and add a new sprite that looks like a bowl. Drag the bowl to the ground.
  2. While bowl is selected add when green flag is selected:
  1. Add an “if” statement to move right when the right arrow is pressed:
  1. We need a forever loop to always check if the right arrow is pressed.
  1. Now we do the same for the left arrow key and have it move -10 steps:

Run program and regard what is happening!!

Back to Apple Coding:

  1. Now add the following code to the apple:
  1. We again need to “forever” check if the apple touchs the bowl, not just when the flag is clicked:
  1. Now move the apple to the top if it touches:

  1. We can put all this under one green flag:

Creating a Score:

  1. Now to go the DATA variables and click on make a variable: call it score
  1. Add set score to 0 after when green flag is clicked:
  1. Add change score if touches bowl:


  1. Duplicate apples create 5 new ones
  2. Change costume of one to yellow apple and increase score by 2 if they get the yellow one

Students Challenge:

  1. Change the costume of to a black apple and decrease the score by -5 if they touch it
  2. End the game if they go under 0 for score
  3. End the game if they get to a number

End with:
