Grade 8 - Algebra 1 Honors Part 2

Student Expectations

Student Expectations

  1. Students should bring the following to class every day:

loose-leaf binder calculatoragenda

2 sharpened pencilseraserwhiteboard marker


** Textbooks should covered and kept at home!! **

  1. In-class assignments should be completed in a timely manner. If assignments are not completed during class, hand completed assignments in to the teacher during the next day’s class.
  2. Homework will be assigned on a daily basis and should be completed by all students regularly, and on time. It should include name, date, page, and problems assigned.
  3. Notebooks should be kept neat and organized. They should include in-class notes, class examples and homework.
  4. When absent, students are responsible to make up all missed notes, class work, homework, quizzes, tests, or projects in accordance with the MMS Student Handbook. Students who miss an assessment should be ready to complete it in class upon their return unless otherwise directed by the teacher.
  5. Arrive to class on time, be seated immediately, and be ready to actively participate.
  1. Grading will be based upon homework, class work, projects, notebooks, quizzes, tests, and exams.
  2. Final grades for each marking period will be determined as follows:
Tests, Quizzes, Projects – 90%

Minor tests, quizzes, and major tests will be scored in the following manner:

Quizzes & Minor Tests: given on an as needed basis and will be worth 10-50 points.

Chapter tests: given once per chapter and be worth up to 100 points.

Projects will range in value from 25-100 points.

Midterm & Final Exam: The midterm will be averaged into the marking period 2 grade and the final will be averaged into the marking period 4 grade.

Homework & Classwork – 10%

Homework assignments will be scored on a daily basis, with each assignment being valued at 2 points. The previous day’s assignment will be checked by the teacher at the very beginning of class and graded as:

2 pts. = all work completed

1 pt. = ½ or more of the work completed

0 pts. = less than ½ of all work completed

* Homework will only be accepted on the day it is due or the following day

for half-credit.

Classwork: Depending on the length and complexity of these assignments, point values may range from 5-20 points.


Notebooks – checked at least once per marking period and will be graded on neatness and completeness.

In-class assignments & activities that are collected and graded.

Portfolio – Students will be asked to keep and reflect upon certain pieces of their work in a student portfolio. This will include corrections/reflections on all quizzes, minor tests and chapter tests.

Participation & Preparedness.

  1. Re-test Policy:

Retests given on 100-point tests only

One retest per marking period for tests 70 points or below

New score will be the higher of the two scores not to exceed 70 points

The retest must be completed on one of the assigned after-school help days, which will be announced in class.

Any student scoring below a 60% on the original test must come for extra help with their original test prior to attempting a retest.

Corrections on tests must be turned in prior to re-taking any tests.

  1. Algebra 1 HonorsPart 2 students must maintain a cumulativeyear average of 85% in order to continue into Geometry Honors. The end-of-year average is determined by averaging each of the four marking period grades.(SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON DISTRICT GRADING POLICY REVISIONS)
  2. All work MUST be shown for all tests, quizzes, and homework assignments.



Algebra 1 HonorsPart 2 will approximately cover chapters 6 - 11 & 13 in the McDougal LittellAlgebra I text including the following topics:

Solving & Graphing Linear Inequalities Systems of Equations & Inequalities

Exponents & Exponential Functions Polynomials & Factoring

Quadratic Equations and Functions Radicals & Geometry Connections

Probability & Data Analysis

Extra Help

Extra help is available after school on the following day: ______.

Please note: Due to after school obligations, help days may change. New days will

be announced to students as soon as possible.

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent Signature ______Date ______

Parent Email: ______