East Meadow U.F.S.D.


Grade 6 Social Studies Common Core Scope & Sequence

Facilitator/ Writer: John Comer

Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Louis R. DeAngelo

Principals: Mr. James Lethbridge , Mrs. Stacy Breslin

Table of Contents

Title Page1

Table of Contents2


Quarter I5

Quarter II8

Quarter III11

Quarter IV13



The primary goal of this CAP is to present a scope and sequence to the sixth grade faculty that demonstrates the New York State Social Studies Standards, as well as the Common Core Standards. The scope and sequence includes essential questions and historical content that specifically state Common Core strategies, skills, assessments and standards that are addressed.

Also, included in the project are appropriate resources that will enrich the NYS Social Studies Curriculum, such as a list of suggested primary and secondary sources. These sources support our goals of assessing students’ abilities to analyze and synthesize information, while citing evidence that supports their thinking.


This Curriculum Area Project (CAP) was created using a backwards design approach in order to create a scope and sequence for the grade 6 Social Studies curriculum that infuses the Common Core Standards with the New York State Social Studies Standards. This scope and sequence not only addresses the historical topics to be taught, but also the approximate time in the course of the academic year to teach each topic. Furthermore, this scope and sequence also incorporates Dr. SamuelWineburg’s approach of teaching students to “think like historians” and encourages students to look at historical events from more than one perspective. In addition, this CAP also addresses the necessary writing and literacy skills and strategies that will prepare students for higher level learning. Students will learn how to analyze and annotate primary and secondary sources and write explanatory, narrative and argumentative essays using these sources as evidence. As a result, students will not only be college and career ready but also acquire the necessary lifelong skills.

Period / Essential Questions / Historical
Content / Common Core Skills. Strategies , writing and assessments / CCSS and NYSS Standards
Addressed / Accompanying Resources
Q1 / How geography affects the life and development of a civilization?
How do man-made division lines help us to understand what continents and oceans make up the Eastern Hemisphere?
Why and how historians record events on a timeline?
How did the Agricultural Revolution lead to the development of civilization?
How did the geography of the Fertile Crescent affect the development of early civilization in that region? / World Geography
Archaeology / Culture
Early Man
Old vs. New Stone Age
-Prehistory vs. history
-Fertile crescent
Daily Life
-Farming and trade
* Social classes system
* Government
-City States - Sumer
-Hammurabi’s Code
* Religion
* Writing
- Cuneiform
* Legacies
-Wheel, irrigation system, plow, etc / Team Building activities
Analyzing historical documents
Analyzing primary and secondary sources
Annotating historical documents
Source Credibility
Thought bubbles
Explanatory writing
Academic vocabulary
Historical Research
Performance Task / Common Core Standards:
Rh1 – Citing Evidence
Rh4 – Determine Meaning
Rh7 – Visuals
Rh9 - Sources
Wh1 - Writing
New York State Standards:
Standard 2- World History
Standard 3 – Geography
Standard 4 – Economics
Standard 5 –
Civics, Citizenship, and Government
Social Studies Practices
Chronological Reasoning and Causation
Comparison and Contextualization
Geographic Reasoning (people, places, regions, environment, interactions)
Gathering, Using, and Interpreting Evidence
The Role of the Individual in Social and Political Participation / The Themes of Geography.” Brainpop
“Google Earth.”
(Continents & Oceans)
“The Themes of Geography.” Brainpop. Introduces geographic themes through video clips and supplemental activities.
Van Nguyen, Nicole Richardson, and Dana Rajczewski . “The Earth is Broken into Halves???” University of Richmond. An animated visual description of the earth’s hemispheres, latitude and longitude. Includes an interactive game.
History Alive (Text)
“Agricultural Revolution.” BrainPop.
Ancient Civilization – Mesopotamia Movie
“Mesopotamian Geography and Sumerian Society” (1:08) and Agricultural Technology” (1:06). April 3, 2011. Discovery Education Streaming. Subscription required.

“The fertile valley between the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers provided an ideal location for the Sumerians to grow their own grain, vegetables, and fruit, and to raise livestock for meat and dairy products. The Sumerians protected their fields from flooding by building a system of levees along the riverbanks. They also developed an irrigation system to bring river water into their fields during periods of drought.”
A Collection of Mesopotamian Laws, c. 2250 - 550 BCE

A Collection of Contracts from Mesopotamia, c. 2300 - 428 BCE

Sumerian Inscription Umma and Lagash – Babylonia

“The King List”
Map of Sumerian Neolithic and Chalcolithic Archaeological Sites

Symbolic Counting Tokens from the Early Near East

Penitential Prayer to Every God

Stele of the Vultures War Between Umma and Lagash
Proverbs in Sumerian Cuneiform

Photo Gallery of Ancient Mesopotamia and Persia

Mesopotamian Marriage Contract

The Babylonian Creation Myth

MirceaEliade "From Primitives to Zen": THE GREAT HYMN TO SHAMASH

Ishtar's Descent Into the Underworld

Hammurabi's Code of Laws Translated by L. W. King

Map of Nippur

Map of Nippur with excavation areas

The Reports of the Magicians & Astrologers of Nineveh & Babylon, c. 2500 - 670 BCE

Babylonian numerals

A history of Zero

Period / Essential Questions / Historical
Content / Common Core Skills. Strategies , writing and assessments / CCSS and NYSS Standards
Addressed / Accompanying Resources
Q 2 / Why was Egypt considered the “Gift of the Nile?”
How did the social class pyramid in Egypt affect the lives of its people?
How did religion help the Egyptian people explain the world around them?
How did religion shape Egyptian life and culture?
How do prior civilizations contribute the cultural elements of religion, art, music, architecture, science, mathematics, traditions, beliefs, and language to the modern world?
What are the positive and negative effects of a river on an ancient civilization?
What effect did the physical features of China have on its early development?
What cultural legacies have been left from Ancient China? / Egypt
- Nile River
- River cycles
- Delta
- Upper and lower
Daily Life
Social classes system
- King Menes
- King Khufu
- Hatshepsut
- King Tut
- Cleopatra
- Monotheism vs. polytheism
* Writing
-Rosetta Stone
* Legacies
- pyramids
* Geography
- outer and inner
- Huang River
- Levees
* Daily Life
- Double cropping
- Terrace farming
* Social classes system
-Dynasties: Shang, Zhou, Shi/Qin, Han
* Government
- Dynastic cycle
- civil service
-Mandate of heaven
* Religion
- Confucius, Daoism, Buddhism
* Writing
* Legacies
- Great Wall
- Terra Cotta Soldiers
-Silk road
- Gun powder / Analyzing historical documents
Analyzing primary and secondary sources
Thought bubbles
DBQ Writing “The Gift of the Nile”
Source creditability
Annotating historical documents
Thought bubbles
Academic vocabulary
Historical Research
Performance Task / Common Core Standards:
Rh1 – Citing Evidence
Rh4 – Determine Meaning
Rh7 – Visuals
Rh9 - Sources
Wh1 - Writing
New York State Standards:
Standard 2- World History
Standard 3 – Geography
Standard 4 – Economics
Standard 5 –
Civics, Citizenship, and Government
Social Studies Practices
Chronological Reasoning and Causation
Comparison and Contextualization
Geographic Reasoning (people, places, regions, environment, interactions)
Gathering, Using, and Interpreting Evidence
The Role of the Individual in Social and Political Participation / Ancient Civilizations Movie - Egypt
Discovery Edu video
1.Invention of paper
2. Hieroglyphics
“Ancient Egypt: The Gift of the Nile (3000-30 B.C)” 3:33. Discovery Education Streaming. April 4, 2011.
“Pharaoh.” The British Museum. The life of the Pharaoh. Explore a wall relief.
“Tombs and Mummies” Discovery Education Streaming. 7 April 2011.
The Afterlife.” Discovery Education Streaming. 7 April 2011
Egyptian Tomb Adventure – giza3d.3ds.com
The Rosetta Stone: Translation of the Greek Section

The Precepts of Ptah-Hotep, c. 2200 BCE

Nile River
Hymn to the Nile, c. 2100 BCE

Myths/ Legends
Tales of Ancient Egypt: The Shipwrecked Sailor, c. 2200 BCE

The Pyramids

Pen-ta-ur: The Victory of Ramses II Over the Khita, 1326 BCE

Valley of the Kings

Letter of Pabi, Prince of Lachish, to Akhnaton, King of Kemet (i.e. Egypt), circa 1350 BCE.

MirceaEliade "From Primitives to Zen": AMENHOTEP IV AND THE HYMN TO ATEN

Osiris - the Prototype of Every Soul Who Hopes to Conquer Death

Herodotus on Ancient Egyptian Mummification


The History of Plumbing – Egypt

Bir Umm Fawakhir: Insights into Ancient Egyptian Mining

Medicine in Egypt

Egyptian Fractions

The Status of Women in Ancient Egyptian Society

Accounts of Meröe, Kush, and Axum, c. 430 BCE - 550 CE

Cleopatra. Brainpop
“China’s Great Wall.” Discovery Education Streaming.
“Qin Terra Cotta Warriors.”
“Museum of Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses.” ChinaTravelGuide.com
“Ancient China.” Mr. Donn.org 13 April 2011. Click on the links to explore each religion or print out the readings on Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism
Mandarintools.com – print student’s name in Chinese
“Filming ideas” Project – Judy Dodge
Yin and Yang in Medical Theory

Mengzi Meng-tse [Mencius]: Selections from the Mencius (c.300 BCE)

Selections from The Writings of Han Fei (c. 230 BCE)

Dao De Jing Tao TeChing: Selections

Ban Zhao Pan Chao (c. 80 CE) Lessons for a Woman

Selections of Chinese Poetry
Sun ZiSun Tzu: The Art of War(c.500BCE)
Period / Essential Questions / Historical
Content / Common Core Skills. Strategies , writing and assessments / CCSS and NYSS Standards
Addressed / Accompanying Resources
Q 3 / Did geography have positive and/or negative effects on the development of Ancient Greece?
What forms of government developed in Ancient Greece/Rome?
How do those forms of government influence us today?
How are cultures affected by the exchange of ideas and innovations?
What historical figures from Ancient Greece have influenced our culture today?
How are their contributions used today? / Greece
* Geography
- Mountains
- Seas
- Peninsula
- city-states
* Daily Life
- agora
- trade
* Social classes system
Early Greek civilizations:
- Minoans
- Mycenaean’s
* Government
- Democracy
- Oligarchy
- Monarchy
- Tyranny
- Aristocracy
- Trojan War
- Persian war
- Peloponnesian War
* Religion
- Mythology
* Writing
*Time period:
The Golden Age
* Legacies
- Philosophy
- Architecture
- Democracy
- Hippocratic oath
- Olympics
- Roman Collosseum
* Geography
- Seas
- Rivers
- Peninsula
- Mountains
- 6 hills
* Daily Life
* Social classes system
- Patricians
- Plebian
* Government
- Republic
- Dictator
- Emperors
Famous Leaders
-Julius Caesar
- Punic wars
* Religion
* Writing
- Latin
* Legacies
- Architecture
- Apian Way / Analyzing historical documents
Analyzing primary and secondary sources
Thought bubbles
ative Writing Sparta vs. Athens
DBQ Writing “Greece / Rome Legacy”
Source creditability
Annotating historical documents
Thought bubbles
Academic vocabulary
Historical Research
Performance Task / Common Core Standards:
Rh1 – Citing Evidence
Rh4 – Determine Meaning
Rh7 – Visuals
Rh9 - Sources
Wh1 - Writing
New York State Standards:
Standard 2- World History
Standard 3 – Geography
Standard 4 – Economics
Standard 5 –
Civics, Citizenship, and Government
Social Studies Practices
Chronological Reasoning and Causation
Comparison and Contextualization
Geographic Reasoning (people, places, regions, environment, interactions)
Gathering, Using, and Interpreting Evidence
The Role of the Individual in Social and Political Participation / Ancient Civilizations Movie - Greece
Democracy. Brainpop
“Erecting The Columns.” The Parthenon: Design and Architecture. Discovery Education Streaming.
“Greek Hall of Fame.” The British Museum. 6 June 2011
Famous Greek Wars - History Channel / Youtube
Schoolliaison.org.uk – Design Greek Pottery
The Law Code of Gortyn (Crete), c. 450 BCE

Aeschines (c.390-c.322 BCE): On the Embassy

Reports of the Origins of Athens, c. 430 BCE - 110 CE

The Athenian Constitution Aristotle c. 350 B.C.E

The Polity of the Spartans, c. 375 BCE

Herodotus: On the Kings of Sparta, c. 430 BCE

The History of the Peloponnesian War Thucydides, c. 431 B.C.E

Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War, Book 3.82-83: Civil War in Corcyra

Plutarch: The Training of Children, c. 110 CE

Herodotus: Hellenes & Phoenicians, c. 430 BCE

Documents on Greek Slavery, c. 750 - 330 BCE

Accounts of the Hellenic Games, c. 470 BCE-175 CE

Accounts of Personal Religion, c. 430 BCE - 300 CE

Documents on The Hellenic Drama, c. 560 - 330 BCE

Ancient Civilizations Movie – Rome
Ben Hur (video)
“Roman Republic” Brainpop
“Government Under the Roman Republic.” Mr. Donn. 9 May 2011
Roman Engineering: Collosseum & Aqueducts – YouTube
The Fall of Rome, Brainpop
Works by Julius Caesar

The Deeds of the Divine Augustus

Livy: The Roman Way of Declaring War, c. 650 BCE

The Roman Republic: Checks and Balances


Strabo (64/3 BCE- c.21 CE):The Grandeur of Rome, c. 20 CE from Geography, V.iii

Galgacus: On Roman Imperialism

Roman Educational Practices

Quintilian: The Ideal Education, c. 90 CE

Slavery in the Roman Republic

Seneca (b.4 BC/1 CE-d. 65 CE):Epistles 7: The Gladiatorial Games

Numa: The Institutions of Roman Religion, 7th Cent. BCE

Period / Essential Questions / Historical
Content / Common Core Skills. Strategies , writing and assessments / CCSS and NYSS Standards
Addressed / Accompanying Resources
Q 4 / How did the political and social structure of feudalism determine the way people lived?
How has the Magna Carta influenced the United States?
How did the plague greatly affect feudal society?
The positive and negative effects of the Crusades?
How do prior civilizations contribute the cultural elements of religion, art, music, architecture, science, mathematics, traditions, beliefs, and language to the modern world? / Middle Ages
* Geography
* Daily Life
- farming: three field rotation
- towns and cities
- guilds
* Social classes system
-Manor System
- Charlemagne
- King John
* Government
* Religion
- Crusades
* Writing
* Legacies
- Architecture
- Code of Chivalry
- Magna Carta
* Geography – Italy
(Florence, Milan & Venice)
* Legacies
Renaissance Man
“Rebirth of ancient Greece and Rome”
- Raphael
- Michelangelo
- Leonardo da Vince
- Gutenberg
Scientific Revolution
-Isaac Newton / Analyzing historical documents
Analyzing primary and secondary sources
Thought bubbles
DBQ Writing – Middle Ages
Source creditability
Annotating historical documents
Thought bubbles
Academic vocabulary
Historical Research
Performance Task / Common Core Standards:
Rh1 – Citing Evidence
Rh4 – Determine Meaning
Rh7 – Visuals
Rh9 - Sources
Wh1 - Writing
New York State Standards:
Standard 2- World History
Standard 3 – Geography
Standard 4 – Economics
Standard 5 –
Civics, Citizenship, and Government
Social Studies Practices
Chronological Reasoning and Causation
Comparison and Contextualization
Geographic Reasoning (people, places, regions, environment, interactions)
Gathering, Using, and Interpreting Evidence
The Role of the Individual in Social and Political Participation / Ancient Civilizations Movie – Middle Ages
Feudalism Play (role play)
-History Alive
Feudalism. Brainpop
Interactive Maps – how the “Black Death” spread - Mr. Donn.org
The Crusades – History Channel / Youtube
“The Code of Chivalry” You tube
“Kids’ Castle” – Kidsonthenet.org.uk
The Anglo-Saxon Dooms, 560-975

King René's Tournament Book

The Song of Roland

The Black Death, 1348

Anarchy in 12th Century England

The VikingsDiscover America, ca. 1000

The CrusadersCapture Jerusalem, 1099

Life in a Christian Monastery, ca. 585
End of Europe's Middle AgesDescription of a Manor House
End of Europe's Middle AgesOrder of Loyalties

Medieval Maps

Medieval Art

Renaissance Man – Brainpop
“Printing and Thinking.” Annenberg Foundation. July 29, 2011.
Leonardo’s Mysterious Machinery
Giorgio Vasari: Life of Leonardo da Vinci 1550

Lorenzo De Medici: Paternal Advice To A Cardinal (C. 1491)

Niccolo Machiavelli: The Prince [excerpts], 1513

Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527): Founding a Republic, Excerpt from Discourses I, 9

95 Theses

The Act of Supremacy

Calvin: Letter to the King [on the Clergy]


Halsall, Paul (editor). Internet Ancient History Sourcebook ,2011.

New York City Department of Education, K-8 Social Studies Scope and Sequence, 2008-2009

New York State Department of Education, New York State Common Core K‐8 Social Studies Framework, 2013.

Washington State, K-12 Social Studies Learning Standards.Version 1.2, 2013.

United States of America Library of Congress.Primary and Secondary Sources.

Wineburg, Samuel S., Daisy Martin, and Chauncey Monte-Sano.Reading like a historian: Teaching literacy in middle and high school history classrooms. Teachers College Press, 2012.