The organization shall be known as Delta Girls Softball Association, Inc. (DGSA, INC.).


  1. To provide girls residing in or attending a school in the Del-Com school district, with supervised recreational activity of a competitive nature.
  2. To instill in each girl sportsmanship, integrity, loyalty, and courage that they might develop into well-rounded adults.
  3. To operate in such a manner that the above objectives are of prime importance and the winning of games be of secondary nature.


  1. Players are limited to girls who reside in or attend a school in the Del-Com school district. Any exceptions require approval by the Board of Directors for DGSA.
  2. Voting members shall be limited to the parents/guardians of players registered in a given year. One ballot per player, to be cast on the day of voting.


  1. The Board of Directors (Board) shall consist of thirteen elected members and the immediate past president as an ex-officio member.
  2. Voting members shall nominate and elect Board members. The only eligibility requirement for election is that nominees must be a parent/guardian of a girl participating in DGSA at the time of nomination.
  3. Each Board member shall serve a two year term; term year will run from September through Fall Ball.
  4. Seven members shall be elected in odd numbered years and six members shall be elected in even years.
  5. Vacancies for un-expired terms shall be filled by appointment by the President, subject to Board approval.
  6. The Board is responsible for conducting all business pertaining to DGSA and is the decision making body for all matters concerning DGSA.
  7. A Board member may be removed from the Board due to gross misconduct with a two-thirds majority vote of the remaining Board members.
  8. Expected Board member obligations:
  1. 50% Board meeting attendance
  2. 50% participation in each DGSA event (Opening/Closing Days, Super Saturday, tournaments)
  3. 100% weekly duties or responsibilities
  4. Reasonable participation on assigned committees


  1. Officers for DGSA shall be elected from the Board, by Board members and include:
  1. President
  2. Vice-President
  3. Treasurer
  4. Secretary
  1. Term of office shall be one year for all officers with no limit on number of terms.
  2. Officers shall be elected at the September meeting.
  3. New officers shall take office at the conclusion of the meeting in which they were elected.


  1. Meetings shall be scheduled on a monthly basis and will be called by the President. A regular monthly meeting will be scheduled in advance, with the next meeting recorded in the Minutes.
  2. Special meetings may be called by any officer, if at least 24 hours notice is given to all Board members.
  3. Quorum shall be reached when more than 50% of the Board is present. No votes may be taken without a quorum being present.


  1. All fees are established by the Board.
  2. Terry Sacksteder Scholarship
  1. DGSA donates $500 yearly in partnership with Delta High School Girls’ SoftballBoosters, whom make a matching donation.
  2. Eligibility for scholarship
  3. Participated 4 years with DGSA and,
  4. Aseniormember of the Delta High School Girls’ Softball team with the highest Grade Point Average (GPA).


  1. All proposed amendments must be presented to the Board for recording into the minutes at least one regularly scheduled meeting prior to a vote.
  2. Adoption of an amendment requires a two-thirds affirmative vote of those Board members present and voting.