Grade 5-Terrill Middle School

2016-2017 School Year

“Individually Unique, Together Complete”

Welcome to our class! I am so thrilled to have each and every one of you in our classroom! We will be learning some new and exciting things this year, and I hope you are just as excited as I am. We are all important assets to our learning community, and each has multiple things to offer. Below are classroom procedures and grading information. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak to me. 



* You will be able to find the daily schedule in the front of the classroom on the bulletin board.You will also receive a copy to keep in your binder.


* Our class will do lockers together. Those with top lockers will go first, and the students with bottom lockers will go second. I have a wipe board in front of our doorway. In order to avoid confusion, I will write what you need for the morning and the afternoon from your lockers.

Morning Expectations:

*Once we have completed our lockers, you are expected to go to your seats and work on the free write question, which will be on the board. Your answers should be written in complete and cohesive 5th grade sentences!

* Notes for the office as well as homework will be put in the designated baskets.

*During morning announcements, we will say the Pledge of Allegiance together and listen to the rest of the announcements in a quiet and respectful manner.

Bathroom and Water Break Procedures:

* When you need to use the bathroom, you may quietly get up and move your magnet on the board. Please make sure to move it back to the “present” sign upon returning!

*Water is the only beverage permitted on your desk during the school day.


* You will have a five-minute working snack break every morning. Healthy snacks as well as juice or water are the only items permitted during this time.

Communication Folders:

*Communication folders will be sent home every Friday and MUST be returned every Monday. Inside of the folder will be a sign-off sheet for your parent/guardian to initial. This is to ensure the important information sent home has been viewed.

Classroom Expectations:

*During the first couple of days of school, we will be discussing and creating a Classroom Constitution. We will decide together what expectations we think are fair for the classroom, and the procedures we think we can all comply with.

*My teacher webpage and Powerschool are both updated on a weekly and daily basis. It is imperative that you check both to make sure you are playing an active role in your classroom responsibility.

*Each student in the classroom will be assigned a “side sick” to help them when they are absent. Your “side sick” will write down your homework for you on the absentee worksheet, and will bring you up to date on any new information you may have missed. When you return from your absence, we will discuss a time to hand in missing work and assignments. If you require additional help, please feel free to see me and we can work on it together.

*Should a student not follow the expectations, the following steps will be implemented:

Step one: a verbal warning

Step two: one-on-one conversation with the teacher about behavior

Step three: phone call home and/or a parent/guardian, student and teacher conference

Step four: one-on-one conversation with the principal


Mrs. Salcedo’s Grading Policy

Everything we do in our classroom counts as part of your grade. However, each activity is weighted differently. We will be using a point system for grading in our classroom. Larger or more extensive assignments and activities will be weighted more than the smaller ones. The point value you receive on any type of assignment, and the amount the activity is worth, will never be a surprise! You will always have a rubric to follow, to ensure success on your assignments 

All marking period points will be calculated together by subject, and will be averaged out to determine the letter grade as set by the district for the report card.

Scotch Plains-Fanwood Grading scale is as follows:

A+ (100-97) / B+ (89-87) / C+ (79-77) / D+ (69-67) / E (59 and below)
A (96-93) / B (86-83) / C (76-73) / D (66-63)
A (92-90) / B- (82-80) / C- (72-70) / D- (62-60)

*I hope you will come to realize that learning can be fun, and will be in this classroom. You are all an important part of this learning community, and we will not thrive unless we all work together. Remember that we are all a community of learners, and I hope to be learning just as much as you are this year! Please let me know if you ever have any questions, I look forward to an unforgettable year! *