Grade 5 News Update

Important Happenings

October, 2015

There is much excitement in the air in Grade 5. Your children are off to a great beginning. Please take time to read our newsletter, which will keep you informed of what your children have been in engaged in.

October 6th: School Photo Day

October 12th: Columbus Day: School is IN session

October 3oth: Pizza Luncheon for Fall


Language Arts:

In Reading, we are working on developing and revising theories about character motivation and choices, and response to challenges. Students are inferring how characters beliefs and values affect their motivation. Students are analyzing the complex relationships between characters. In written response to literature, students are learning how to dig deeper and support their thinking with text evidence.

In Writing, students are continuing to build their skills, focusing on expanding their writing to include varied sentence structures, transitions, and stronger vocabulary. We are also focusing on applying the rules of grammar and syntax of language.


This month we will continue our study of Unit 1 – Understanding the Place Value System

We will also begin our study of Unit 2 – Computing with Whole numbers and decimals.

We will continue practicing our basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts. (Our minimum goal for the end of fifth grade is 40 correct facts in one minute.)

Homework assignments may be assigned from MIF Workbook, (Math In Focus), MIF activity sheet, or a “timed session” (e.g. 15 mins.) working on the computer programs XtraMath, IXL, Khan Academy.

Below are the Common Core goals we are working on during these two units:


Students have their user-names and passwords for IXL and Khan Academy, computer based programs, which focus on developing, reinforcing, and enriching math skills. Students will occasionally be assigned IXL and/of Khan Academy for homework. A link for IXL can be found at the top of our NSS home page.

Social Studies/Science– This month we will be focusing onscience content. We have begun our first science unit on Sound and Light.The enduring understanding for this unit is:Sound and light are forms of energy that travel and interact with objects in various ways. Students will investigate the following concepts for sound: Sound travels (is "transmitted") through materials by causing them to vibrate. Sound is not transmitted if there are no materials to vibrate. Solids, liquids and gases (air) transmit sound differently. Sounds can vary in loudness ("volume"). Volume is affected by the strength of the force causing the vibration. For example, striking a drum forcefully or gently produces sounds with different volumes. 5.1.5 – Sounds can have a high or low tone ("pitch"). The pitch of a sound depends on the speed of the vibration. Objects that vibrate quickly have a high pitch, while those that vibrate slowly have a low pitch.

Students will investigate the following concepts for light: Light travels in straight paths away from a source of illumination in all directions until it hits an object. Some sources of illumination produce their own light (for example, the sun, fire, light bulb); other sources of illumination reflect light produced by something else (for example, the moon or a mirror). Materials can be classified based on how much light passes through them. Transparent materials allow most light to pass through them. Translucent materials allow some light to pass through them. Opaque materials do not allow any light to pass through them. Light changes direction ("refracts") as it passes from one transparent material to another (for example, as it passes from air to water or through lenses).

In Social Studies, we will be focusing on current social issues/events and discussing causes and possible solutions.