Roots of Rhythm World Drumming Teacher Workshop 2006

Lesson Plan for Chapter 4

TitleDjembe lesson-Guinea Tara Webb


Lakewood, OH

Grade Category Elementary, Middle School

LessonTime 45 minutes


  1. Experience music of Guinea.
  2. Learn about Guinea.
  3. Learn about and how to play a Djembe.


  1. Respond through movement to music characters.
  2. Learn about Guinea and their music.
  3. Learn to play the Djembe correctly in the style of Guinea.

Content Standard

  1. Respond through purposeful movement to selected prominent music characteristics
  2. Listen to, analyze and describe music
  3. Understand music in relation to history and culture
  4. Perform on instruments a varied repertoire of music


1. Roots of Rhythm book

2. Roots of Rhythm C

3. Various library picture books of Guinea

4. Map

Student Skill Level

  1. Students have worked on various rhythm patterns.
  2. Students have experienced music from different cultures.


  1. Listen and move to the beat of the music. CD #29 or #30.
  1. Discuss geography and flag p. 28; use various picture books and map.
  1. Discuss background and history pp. 28-29.
  1. Show Djembe and discuss what made of, how played and demonstrate.

pp. 29-30.

  1. Listen to music CD #29.
  1. Listen and echo various rhythm patterns. (Do not put rests between teacher and student echo. It forces the students to look and listen.)
  1. Show the 3 strikes or sounds one at a time and practice as a class.
  2. Bass
  3. Tone (middle)
  4. Slap (high sound)

If not enough drums, practice pattern on thigh.

  1. Listen to teacher play the 3 strikes and have students verbally identify which strike the teacher is playing.
  1. Have students close their eyes and verbally identify which strike the teacher is playing.
  1. Learn to play rhythm patterns in book on page 32.
  1. Play rhythm patterns with the CD. Stop the CD and have class keep playing. CD 31 – 41.

Student Product

  1. Students have learned to play a Djembe
  2. Students have learned to play a Djembe with authentic music of Guinea


Observation, participatory- play together and in small groups


This lesson promotes student learning because of the high concentration and active participation needed.Students will need to watch and listen to the teacher to play the Djembe.


1.Add a dance and or song from Guinea

2. Make a Djembe and use African art patterns and the colors of the flag to decorate