Chapter 2
Review of Concepts

1.  The American Child Health Association was established in the United States in 1918. Find information on it and discuss the reason for establishing it.

2.  Sally Jean Lucas coined the term health education. Why was this an important event?

3.  Evaluate the areas of global health including: environmental health, biostatistics, behavior science/health education, , epidemiology, health services administration/management, maternal and child health, nutrition, international/global health, public health laboratory practices, public health policy, and public health and health education practice.

4.  Define the term: International global health.

5.  Search on the internet or through government health agencies for 4 international, national, state, or local laws, policies, and regulations affecting Community health.

6.  Analyze the epidemiologic trends that are occurring including: current disease trends, society at large, demographic trends, economic trends, political trends and/or global networks.

7.  Health disparities are still present today. Discuss the problems with health disparities and what populations are more at risk.

8.  Discuss the greatest risks to global health today.

9.  What measures are being taken to prevent these greatest risks to global health today from occurring?

10. Discuss disease risks for pandemics and epidemics.

11. Global health security embraces a wide range of issues. Discuss these issues.

12. Demonstrate specific measures that are in place to prevent global health crises today.

13. Discuss The World Health Assembly’s message in 2002 addressing threats to global health security.

14. List and discuss the 3 greatest achievements in public health and discuss why these are important.

15. What is the role of the WHO role in global health prevention and advocacy?

16. List and discuss the 3 greatest contributions in the evolution of public health.

17. What are the International Health Regulations necessary for global health?

18. Discuss the achievements of: Snow, Jenner, Salk, Koch, Fleming, Pasteur, Salk, Farr, Guy, Budd Pierre Charles Alexandre Louis, and Leeuwenhoek.

19. Summarize the practice of quarantine and why it is still in existence today.

20. Sanitation measures are important to health. List some measures that are needed today to increase sanitation measures.

21. Discuss environmental health today. What is the impact on global health?

22. Examine the terms surveillance and global epidemics.

23. Examine the health risks in today’s world have the potential for an epidemic outbreak or chemical agent release.

24. Why are surveillance efforts necessary for chronic disease prevention?

25. List and discuss the 10 Greatest Health Achievements in the United States.

26. What epidemiologic factors have affected your health?

27. Discuss the significance of the National School Health Education Study conducted by Elena Sliepcevich, in 1962, in the United States.