Grade 3 Quarter _4___ Writing Standard Based Assessment Toolbox
Standard:Uses genre specific strategies.. ELA3W1L, ELA3W2
Exceeds 3+ / In addition to the 3 makes applications and inferences beyond expectations. / Suggested Tasks & Assessments
- Students will work with a partner to orally give their opinion on a topic. Partners will give feedback on whether the statement was/was not an opinion.
- The teacher will write opinions on a chart, and read them to the students. The students will give a thumbs up if the opinion is clearly stated and a thumbs down if it is not. Then the students will work with a partner to revise the unclear opinions.
- The teacher will choose a topic and write several opinions and several examples on index cards. Students will sort them into opinions and reasons.
- Students will create a T-chart labeled reasons and examples and list reasons/examples regarding their topics on the T-chart.
- Students will read their persuasive paper to a partner who will listen for a clear opinion and relevant examples and details. The partner will then restate each of them to the author.
- Students will rate their persuasive papers using a checklist that includes clear position, several relevant details, and examples that match both the opinion and the details.
3 / Persuasive: Writes a persuasive piece that captures the reader’s interest by stating a clear position with a consistent focus and point of view and uses relevant examples and details.
2 / Writes a persuasive piece that states a position with a general focus and some evidence of a point of view and uses some relevant examples and details.
1 / Little or no evidence of a focus; lacks a position; limited examples and/or details.
Knowledge, Skills, & Strategies
Students will:
Understand the purpose of persuasive writing.
Know the difference between an opinion, reason, and example.
State their point of view and support it with relevant examples and details.
Understand several ways to engage the reader throughout their papers.
Use a consistent focus throughout the paper.