September 20, 2016

Present: Director Tony Cicerelli, Director Martin, Director Rick Goedde, Fire Chief Jeff Dorhauer, Assistant Chief Stafford, Attorney Aaron Ellsworth, Fire Marshal Ed Nicholson, Office Manager Shelley Dougan, Inspector Daniel Zumwalt, Captain Mike Oakes, Firefighter Michael Pillman, Firefighter Jacob Schwartze, Mr. & Mrs. Smallwood – Yankee Peddler.

Director Cicerelli called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

Public Comment:

No Public Comment.

Consent Agenda:

Director Goedde made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Director Martin seconded the motion. Approved. Motion passed.

Old Business:

Fire Marshal Nicholson gave information regarding the GFCI variance request submitted by Stoneledge Condominiums at the August meeting which he was not able to be in attendance for. After the electrocutions in 2012 a public hearing was held which mandated the GFCI breakers. Fire Marshal Nicholson recommends that the variance request by Stoneledge Condominiums be denied. Director Martin made a motion to deny the variance request to allow non GFCI breakers on docks by Stoneledge Condominiums. Director Goedde seconded the motion. Approved. Motion to deny passed.

New Business:

Mr. Smallwood with Yankee Peddler was present to request a variance from installing a hood system with suppression for his cooking grill and the occupancy load and number of chairs for seating in his dining area. Based on their methods and style of cooking fire code requires a Type 1 hood suppression system. The occupancy load is calculated based on fire code and only allows for 75 persons which is less than they currently serve. After discussion and guidance from the Fire Marshal and the Board of Directors, Mr. Smallwood agreed to take out the cooking grill and switch to Panini machines for cooking if installation of cost of hood system would be too costly. Director Martin made a motion to table the hood system variance until next month’s meeting to allow Mr. Smallwood to further research cost and construction. Director Goedde seconded the motion. Approved. Motion passed. Director Goedde made a motion to deny the variance request to increase the occupancy load above what fire code allows based on the calculations. Director Martin seconded the motion. Approved. Motion to deny passed.

Board of Directors Meeting

September 20, 2016

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Chief Dorhauer submitted Ordinance 2016-2 as an addendum to Ordinance 2013-3 Fire Code. The Ordinance contains wording to enforce the following except in one and two family dwellings:

·  No charcoal grills allowed on combustible balconies and decks that are not protected by an automatic sprinkler system.

·  LP cooking devices are allowed as long as they are located along the railing at the furthest distance from the structure if an appropriate fire extinguisher was on the deck.

After much discussion regarding LP size tanks, quantities to be stored and tank sizes for fireplaces; Director Cicerelli stated ordinance verbiage needs to be changed to reflect this information. Fireplace LP tank sizes will be addressed separately. Director Martin made a motion to table Ordinance 2016-2 to rectify size limits and stored quantities of the LP tanks for open-flame devices. Director Goedde seconded the motion. Approved. Motion passed.

Chief Dorhauer announced that the Fire District received a FEMA grant from Assistance to Firefighter Grant to purchase SCBA’s which ours are due to replace in 2018. The grant will cover $301,000.00 and the District will match the remaining 5% of the replacement cost. The District has a period of one year to complete the research, write the bids specifications and award the contract for purchase.

Chief Dorhauer stated that the 2015 audit has been completed and copies provided. The audit showed no critical issues and submitted that the Board of Directors remains involved in the financial affairs of the District due to staff limitations based on size of the organization.


Assistant Chief Stafford’s report was accepted as submitted. Chief Stafford commended the crews on their hard work and unity during trainings especially with the weather and temperatures that we’ve had lately.

Fire Marshall Nicholson’s report was accepted as submitted.

Captain’s report was accepted as submitted.

Director Martin stated the Memorial Wall Ceremony went very well.

Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

Next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors is Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.

Approved by:


Date: ______

Prepared by: Shelley Dougan