
Grade 10 Writing Rubric (For Extended Constructed-Response). Maximum points = 56


/ 0 / Unsatisfactory / Partially Proficient / Proficient / Advanced / Score
Ideas / Writing is off topic or illegible / 1Meets few of the prompt’s requirements
1 Does not provide a main idea or doesn’t support it; details may be repetitious
1 Severely digresses from topic
1 Includes much irrelevant information / 2 Meets some of the prompt’s requirements
2 Provides main ideas but details are general or brief or obvious
2 Focuses on trivial point or broad topic
2 Arrangement of ideas are occasionally random / 3 Meets most of the prompt’s requirements
3 Provides main ideas & supporting details
3 Mostly focused on prompt
3 Includes mostly relevant information / 4 Meets requirements of the prompt
4 Provides main ideas & specific, elaborate details that move beyond the obvious
4 Fully focused on prompt
4 Includes relevant information
Organiza-tion / Writing is off topic or illegible / 1 Begins or ends abruptly with NO introduction or conclusion
1 Little or no attempt to establish order
1 does not connect ideas with transitions / 2 Begins or ends abruptly with little attempt at an introduction/conclusion
2 Includes sketchy information; may be list-like
2 Rarely uses transitions / 3 Recognizable intro.; arrangement of ideas, and conclusion
3 Predictable/formulaic organization
3 Some connections between ideas with few transitions / 4 Inviting introduction, logical arrangement of ideas and powerhouse conclusion
4 Writing order flows naturally
4 Maintains clear order with transitions between ideas
Choice / Writing is off topic or illegible / 1 Uses inaccurate or repetitive word choice that is occasionally inappropriate for audience and purpose
1 Uses passive, colorless, or imprecise verbs
1 Uses vague language or frequent clichés / 2 Uses general word choice including occasional errors in word usage
2 Uses a few active verbs (most are imprecise or colorless )
2 Uses familiar vocabulary & phrases / 3 Uses accurate but general word choice appropriate for the audience & purpose
3 Uses a mix of precise & general verbs
3 Uses some striking language: familiar vocab. & phrases / 4 Uses accurate, precise vocabulary appropriate for audience and purpose
4 Uses active and precise verbs
4 Uses figurative lang., imagery, and/or striking language
Fluency / Writing is off topic or illegible / 1 Choppy or rambling
1 Uses simple, repetitive sentence beginnings, structures, and lengths OR many sentences combined needlessly / 2 Generally choppy
2 Uses a variety of sentence beginnings, structures, or length but has many rambling or choppy sentences / 3 Generally fluent with occasional choppiness
3 Uses some variety of sentence beginnings, structures & length / 4 Fluent, easy to read
4 Uses effective variety of sentence beginnings, structures, and length
Voice / Writing is off topic or illegible / 1 Is bland and forgettable / 2 Somewhat bland; occasional memorable parts / 3 Occasionally engaging; several parts are memorable / 4 Engaging and memorable


/ Errors impede meaning. / 1 Language skills do not support meaning; several errors in some or all of the following:
*Subject/verb *Pronoun/antecedent agreement
*Punctuation: end punctuation, commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, semicolons
abbreviations & capitals
*spelling & paragraphing / 2 Language skills support meaning; some errors in the following:
*Subject/verb *Pronoun/antecedent agreement
*Punctuation: end punctuation, commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, semicolons
abbreviations & capitals
*spelling & paragraphing / 3 Language skills support meaning; few, if any, errors in the following:
*Subject/verb *Pronoun/antecedent agreement
*Punctuation: end punctuation, commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, semicolons
abbreviations and capitals
*Spelling & paragraphing
1 Evidence of Planning
/ /
Total Score