What Kingdom is it? Station Lab

Station 1: Tidepool, Life Underfoot poster

Read the background information, “The Junction of Two Worlds,” observe the picture, and answer the questions that follow.

1.  In the background information, it discussed the limpet. The limpet eats algae. Algae is in Domain ______and Kingdom ______. Algae is important not only as a food source for many organisms, such as the limpet, but also provides much of the ______in our atmosphere since it is a photosynthetic producer.

2.  In addition to the algae (organism #22), list 2 other organisms found in a tidepool that are in the same domain and kingdom. ______and ______

3.  The Green Crab, Ochre Sea Star, and Tiger Rockfish are organisms in Domain ______, Kingdom ______.

They are in this kingdom based on their characteristics (circle all that apply):







No cell wall

Cell Wall

No nucleus

Have nucleus

4.  The simplest of all animals is the ______since it has no tissues or organs. Canals in its body function in circulation, respiration, feeding, and breeding.

Station 1: Specimen 1

5.  The specimen is ______(list name on jar). This specimen would be in Domain ______and Kingdom ______. Why? ______

Station 2: Forest Woodlands, Life Underfoot poster

Read the background information, “A Walk in the Woods,” observe the picture, and answer the questions that follow.

1.  Many organisms in the forest woodlands function as decomposers. Why is the decomposition of “litter” on the forest floor important?

2.  Observe the picture. List all of the Kingdoms (3) that you see and an example of each.

Kingdom ______; ex. ______

Kingdom ______; ex. ______

Kingdom ______; ex. ______

3.  Organisms of Kingdom ______which are unicellular prokaryotes with cell walls of peptidoglycan live in the soil, but are too small to see. These organisms serve as important decomposers.

Station 2: Specimen 2

4.  The specimen is ______(list name on jar). This specimen would be in Domain ______and Kingdom ______. Why? ______

Station 3: Classification of Living Things poster

Look at the poster and answer the questions that follow.

1.  Why are viruses not included on this poster?

2.  List the 6 kingdoms shown and an example of each.

Kingdom ______; ex. ______

Kingdom ______; ex. ______

Kingdom ______; ex. ______

Kingdom ______; ex. ______

Kingdom ______; ex. ______

Kingdom ______; ex. ______

3.  Organisms that live in the Dead Sea are the microscopic halophiles. Using word parts, explain what their name literally means ______. Halophiles are in Domain ______and Kingdom ______. Other examples in this Kingdom include methanogens and thermophiles.

4.  Other than Kingdom Bacteria, which kingdom has a role in the ecosystem as being a primary decomposer? ______

5.  What Domain and Kingdom are the major photosynthesizers in?

Domain ______and Kingdoms ______and ______.

Station 3: Specimen 3

6.  The specimen is ______(list name on jar). This specimen would be in Domain ______and Kingdom ______. Why? ______

Station 4: Viruses and Bacteria Poster

Look at the poster and answer the questions that follow.

1.  Compare the structures of viruses and bacteria.

A.  Explain how they are similar.

B.  Explain how they are different.

2.  Common diseases are caused by bacteria in Domain ______, Kingdom ______. List some common diseases caused by bacteria. ______, ______, ______

3.  Many bacteria are beneficial and help with ______, ______, ______.

4.  Correctly write the scientific name of the nitrogen fixing bacteria pictured.

5.  Bacteria are classified based on their characteristics including (circle all that apply):





Common environments

Extreme environments

No cell wall

Cell Wall

No nucleus

Have nucleus

Station 5: Rainforest, Life Underfoot poster

Read the background information, “The Basement of Nature’s Cathedral,” observe the picture, and answer the questions that follow.

1.  Which 3 kingdoms are not pictured on this poster? Why?
(hint: write down the 3 kingdoms that are pictured and look up which are missing)

2.  (circle the best answers)
Notice there is a lot of fungus and fungus-eating animals below the canopy, where not a lot of sun filters through.
Are fungi heterotrophs or autotrophs? ______
Do they have a cell wall made out of cellulose or chitin? ______

3.  Read the description for the termite (organism 10).
If the fibrous plant cell material the microorganism helps digest is in the plants’ cell walls, what would the substance in the cell wall’s be?______

4.  Read the rest of the descriptions and name 3 Eukaryotes in this poster, along with their kingdom.

Station 5: Specimen 5

5.  The specimen is ______(list name on jar).

This specimen would be in Domain ______and Kingdom ______. Why? ______

Station 6: Alpine Tundra, Life Underfoot poster

Read the background information, “The Hills are Alive,” observe the picture, and answer the questions that follow.

1.  Read the description for organism #8, the lichen. It says it’s a symbiotic relationship between 2 organisms. What 2 kingdoms do these organisms belong to?

Kingdom ______and Kingdom ______

2.  Now read the description for fireweed (organism #2). It says that Native Peoples use it as medicine. From which kingdom do we get a lot of materials for medicine, food, shelter, and clothes?______

3.  Hoverflies (organism 14) can fly backwards. Which kingdom is multicellular and motile?______

4.  Would you expect the pika and ermine to have cell walls? ______Why/why not? ______
How about the moss campion and blue columbine? ______Why/why not? ______

5.  (circle the best answers) Hummingbirds and hoverflies are in kingdom (animalia / insecta) help plants reproduce by carrying the pollen, which contains sperm, of one plant to the egg of another plant.

This is an example of (sexual / asexual) reproduction.

Station 6: Specimen 6

6.  The specimen is ______(list name on jar).

This specimen would be in Domain ______and Kingdom ______. Why? ______

Station 7: Protist poster

Look at the poster and answer the questions that follow.

1.  (circle the best answer) Protists are mainly (unicellular/multicelluar)

2.  List 2 reasons why protists are eukaryotic.

3.  How are protists different than fungi?

4.  How are protists different than eubacteria?

5.  Which protist, that is important in the production of large quantities of atmospheric oxygen, is missing from this poster? (hint: think which protist we often see on ponds)

6.  Which protist lives in the gut of termites and helps them digest wood?

7.  Why do hikers purify what appears to be clean pure mountain stream water?

Station 7: Specimen 7

8.  The specimen is ______(list name on jar).

This specimen would be in Domain ______and Kingdom ______.

Why? ______

Station 8: Dichotomous Keys

1.  Observe each of the 5 fishing lures and describe their characteristics in the table below.

2.  After completing the table, use the dichotomous key to identify the fishing lures, then fill in their lure letter names at the end.

Lure / Description / Letter name