
M-GLAnCE Project Directors
Debbie Ferry
Macomb ISD
Mathematics Consultant / Carol Nowakowski
Mathematics Consultant
K-4 Project Coordinator / Marie Copeland
Warren Consolidated
Macomb MSTC
5-8 Project Coordinator
2004 Project Contributors
David Andrews
Chippewa Valley Schools / William Ashton
FraserPublic Schools / Lynn Bieszki
Chippewa Valley Schools
Sharon Chriss
Romeo Schools / Kimberly DeShon
AnchorBaySchool District / Barbara Diliegghio
Retired, Math Consultant
Kimberly Dolan
AnchorBaySchool District / Jodi Giraud
L’Anse Creuse Schools / Julie Hessell
Romeo Schools
Amy Holloway
Clintondale Schools / Barbara Lipinski
AnchorBaySchool District / Linda Mayle
Romeo Schools
Therese Miekstyn
Chippewa Valley Schools / James Navetta
Chippewa Valley Schools / Gene Ogden
AnchorBaySchool District
Rebecca Phillion
Richmond Comm. Schools / Charlene Pitrucelle
AnchorBaySchool District / Shirley Starman
Van Dyke Public Schools
Ronald Studley
AnchorBaySchool District
2005 and 2006 Session/Module Developers
Carol Nowakowski
Retired, Math Consultant / Deb Barnett
Lake Shore Public Schools / Luann Murray
Genesee ISD
Kathy Albrecht
Retired, Math Consultant / Jo-Anne Schimmelpfenneg
Retired, Math Consultant / Marie Copeland
Warren Consolidated
Terri Faitel
Trenton Public Schools / Debbie Ferry
Macomb ISD

Grade 1 Participant Packet Session 4

Focus on: Time and Money

Name of Activity / Description of Activity / Materials / Key Tips for Teacher
I. Warm-up – Data Collection of Clocks /
  • Have students think about how many clocks are in their house.
  • Each child is to count the number and various types of clocks; distinguishing between analog and digital.
  • As a group – create a giant wall pictograph (D.RE.01.01, D.RE.01.02, and D.RE.01.03)
  • Pictures of clock radio (digital), wall clock (analog), appliance clocks (digital), timer, and their watches (digital and analog)
  • Butcher paper
  • Markers
  • Tape/sticky tack
  • Pictures of clock radio (digital), wall clock (analog), appliance clocks (digital), timer, and their watches (digital and analog)
  • Together create and discuss how the various types of time keepers are utilized. Discuss how digital is so much more abundant than analog clocks.

II. Creating Clocks – Activity 1
Adapted from Connect to the NCTM Standards 2000 /
  • Read the book, It’s about Time!, by Stuart Murphy
  • Discuss with students how this book relates time from analog to digital, as well as, a.m. to p.m. The story relates the passage of a 24-hour day within the daily routine of young boy.
  • Ask students how is the passage of time shown from page to page?
  • Students will complete the Harcourt Brace elab worksheet, which familiarizes the orientation of numbers on an analog clock. Students will only attach the hour hand to the clock face and color it RED.
  • Discuss and demonstrate how to begin the concept of time by focusing only on the hour hand. The hour hand serves 2 functions: it points directly to a number to indicate “o-clock” and it points to positions between numbers to indicate increments of time before or after the hour. Identifying time relative to the position of the hour hand builds a strong foundation for more precise reading of time later on.
  • Ask students to place their hour hand in between two designated numbers. Ask them to identify the hour that just passed and the hour coming up. Continue to ask them whether the hand is closer to the hour that just passed or to the next hour. Have students rationalize their answers. Use only the hour hand on the clock for several days before introducing and using the minute hand (colored blue).
  • It’s about Time! by Stuart Murphy
  • Elab for
Clock Worksheet – print from website:

  • Crayons/colored pencils
  • Glue sticks
  • Brads
  • Reasoning and Proof: While telling time to the hour involves reading the face of the clock, reasoning is not required. This is why it is so important for students to make connections between time and events of their day.
  • Develop in your students a personal need to read clock times. Create situations where it is to the children’s disadvantage to be unable to read a clock. (i.e. recess time, time to stop a task, etc.) Place a student(s) in charge of telling the class when it is time for a special event.
  • The concepts and language of time have become part of their personal experiences and no longer mysterious.
  • This is an introductory lesson to time for teachers to replicate in their classrooms. Don’t limit this experience just to worksheets. Children’s communication is often limited to just written response. By allowing their students to communicate their understanding, many of their misconceptions will be revealed before assessing them.

III. Making a Linear Clock
- Activity 2 /
  • Have students do a task/activity for 1 minute, i.e., standing on 1 foot, closing their eyes, or clapping their hands. The teacher will keep track on a minute timer and tell them when a minute is up. A discussion will follow about the use and misuse of the expression, “Just a minute.”
  • Have students work in groups of 4 to create a linear clock. Explain to students that they will be making another kind of clock to learn more about minutes. Have students create sections of 5 minute intervals using Unifix cubes and the How Long Is An Hour? worksheet. They will place one color of Unifix on the section and then color to match. Then students tape or glue these sections together. Ask them how many Unifix cubes they now have altogether? Practice counting by 5s. Ask them what meaning 60 has in relation to time.
  • Demonstrate a clapping pattern using a color pattern for each group of 5 Unifix (red, red, red, red, blue or whisper 1 clap, 2 clap, 3 clap, 4 clap, pause…loudly 5 clap).
  • Ask them to fold their entire strip in half, matching the ends. Make sure that they line up to get equal parts. Demonstrate how they are to write the fraction ½ and the word “half” at the middle fold. How many cubes (or minutes) are in “half” of this time strip?
  • Laying their linear clock flat, have students use the Unifix cubes to determine how many units are in an hour. After finding out that the strip is 60 units long, ask the students what meaning 60 has in reference to time. Relate 60 units long to 60 minutes in an hour.
  • Connect to the analog clock the discoveries made with the linear clock. Show 2:00 on your teacher demonstrator clock and ask students how far the minute hand has traveled to reach half past. Make the connection of comparing the 30 Unifix (minutes) to half past on the demonstration clock. Explain that half-past two can be renamed 30 minutes past 2 or two thirty – show the written symbol at this time (2:30). The colon can be read as “minutes after.” Discuss with students that the colon can be read from left to right and right to left. This introduces the different ways to say time – we want students to be able to interchange the same time in different ways.
  • Practice with groups of 5 and counting by 5’s to show “minutes after the hour”.
  • An additional lesson using two different sized paper plates: Use the smaller of the two plates for reading only the “hour”. Have students record the numbers 1 thru 12 as they create this clock. Attach a small paper clip with a brad and practice “telling time on the hour” by spinning the spinner. A small paper hand colored in red could be attached to this paper clip.
  • Use the larger paper plate to create a “minute” clock. Record the numbers 0 thru 55 around the edge. Attach a small paper clip with a brad and practice “telling time by the minutes after” as they spin the spinner. A longer minute hand colored in blue could be attached to the paper clip.
  • These two paper plates can later be reattached with new hands (short and long and color coded) to represent the hour and minute hands.
  • Big Time Bears, Stephen Krensky
  • Teacher demonstration JUDY clocks. (1clock per table)
  • Unifix Cubes
  • How Long Is An Hour? Worksheets (Participant pgs. 9, 10)
  • Small paper clips
  • Small paper plates
  • Large paper plates
  • Share the beginning of Big Time Bears with students.
  • Have prepared a semi-circle to cover ½ of the demonstration clock. The old representation of two colored paper plates also will lend to the half hour concept.
  • Times to the minute and hour can be proved concretely by the linear clock.

0 30
IV. Money – Jingle (Row, Row, Row Your Boat) and Money Activities /
  • Have students sing the Money song that goes to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat.
  • Divide your class in half so that each group will begin a portion of the round at a different point in the song.
  • Counting money with ten frames: Students will have 6 ten frames to play the game. Teachers will give the students a target number to achieve. Students will roll a die to find out how many pennies to place into the ten frame. As their frame fills, they will regroup their 5 frame for a nickel and the 10 frame for a dime. The winner is the first student to reach the target number.
  • Have students develop proportional models of each coin value ( nickel, dime, quarter) using the cent hundreds chart.
  • Money song (Participant pg. 11)
  • Plastic coins
  • Ten frame (Participant pg. 14)
  • Dice
  • Coin stamps
  • Cardstock
  • Penny hundreds chart (Participant pg. 13)
  • Cent hundred chart (Participant pg. 12)
  • Money Exchange Game (Participant pg. 15)
  • Most teachers do not use the ten-frame when teaching money. By using the ten-frame students can see the exchange between coin amounts (i.e. 10 pennies = 1 dime or 2 nickels).
  • The coins, although concrete models themselves, are nonproportional in relation to their values. The proportional models created for the nickel, dime, and quarter help students see value in terms of proportion.
  • Use the Money Exchange Game as a connection to place value. Students roll a die to determine how many pennies to collect on the chart. Exchange ten pennies for a dime whenever possible. (compose/decompose number) Goal: to reach one dollar.

V. Read “Smart” by Shel Silverstein /
  • Read the poem, “Smart” to your students once around. Most teachers might know of it.
  • Reread it again – having the students draw the coins and their amount after each trade. Teachers can provide plastic coins or have students bring in baggies of change.
  • Additional practice is to use the provided piggy banks to determine which coins will be needed to create the assigned amount. Students will become aware that there are several different combinations of coins to equal the value of a given amount of money.
  • “Smart” by Shel Silverstein.
  • Worksheets for “Smart” print from website:
  • Money manipulatives, magnetic or real coins.
  • Piggy worksheets Participant pgs. 16-22
  • Writing connection – questions they answer about the poem.
  • A generic Piggy Bank sheet is included so teachers can create their own problems to differentiate among their student abilities.

VI. Technology connections / There are numerous websites to show how teachers can incorporate technology into their math lessons. Differentiation includes allowing students the opportunity to experience the concepts of time and money using electronic labs. /
  • List of websites for participants to explore


Conceptual Understanding/Instructional Sequence

Step 1 Comparison

Step 2 Use of Units

Step 3 Use of Instruments

Measurement 1st Grade GLCE Connection


Measurement 1st Grade GLCE Connection


M-GLAnCE 1st Grade – Session 4 – Time and Money – Participant Packet
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M-GLAnCE 1st Grade – Session 4 – Time and Money – Participant Packet
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Money Song

(Sung to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat as a round)

Dime, dime, dime, dime, dime

Dime, dime, dime, dime, dime.

Ten dimes make a dollar ---

Happens all the time!

5 pennies make a nickel,

2 nickels make a dime.

Two dimes and a nickel make a quarter every time.

Four quarters make a dollar and that’s an awful lot.

A dollar is exactly how much I’ve got!!

Money Poems

Penny, penny Nickel, nickel Dime, dime

Easily spent Thick and fat Little and thin

Copper brown and You’re worth five cents I remember

Worth one cent. I know that. You’re worth ten.

Quarter, quarter

Big and bold

You’re worth twenty-five

I am told.

M-GLAnCE 1st Grade – Session 4 – Time and Money – Participant Packet
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M-GLAnCE 1st Grade – Session 4 – Time and Money – Participant Packet
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