Grace To You

and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 1:2 November2017

Voters Meeting Summary

July Aug Sept Quarter % in church

Average Attendance:

Church 96(92) 101(99) 103(87) 100(96) 22%(21%)

Sunday School 10(11) 12(10) 17(14) 13(11)

Bible Class 26(28) 28(30) 26(26) 27(28)

Total Communion 138(144) 164(163) 174(163) 476(470)

Official Acts

MarriagesZachery Squires and Rachael Karsten, July 1

Membership Changes


Membership Totals

Baptized: Jan 1 455Confirmed: Jan 1 355

Sep 30 459 Sep 30 362


Council / Voters October 2017


  • Will meet with Circuit Visitor, Pastor Mark Leckband, on Tuesday Nov. 7 concerning Vacancy Pastor


  • Delay Parsonage Carpeting Project until 2018
  • Weather Strip on Front Door of Church Replaced
  • South Doors given a coat of Varnish
  • Heat / AC combination installed in Pastor’s Office
  • Energy Assessment Completed


  • Scheduled Stewardship Survey for Oct. 22
  • Midweek and Sunday School Teachers now serving on annual basis 100% said yes for 2017-18
  • Sunday School Attendance has seen a slight increase
  • Did not receive any volunteers for a History/Archive Team (Steve Meyer agreed to look at our “stuff”)
  • Developed a Job Description for the Education Committee;
  • “The Education Committee shall assist the education ministry of the congregation (Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation Classes, Youth and Adult Education) and shall encourage all members to participate in opportunities to grow in the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word.”


  • Reports --Checking Account Balance $4,753.15
  • 2018 Budget- Salaried positions were given 2% raises, Due to pastoral salary and benefits changes, the budget
  • for 2018 as estimated is down from $166,000 to $127,000

Old Business

  • An update was given on changes to the Central Lutheran Scholarship Fund

Election Results for 2018: Chairman: Dan Newton; Elder: Carl Meyer; Trustee: Jim Kullmer; Treasurer: Diane Rabe;

Usher: Brian Pisch; Committees: Donnette Boots, Deanna Becker; Jenni Hayden

Sunday School Perfect Attendance for October

N-K Payton Hartson 3-5 Blaze Soquet 6-8 Blake Soquet

November Baptismal Birthdays (November 26)

Jacelyn Balvin 11/17, Grant Hacker 11/25, Cody Wright 11/27, Brynn Hora 11/9

2017 October Financial Report


Home Budget $11,660.00Worship 268.20

Missions 393.00Education/Outreach 182.68

Undesignated 329.00Maintenance 3,196.98

Siek Dividend to MM 617.01Missions 2,906.00

Jerry Rabe Memorial 50.00Office Supplies 124.52

Mission of the Month 155.00Utilities 518.21

Interest Paid on MM 21.09Salaries 8,443.30

Thrivent Funds 109.00Social Security 375.00

Total Income$13,334.10Total Expenses $16,014.89

Checking Account Balance $1,384.26Respectfully submitted by

Money Market Balance $99,523.33Marilyn D Dellamuth, Treasurer

October Thank Yous

Thank you for your gifts to Missionaries Weber and Tessaro $155

Thank you to Thrivent for funding our work at Mission of Hope

Thank you to all who provided, prepared and served the meal at Mission of Hope (Over 200 meals!)

Thank you to all who supported Paul Rempfer through the purchase of pies

Thank Yous

Our family would like to thank the members of Grace for their continued support of the scholarship fund at Central Lutheran. We are so thankful and blessed for this assistance that helps to make a Christian education possible for our children and others at Grace. It is much appreciated.


John, Jennifer, Taylor, Carter, Ella and Kaleb Hayden

Membersof Grace,

Thank you for your support through your generous donation to the mission of the month in September. It brings me great joy knowing you are keeping me in your prayers during my studies. One of my favorite things has been getting more practice at my field work church. I now lead worship, or do the readings and prayers each Sunday, I’ve also given a children’s sermon. Outside the classroom, I enjoy visiting Joel, Saydi and family (30 minutes away) and I played on the seminary soccer team. I look forward to seeing you when I return home for Thanksgiving. Until then, God bless you all!

Paul Rempfer

November Reminders

  • All month we are giving to the Benton County Food Bank – List of needs on the narthex table
  • Soup Supper - St. Andrew, Van Horne Nov. 7th 5:00 – 7:00
  • Soup Supper - St. John, Newhall Nov. 15th 4:30 – 7:00