Name:________________________ Hour:______________________________________

AP 12 Satire Scavenger Hunt

Due beginning of hour on May 16.


Background information. Define the following words:

1. Satire

2. Parody

3. Irony

4. Sarcasm

5. Understatement

6. Exaggeration

7. Caricature

8. Tone (in regards to writing)

9. Burlesque

10. Oxymoron

11. Reversal (in regards to satire)

Examples of Satire: For each example you find, you will PRINT it and WRITE about it. ALL examples you find MUST BE SCHOOL APPROPRIATE. You must understand what it is about to print it. EACH short paragraph you write must address the following:

1. How are the definitions from above used in your satirical piece? Use specific examples to support your answer. Not all the definitions will be used, but some might be used in conjunction with others.

2. What is the tone of your example? Some examples of tone could be BUT are not limited to: sympathetic, sarcastic, angry, bitter. How do you know this? What evidence suggests the tone?

3. Why is satire an effective tool for this topic? Who or what is the target of the satire? How do you know this?

4. Explain why you think it is funny. NOTE: Not all satire is funny, so if it’s not, WHY NOT?

5. Remember the big three questions: What is it? How is it functioning? Why is it important? Yes, this is not an “AP” unit, but this is an advanced class. We want to know why you think the satirist used the technique and whether it was effective.

Please use the template on the assign drive or wiki to complete your write up. You will cut and paste your examples into the document as well.

Political Cartoons

1. Find two political cartoons. Print them out.

2. Write a short analytical paragraph about why your cartoon is satire. Use the questions on page one as your guide. Make sure you cite your source using MLA citation format.

Example of a political cartoon

Parody Songs

3. Find parodied song lyrics with appropriate school setting words. Print the lyrics out.

4. Write a short analytical paragraph about why your song is satire. Remember to cite your source.

Example of a song parody.

"America, The Beautiful" Based on the performance by Traditonal
"America, The Doody-full" Parody by Ken Meyercord

(The Reverend Jerry Falwell version)

Oh, Doody-full for unhooked bras,
For Amber and Charlene,
For sexy chicks and porno flics
On every TV screen.

America, America,
Boys, load your guns for she,
And take a shot for Liberty
At your neighborhood Afghani.

Oh, Doody-full for inept spies,
For Ashcroft and the rest,
For purple prose and lies oft told
'Bout phantom terrorists.

America, America,
Let's grab them one and all,
And take away their right to pray
And all their civil liberties.

Satirical Article

5. Find a satirical article. Print it out. There are myriad sources for this article, some comic, some not, some intentionally satiric, some in the eye of the beholder.

6. Write a short analytical paragraph about why your article is satire. Cite your source.

Example of a satirical article (excerpt)

How to Wipe Using One Sheet of Toilet Paper

Singer Sheryl Crow created a minor stir when she recently encouraged us to limit ourselves to a single sheet of toilet paper per bathroom visit, as a way to combat global climate change. While this move may seem a bit drastic, it's actually a simple technique long known to hunters and campers. Read more…

Video Parody

7. Find a video clip from Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, or The Colbert Report, The Simpsons, Monty Python’s Holy Grail, Spinal Tap, or other SCHOOL appropriate clips and analyze it for its use of satire. This could also be music video parodies such as “The Key of Awesome.”

8. You don’t need to print anything out, but include the HTML address along with your analytical paragraph with the rest of your work.

Literary Example

9. Find an example of satire from a reputable literary source and determine what it targets and which techniques it uses. You will need to read part of the text.

10. Include a summary of the work along with your analytical paragraph. Remember to cite your source.


11. Find an example of Caricature. Copy and paste the caricature in a Word document. Explain why the caricature works as satire.

12. Write a short analytical paragraph about why your caricature is satire. Cite your source.