
David P. Rempfer, Pastor Cynthia Ohlen, Organist

Phone: 454-6941

E-mail: Website: gracelutheranbtown.org

July 12, 2015

The 7th Sunday after Pentecost

Order of Service: Divine Service Three – Page 184

Hymns: 563, 562, 579, 580

A Section from Luther’s Large Catechism

The Second Article of the Apostle’s Creed:

“I Believe in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, our Lord”

“Let this be the summary of this article, that the little word “LORD” simply means the same as Redeemer, that is, he who has brought us back from the devil to God, from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and keeps us there. The remaining parts of the article simply serve to clarify and express how and by what means this redemption was accomplished – that is, how much it cost Christ and what he paid and risked in order to win us and bring us under his dominion. That is to say, he became a human creature, conceived and born without sin, of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin so that he might become Lord over sin; moreover he suffered, died, and was buried so that he might make satisfaction for me and pay what I owed, not with gold or silver but with his own precious blood.”

For Your Prayers This Week

For Ourselves and Others: Pray for all those with cancer, including Marjorie Hartkemeyer, Mildred Busch, Larry Sturtz, and Glenn Werning . . . Pray for Joan Weber, suffering from filaria

Our Response to God’s Grace

Worship Attendance: 115

Offering: Home $1,842; Undesignated $107.00; VBS $30; Jan Niebes Mem $35; Total $2,014.00; Kids Against Hunger $10; LWML $65

This Week, Lord Willing

Serve and love your neighbor in your vocation

MISSION OF THE MONTH . . . Your gifts today will support “Food for the Poor,” and their mission of mercy described by our guest preacher last Sunday, Rev. Paul Doellinger. The final two Sundays of July, the mission of the month will be the University of Iowa Chaplaincy. Your gifts will be used to build an endowment fund that will help provide the support necessary for the Missouri Synod to continue to have a chaplain at the University of Iowa Hospital.

WELCOME to Rev. David Lingard, pastor of St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Van Horne. God bless the preaching and the hearing of His Word.

CENTRAL LUTHERAN still has openings for 4 year old preschoolers. Central’s 4 year old preschool program is 4 days/week, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. This program is FREE through the state of Iowa. Please call or email with questions or to enroll! 319-223-5271

COLORADO PEACHES are for sale again this summer through the St. John, Newhall youth group. Order blanks are on the narthex table.

PASTOR AND RHODA thank you for time away to be with family. If you need pastoral care this week, please call Rev. David Lingard at St. Andrew, Van Horne. Lord willing, Pastor and Rhoda will return Friday.

THE CONGREGATIONS of the Benton Circuit are again hosting a booth at the Benton County Fair. Each congregation has two 2-hour shifts in which two volunteers are needed to greet people and pass out free bottles of water. Our two shifts are: Friday, July 25th from 7:00 – 9:00 and Saturday, July 26th from 3:00 – 5:00. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you help.