WTDC-17/19(Add.19)-EPage 1
/ World Telecommunication DevelopmentConference 2017 (WTDC-17)
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 9-20 October 2017 /
PLENARY MEETING / Addendum 19 to
Document WTDC-17/19-E
16 August 2017
Original: French
Member States of the African Telecommunications Union
Draft new Resolution on the Role of ITU in the migration of existing telecommunication and iCT infrastructures to next-generation technologies in developing countries
Priority area:
–Resolutions and Recommendations
This contribution presents a draft new resolution for WTDC-17 on the role of ITU in establishing an enabling ecosystem to help developing countries accelerate the migration of existing telecommunication and ICT infrastructures as much as possible to improve the capacity and QoS of networks and implement new services provided by the next-generation technologies in developing countries, but also toencourage original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to propose methods for recycling their end-of-life equipment in order to limit environmental impacts.
Expected results:
BDT to provide the necessary assistance and develop an enabling ecosystem for developing countries to ensure the fast technological migration of their existing telecommunication/ICT infrastructures.
DRAFT NEW resolution [AFCP-2]
Role of ITU in establishing an enabling ecosystem for the migration of existing telecommunication/ICT networks to next-generation technologies in the developing countries
The World Telecommunication Development Conference (Buenos Aires, 2017),
a)the outputs of the 2017 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum, dealing with ITU's activities in coordinating, implementing and following up the outputs of WSIS as well as alignment of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) with the WSIS action lines;
b)Resolution 30 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) of the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC), on the role of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector in implementing the outputs of the World Summit on the Information Society;
c)Resolution 50 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) of WTDC,on the optimal integration of information and communication technologies;
d)Resolution 66 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) of WTDC, on information and communication technology and climate change;
e)Resolution 20 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) of WTDC, on non-discriminatory access to modern telecommunication/information and communication technology facilities, services and related applications,
a)that the continuous changing of standards upon the emergence of each new technology has a direct impact on the developing countries' investments in telecommunication infrastructure;
b)that a certain number of next-generation equipment manufacturers do not foresee solutions for the reuse or recycling of previous technologies, and this does not benefit the economies of developing countries,
a)that investment by telecommunication operators and governments in financing new telecommunication technology infrastructures depends on the positive impacts generated by the ICT sector on countries' economies;
b)that ITU can play an important role in ensuring harmonious technological evolution, by enabling developing countries to amortize investments made in infrastructures already deployed;
c)that lack of return on investment in telecommunication infrastructures already deployed or under deployment can compromise investment projects designed to bridge the digital divide;
d)thatthe yearly replacement of thousands of tonnes of equipment from old technologies to make way for new has a significant impact on the environment of our planet,
resolves to instruct the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau, in close cooperation with the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau and the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau and in response to the needs of the developing countries
1to work for the promotion of new technologies conducive to making a substantial contribution to the human condition: saving lives, facilitating access to education and healthcare;
2to encourage manufacturers to take back and recycle their end-of-life equipment in order to limit the environmental impact and for related economic considerations;
3to assist telecommunication/ICT operators in their infrastructure development plans and to take account of their migration plans in the light of the country-specific realities and conditions governing evolution;
4to establish dialogue at several levels making it possible for each State to satisfy the expectations of the most underprivileged segments of society in regard to access to new technologies, as well as to enable the emergence of national economies capable of ensuring concrete realization of the SDGs;
5to encourage international cooperation on migration to new technologies with minimum impact on the environment;
6to give the necessary priority to this subject and, within the available resources, allocate the necessary funds for execution of this resolution,
instructs Study Group 2
within the framework of its Questions,to cooperate with the appropriate ITUT and ITUR study groups in order to achieve the following goals:
i)establish best practices in order to ensure that digital migration benefitscitizens, governments and environmental protection;
ii)propose a common approach to ensuring the sustainable development of ICTs, by extending the lifetime of equipment;
iii)prepare an annual report on the progress of work in this area in respect of its Questions;
iv)contribute to the organization of seminars and workshops on this subject,
invitesthe Member States
to participate actively in implementing this resolution by raising the awareness of all stakeholders, with the objective of ensuring the prosperity of States' economies in regard to investment andtargeting environmental protection for public wellbeing.