Under this agreement for 2014
Boynewood State School will receive / $6694

It is anticipated that the Great Results Guarantee will be only 1 page in length.

This funding will be used to
·  Ensure 100% of students meet NAPLAN national minimum standards for literacy and numeracy in Year 3,5 & 7
·  Diagnose learning difficulties and develop a Learning Plan for students at risk or below National Minimum Standard.
·  Improve Teacher capabilities through focused coaching and professional development
·  Increase the number of students in the NAPLAN upper two bands in Year 3,5,7 reading, writing & numeracy from 25% to 50%.
·  Continue to implement a Pre-Prep program to support pre-literacy & pre-numeracy skills.
Our strategy will be to
·  nsert a small number of strategies that are directly linked to the outcomes listed above. These are to be research - and evidence-based. Short-term data cycles focused on a narrow and sharp area of improvement are recommended.
·  Review studReview student performance data weekly and provide feedback/intervention
·  Implement digital diagnostic tools to identify and track student progress in literacy/numeracy
·  Implement Support-A-Reader & early intervention strategies for students identified in the data cycles
·  Embed and provide professional development with the Explicit Instruction model; with 100% of Teacher Teacher-Aides as a school-wide pedagogical approach driving daily routines and high-yield teaching strategies (CQ Model- Fleming)
Our school will improve student outcomes by
List the actions to implement the strategy/ies listed above. The following statements must include ‘what’ the school is going to do, ‘how’ the school is going to do this and the amount of the school’s Great Results Guarantee funding is being put towards the actions (the school may use other funding sources or use the Great Results Guarantee funding to supplement existing initiatives, etc).
·  Employing before school and during lunch Teacher Aides for identified students in the area of reading and phonetics.
·  Employ Intervention Teacher to support students experiencing learning difficulties and to implement Early Years programs
·  Building capacity of staff in the school through internal and external providers.
·  Purchase on-line literacy/numeracy subscriptions to provide individualized student learning opportunities and PAT diagnostic online assessment tools / $1000
Mrs Vicki Rogers
Boynewood State School / Dr Jim Watterston

*Based on 2013 data. To be updated when 2014 enrolment data is finalised.