Prof. dr. Faruk Čaklovica, rector of the University of Sarajevo
Prof. dr. Samir Arnautović, vice-rector
Prof. dr. Slavenka Vobornik, vice-rector
Prof. dr. Hazim Bašić, vice-rector
Visit of H. E. Ambassador Charles English
11th February 2009
Welcome to the oldest university in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The institutional beginnings of our higher education are identical to the university tradition of the Western Europe. The documents of the Court of Inquisition in Torino, confirm the existence of the university in Bosnia already in 14th century, where knowledge was passed to the epitaph writers of that time, notaries, and Bogumile theorists. The university's headquarters were in Moštre, located near today's town of Visoko. In 1531, Gazi Husrev-bey founded the Hanikah, School of Sufi Philosophy, which in 1537, was expanded with the institution for research in the field of Islamic studies. This indicates that three disciplines of classic catholic universities were fostered here: theology, law, and philosophy, including the existence of the university library.
The official commencement of teaching and scientific activities at the University of Sarajevo is related to the year of 1949. The establishment of the University of Sarajevo was a testimony of the general social and cultural emancipation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and represented an important constant of its sovereignty and development.
Till today, around 122.000 students graduated from the University of Sarajevo, and 3.891 students obtained Masters Degree. Doctoral Degree has been obtained by 2.294 doctoral candidates in 43 scientific disciplines.
The University of Sarajevo has published several thousands of textbooks, books, journals, and scientific papers, and it also implemented several thousands of international and national research projects.
The orientation of the University of Sarajevo, by which we wish to be recognised, is the integration into the world academic processes and continuous effort towards the improvement of our international reputation. In this context it is very important to emphasise that the University of Sarajevo is today in partnership with over eighty universities from Europe, North and South America, Africa, Near and Far East.
The member institutions of the University of Sarajevo today are the 20 faculties, and 3 academies. Associated member institutions are the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, 4 institutes, 3 university centres, National and University Library, Clinical Centre of the University, and the Students' Parliament of the University of Sarajevo. We are also expecting another institution to become our associated member institution, namely the Catholic Theology Faculty and TheologicalSchool. In 2009, the University of Sarajevo shall thus have 25 member institutions.
Dear Ambassador, you come from the country that has been a devoted friend of Bosnia and Herzegovina during its most difficult historical period, and you have a great amount understanding for all the sufferings of Bosnia and Herzegovina's peoples.
Until today, the University of Sarajevo has signed manyagreements on inter-university cooperation with prestigious universities from the United States of America. I am going to mention just a few:
- Memorandum of Understanding between UNSA and GrandValleyStateUniversitysigned on April, 25 1975. It is followed by signing of Cooperation Agreement with University of Los Angeles 1980, thenMurrayStateUniversity 1981. After aggression, there are many new Memorandum such as withUniversity of Dayton, University of Ohio, University of South Carolina, University of Delaware, University of Missouri, University of Nevada etc.
Every year, the Office of Public Affairs of the Embassy of the United States of America in cooperation with the University organises the Info sessions of the Fulbright and Hubert Humphrey Programs dedicated for the students and the teachers of the University of Sarajevo, and others.
We have so far realised a large number of projects with partner universities from United States of America within several scientific fields (art, natural sciences and mathematics, bio-technical and technical sciences, medical, social sciences and humanities).
The cooperation between the two friendly countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina and United States of America is of great importance for our University and our country, since on the international political scene, USA has been representing an important support for democratisation, stability, world progress and peace.We strongly believe that this cooperation is going to continue and contribute to further strengthening of our academic communities.
I would like to ask you to extend our greetings to your academic community, as well as our gratitude for everything you have done so far, everything you have been doing, and plan to do for our University and Bosnia and Herzegovina.