Governor Contact Information 2016
State / Governor Name / Street / City / State / Zip Code / Phone Number / Web AddressAlabama / Governor Robert Bentley / State Capitol 600 Dexter Avenue / Montgomery / Alabama / 36130 / 334-242-7150 /
Alaska / Governor Bill Walker / Office of the Governor
Attention: Office of Constituent Relations
P.O. Box 110001 / Juneau / Alaska / 99811 / 907-465-3500 /
Arizona / Governor Doug Ducey / Governor of Arizona
1700 West Washington / Phoenix / Arizona / 85007 / 602-542-4331 /
Arkansas / Governor Asa Hutchinson / State Capitol
500 Woodlane Street, Suite 250 / Little Rock / Arkansas / 72201 / 501-682-2345 /
California / Governor Jerry Brown / State Capitol Building, Suite 1173 / Sacramento / California / 95814 / 916-445-2841 /
Colorado / Governor John Hickenlooper / 136 State Capitol / Denver / Colorado / 80203 / 303-866-2471 /
Connecticut / Governor Dannel Malloy / State Capitol, 210 Capitol Avenue / Hartford / Connecticut / 06106 / 860-566-4840 /
Delaware / Governor Jack Markell / Office of the Governor, Dover Office
Tatnall Building, William Penn Street, 2nd Fl / Dover / Delaware / 19901 / 302-744-4101 /
Florida / Governor Rick Scott / The Capitol, 400 S. Monroe St. / Tallahassee / Florida / 32399 / 850-488-7146 /
Georgia / Governor Nathan Deal / Office of the Governor
206 Washington Street
111 State Capitol / Atlanta / Georgia / 30334 / 404-656-1776 /
Hawaii / Governor David Ige / Executive Chambers, State Capitol / Honolulu / Hawaii / 96813 / 808-586-0034 /
Idaho / Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter / Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 83720 / Boise / Idaho / 83720 / 208-334-2100 /
Illinois / Governor Bruce Rauner / Office of the Governor, 207 State House / Springfield / Illinois / 62706 / 217-782-0244 /
Indiana / Governor Mike Pence / 200 W. Washington St., Rm. 206 / Indianapolis / Indiana / 46204 / 317-232-4567 /
Iowa / Governor Terry Branstad / 1007 East Grand Ave. / Des Moines / Iowa / 50319 / 515-281-5211 /
Kansas / Governor Sam Brownback / Office of the Governor
Constituent Services
State Capitol, Second Floor / Topeka / Kansas / 66612 / 785-368-8500 /
Kentucky / Governor Matt Bevin / 700 Capitol Avenue Suite 100 / Frankfort / Kentucky / 40601 / 502-564-2611 /
Louisiana / Governor John Bel Edwards / Office of The Governor
PO Box 94004 / Baton Rouge / Louisiana / 70804 / 225-342-0991 /
Maine / Governor Paul LePage / Office of the Governor
#1 State House Station / Augusta / Maine / 4333 / 207-287-3531 /
Maryland / Governor Larry Hogan / Office of the Governor
100 State Circle / Annapolis / Maryland / 21401 / 410-974-3901 /
Massachusetts / Governor Charlie Baker / State House, Office of the Governor
Room 280 / Boston / Massachusetts / 02133 / 617-725-4005 /
Michigan / Governor Rick Snyder / Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 30013 / Lansing / Michigan / 48909 / 517-373-3400 /
Minnesota / Governor Mark Dayton / Office of the Governor & Lt Governor
116 Veterans Service Building
20 W 12th Street / St. Paul / Minnesota / 55155 / 651-201-3400 /
Mississippi / Governor Phil Bryant / P.O. Box 139 / Jackson / Mississippi / 39205 / 601-359-3150 /
Missouri / Governor Jay Nixon / Office of Governor Jay Nixon
P.O. Box 720 / Jefferson City / Missouri / 65102 / 573-751-3222 /
Montana / Governor Steve Bullock / Office of the Governor
PO Box 200801 / Helena / Montana / 59620 / 406-444-3111 /
Nebraska / Governor Pete Ricketts / Lincoln Office /State Capitol
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 94848 / Lincoln / Nebraska / 68509 / 402-471-2244 /
Nevada / Governor Brian Sandoval / State Capitol
101 N. Carson Street / Carson City / Nevada / 89701 / 775-684-5670 /
New Hampshire / Governor Maggie Hassan / Office of the Governor
State House, 107 North Main Street / Concord / New Hampshire / 03301 / 603-271-2121 /
New Jersey / Governor Chris Christie / Office of the Governor
PO Box 001 / Trenton / New Jersey / 08625 / 609-292-6000 /
New Mexico / Governor Susana Martinez / Office of the Governor
490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Room 400 / Santa Fe / New Mexico / 87501 / 505-476-2200 /
New York / Governor Andrew Cuomo / (Attention: Proclamations)
NYS State Capitol Building / Albany / New York / 12224 / 518-474-8390 /
North Carolina / Governor Pat McCrory / Office of the Governor
20301 Mail Service Center / Raleigh / North Carolina / 27699 / 919-814-2000 /
North Dakota / Governor Jack Dalrymple / Governor's Office
600 East Boulevard Ave / Bismarck / North Dakota / 58505 / 701-328-2200 /
Ohio / Governor John Kasich / Governor's Office
Riffe Center, 30th Floor
77 South High Street / Columbus / Ohio / 43215 / 614-466-3555 /
Oklahoma / Governor Mary Fallin / State Capitol Building
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Room 212 / Oklahoma City / Oklahoma / 73105 / 405-521-2342 /
Oregon / Governor Kate Brown / 160 State Capitol
900 Court Street / Salem / Oregon / 97301 / 503-378-4582 /
Pennsylvania / Governor Tom Wolf / Governor's Office
225 Main Capitol Building / Harrisburg / Pennsylvania / 17120 / 717-787-2500 /
Rhode Island / Governor Gina Raimondo / Office of the Governor
82 Smith Street / Providence / Rhode Island / 02903 / 401-222-2080 /
South Carolina / Governor Nikki Haley / Office of the Governor
1205 Pendleton Street / Columbia / South Carolina / 29201 / 803-734-2100 /
South Dakota / Governor Dennis Daugaard / Office of the Governor
500 E. Capitol Ave. / Pierre / South Dakota / 57501 / 605-773-3212 /
Tennessee / Governor Bill Haslam / 1st Floor, State Capitol / Nashville / Tennessee / 37243 / 615-741-2001 /
Texas / Governor Greg Abbott / Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428 / Austin / Texas / 78711 / 512-463-2000 /
Utah / Governor Gary R. Herbert / State Capitol Complex
350 North State Street, Suite 200
PO Box 142220 / Salt Lake City / Utah / 84114 / 801-538-1000 /
Vermont / Governor Peter Shumlin / 109 State Street, Pavilion / Montpelier / Vermont / 5609 / 802 828-3333 /
Virginia / Governor Terry McAuliffe / Office of the Governor, 3rd Floor,
1111 East Broad Street / Richmond / Virginia / 23219 / 804-786-2211 /
Washington / Governor Jay Inslee / Office of the Governor
PO Box 40002 / Olympia / Washington / 98504 / 360-902-4111 /
West Virginia / Governor Earl Ray Tomblin / 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, E. / Charleston / West Virginia / 25305 / 888-438-2731 /
Wisconsin / Governor Scott Walker / Office of the Governor
115 East State Capitol / Madison / Wisconsin / 53702 / 608-266-1212 /
Wyoming / Governor Matt Mead / State Capitol
200 West 24th Street / Cheyenne / Wyoming / 82002 / 307-777-7437 /