Government Oversight Committee Agenda

Chair: Warren Butler

September 19, 2016

5:00 PM to 6:15 PM in the John E. Sapp Conference Room

  1. Call to Order
  2. Meeting was called to order at 5:02PM.
  3. Roll Call – Vice Chair
  4. Chairman Butler established quorum with 4 voting members.
  5. Approval of Minutes – August 29, 2016
  6. Senator Adams motioned to approve the minutes from 8/29/16. Second. Moved.
  7. Approval of Agenda
  8. Senator Sayers motioned to strike Thoren Prego, MuizzNaeem, and James Thompson from Legislative Appointments.
  9. Senator Smith motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Second. Moved.
  10. Student Remarks
  11. None.
  12. Remarks of the Chair
  13. Chairman Butler mentioned that meetings will now start at 5 PM. Talked about Judicial appointments today.
  14. Unfinished Business
  15. None.
  16. New Business
  1. Discussion on the relationship between PPO’s and Elections
  2. Discussed ways that the Government Oversight Committee can regulate PPO’s and help in elections.
  3. Judicial Appointments
  1. Kimberly McKarin
  2. Gave a brief background about herself and gave reasons why should be an Assistant Justice. Questions and answers followed.
  3. Senator Thames motioned to forward Kimberly McKarin to Senate for approval. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote. 6-0-0. Passed.
  4. Jesse Lard
  5. Gave a background about himself, an Astrophysics major with Junior Standing. Explained why his background in Physics can better qualify him for Associate Justice.Questions and answers followed.
  6. Senator Sayers motioned to forward Mr. Lard to Senate for confirmation. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote. 6-0-0. Passed.
  1. Legislative Appointments
  1. Derrick Clark Jr.
  2. Gave background about himself and noted that he is a Finance major. Spoke on why he qualified to be a Senator. Questions and answers followed.
  3. Senator Thames motioned to forward Mr. Clark to Senate. Second Discussion. Roll call vote 5-0-1. Passed.
  1. Senate Appointment Application
  2. Went over what changes have been made.
  3. Senator Adams motioned to amend on page 7 to read page 8. Second. Moved.
  4. Senator Adamson motioned to change in all instances that 4PM falls after Tuesday to change to 5PM. Second. Discussion. 3-0-4. Failed.
  5. Senator Thamesmotioned that page 10 to read what initiatives that student government have benefited you or anyone else. Second. No discussion 2-0-4. Failed.
  6. Senator Thames motions to approve Senate application as amended. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote 6-0-0. Passed.
  1. Announcements
  2. None.
  3. Final Roll Call – Vice Chair
  4. Quorum was reestablished with 6 voting members.
  5. Adjournment
  6. Meeting was adjourned at 6:09 PM.