Review Sheet for FINAL EXAM – GEOL 101 w/ Doc

The final exam is worth 35% of your grade, so this is the chance to really boost your grade! I think it’s very important that you leave this course with an understanding of basic Plate Tectonic Theory, so the final will include information listed below.

Continental Drift Hypothesis and Seafloor Spreading (Ch. 3)

Pangaea – evidence

Why it’s a hypothesis not a theory

Difference b/w C.D. and Plate Tectonics

Plate Tectonic Theory (Ch. 4)

Seafloor Spreading and magnetic pole reversals

Lithosphere and Asthenosphere – components and rock types

Lithospheric plates

Earthquakes and plate boundaries

Volcanoes and plate boundaries

Divergent plate boundaries

Convergent plate boundaries and subduction

Transform plate boundaries

Hot spots

What drives plate motion?

Of course, there will be a strong emphasis (2/3 of the exam) on the last three chapters we’ve covered since the 2nd exam. Your notes from lectures, Chapters 17, 18 and 19, Viz-Quizzes 5, 6, 7 and 8, and the online lectures will be your review for this portion of the exam.