Office of the Executive Engineer

Sirajganj O& M Division,

BWDB, Sirajganj.

Invitation for Tenders

Tender NO. 02/2013-2014.

1 / Ministry/Division / Ministry of Water Resources
2 / Agency / Bangladesh Water Development Board.
3 / Procuring Entity Name / Executive Engineer, Sirajganj O M Division, BWDB, Sirajganj.
4 / Procuring Entity Code / Not used at present
5 / Procuring Entity District / Sirajganj
6 / Invitation for / Works
7 / Invitation Ref No / T-7/17
8 / Date / 06-01-2014
9 / Procurement Method / Open Tendering Method (OTM)
10 / Budget and Source of Funds / Development Budget (Climate Change Trust Fund GoB)
11 / Development Partners / Not Applicable
12 / Project/Programme Code (if applicable) / Not Applicable
13 / Project/Programme Name / River Bank protection work from the erosion of left bank of Korotoya River at Khan Sontola in Upazilla-Ullapara of Sirajganj District to Mitigate Climate Change Risk.
14 / Tender Package No. / CCTF/KhaN Sontola_W-01/2013-2014 & CCTF/KhaN Sontola_W-02/2013-2014
15 / Tender Package Name / As stated in Sl. No. 26
16 / Tender Publication Date / 09-01-2014
17 / Tender Last Selling Date / 05-02-2014 during banking hours.
18 / Tender Closing Date and Time / 06-02-2014 up to 12.00 Hrs.
19 / Tender Opening Date and Time / 06-02-2014 at 13.00 Hrs.
20 / Name & Address of the office(s) / Address
- Selling Tender Document (Principal)
- Selling Tender Document (others) / Janata Bank, Masumpur Branch, Sirajganj
Janata Bank, BSCIC Branch, Bogra
Janata Bank, Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka.
-Receiving Tender Document / a) Office of the Executive Engineer, Sirajganj O&M Division, BWDB, Sirajganj.
b) Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Sirajganj.
c) Office of the Superintendent of Police, Sirajganj.
- Opening Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Sirajganj O&M Division, BWDB, Sirajganj.
21 / Place/Date/Time of Pretender meeting (Optional) / Not applicable
22 / Eligibility of Tenderer / Any individual Tender (s)/firm (s) who fulfill the qualification (s) criteria stipulated in the Standard Tender Document including Tender data sheet and PPR-2008.
23 / Brief Description of Works / Manufacturing, Laying and dumping of C.C block for River bank Protection.


24. / Brief Description of Physical or Related or Services / Not Applicable
25 / Price of Tender Document (Tk.) / As stated in Sl. No. 26
26 / Package List
Sl. No / Package No. / Identification of Package / Location / Price of Tender Document
(Tk.) / Tender
Security Amount
(Tk) / Completion Time in works/months
1. / CCTF/KhaN Sontola_ W-01/2013-2014 / River Bank Protection Work from the erosion of Korotoya River at Khan Sontola from km. 0.300 to km. 0.825 = 525.00 meter in Upazilla-Ullapara, Dist.-Sirajganj under Sirajganj O&M Division, BWDB, Sirajganj during the year 2013-14. / Upazila-Ullapara, District-Sirajganj. / Tk. 5,000.00 / Tk. 12,50,000.00
(Taka Twelve Lac Fifty Thousand Only) / 05 (Five) months
2. / CCTF/KhaN Sontola_ W-02/2013-2014 / River Bank Protection Work from the erosion of Korotoya River at Khan Sontola from km. 0.825 to km. 1.350 = 525.00 meter in Upazilla-Ullapara, Dist.-Sirajganj under Sirajganj O&M Division, BWDB, Sirajganj during the year 2013-14. / Upazila-Ullapara, District-Sirajganj. / Tk. 5,000.00 / Tk. 12,50,000.00
(Taka Twelve Lac Fifty Thousand Only) / 05 (Five) months
27 / Name of Official Inviting Tender / Babul Chandra Shil
28 / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Executive Engineer, Sirajganj O & M Division, BWDB, Sirajganj.
29 / Address of Official Inviting Tender / Sirajganj O & M Division, BWDB, Sirajganj.
30 / Contact Details of Official Inviting Tender / Tel. No.0751-62268, Fax No. 0751-62268.
31. / (a) / The Provisions laid down in “The Public Procurement Rules (PPR)-2008”, The Public Procurement Act-2006 and PW3 for procurement of works will be binding upon the tenderers/contractors.
(b) / The work order will be issued after approval from Competent Authority and payment will be made subject to budget allocation & availability of fund. In this regard the Authority will not entertain any claim. But the work must be continued and completed within schedule of Time and proportionate Progress must be achieved.
(c) / The tenderer/contractor has to arrange the land for execution of works by his/her own initiative. In this regard no claim will be entertained.
(d) / Tender shall have to be accompanied by a Tender Security of the amount as mentioned in the list of works enclosed herewith in favour of the Accounts Officer, Regional Accounting Center (RAC), BWDB, Bogra. Tender Security shall be deposited in the from of Demand Draft/Pay Order of any schedule Bank of Bangladesh.
(e) / The Tender Security also Payable in the form of Bank Guarantee. The Bank Guarantee will be in favour of the Executive Engineer, Sirajganj O & M Division, BWDB, Sirajganj of any schedule Bank of Bangladesh.
(f) / Copies of the certificates and other requisite papers and for Corporation of Joint Venture Firm, Affidavit certificate attested by any 1st class officer of Govt./semi-Govt organization/Autonomous bodies or by a Notary Public would be acceptable subject to verification with the original ones. For attestation seal with name of the attesting officer is to be stamped below the signature.
(g) / The Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept any tender or to reject any or all tenders, at any time prior to contract award without thereby incurring any liability to tenderers or any obligation to infrom tenderers of the grounds for the Employer’s actions.
(h) / The work may be totally dropped, decreased or increased. No claim or extra rate will be entertained for cancellation of the tender or issuance of work order with decreased quantity of work.
(i) / The tenderer, at the tenderer’s own responsibility and risk, is encouraged to visit and examine the site and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the tender and entering into a contract for performance of the works. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the tenderer’s own expense.
(j) / Tenderer must submit all the requisite documents with his Tender as stated in Tender Data Sheet (TDS). Failing to comply with the requirements, the tender will be rejected.
(k) / Tenderer must submit Tender as sealed original and copy with requisite documents and duly filled 2 (two) additional BOQ (Section-6) in separate sealed envelop.


(l) / `icÎ ms‡kvab (Modification)
1| `icÎ `vZv `icÎ ms‡kva‡bi Rb¨ Zvi wb‡Ri ev `icÎ `vZvi wbKU n‡Z ¶gZvcÖvß e¨w³i ¯^v¶iK…Z wjwLZ †bvwUk Ges ¶gZv cÖvwßi †bvUvivBRW cÎ `icÎ `vwL‡ji me©‡kl mg‡qi c~‡e© µqKvix KZ…©c‡¶i wbKU †cuŠQv‡Z n‡e|
2| `icÎ`vZvMY †h mKj AvB‡Ug mg~‡ni `i ms‡kvab Ki‡Z B”QzK †m mKj AvB‡Ug mg~‡ni `i I g~j¨ Section-6 : BOQ G bZzbfv‡e c~iY K‡i Modification wjwLZ Lv‡g wmjMvjv K‡i Rgv w`‡Z n‡e| GKK ev mKj AvB‡Ug Gi `i/g~‡j¨i Dci kZKiv Kg/†ekx nvi D‡j­L c~e©K RgvK…Z Modification MÖnY‡hvM¨ n‡e bv|
3| `icÎ ms‡kvab (Modification) G †Kvb cÖKvi KvUv-‡Qov/Nlv-gvRv MÖnY‡hvM¨ b‡n|

N. B. This Tender Notice will also be available in the website of BWDB address of which is www. and CPTU address of which is


(Babul Chandra Shil)

Executive Engineer

Sirajganj O&M Division

BWDB, Sirajganj.

Memo No. T-7/17 (50) Date : 06-01-2014.

Copy forwarded for kind information/information and wide circulation to :

01.  The Director General, Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU), IMED, Ministry of Planning, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.

02.  The Additional Director General (West Region), BWDB, Dhaka.

03.  The Chief Planning, BWDB, Dhaka.

04.  The Chief Monitoring, BWDB, Dhaka.

05.  The Chief Engineer, North-Western Zone, BWDB, Rajshahi.

06.  The Superintending Engineer, Bogra O & M Circle, BWDB, Bogra.

07.  The Director, Program Directorate, BWDB, WAPDA Building (2nd floor) Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000.

08.  The Director, O & M Directorate, BWDB, WAPDA Building (7th floor) Motijheel, C/A, Dhaka-1000.

09.  The Director, Contract & Procurement Cell, BWDB, Dhaka.

10.  The Deputy Commissioner, Sirajganj. Note 1.

11.  The Superintendent of Police, Sirajganj. Note 1.

12.  The Executive Engineer, PWD / R&H / LGED Sirajganj.

13.  The Executive Engineer, BRE (Specialized) O & M Division, BWDB, Sirajganj.

14.  The Executive Engineer, Bogra O & M Division, BWDB, Bogra.

15.  System Analyst, Computer Section, Office of the Chief Monitoring, BWDB, WAPDA Building, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka. Two copies of Tender Notice and 1 (one) CD containing the notice is send herewith for publishing in the BWDB Web site and CPTU’s Website.

16.  The Sub- Divisional Engineer, Sirajganj/Belkuchi/ Ullapara O & M Sub-Division, BWDB, Sirajganj.

17.  The Manager, Janata Bank, Masumpur Branch, Sirajganj along With 10 sets x 2 = 20 sets (40 Forty copies ) Note2.

18.  The Manager, Janata Bank, BSCIC branch, Bogra along With 5 sets x 2 = 10 sets (20 Twenty copies ) Note2.

19.  The Deputy General Manager, Janata Bank, Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka along With 5 sets x 2 = 10 sets (20 Twenty copies ) Note2

20.  The Account Officer, Regional Accounting Centre (RAC), BWDB, Bogra.

21.  The Divisional Accountant/ Estimator/Head Clerk of this Division.

22.  Mr./M/S...... for information

23.  Notice Board.

Note1 Tender shall be received in this office on the date & time stated in this Notice Inviting Tender and shall be sent un-opened to the Office inviting the Tender on the same date as quickly as possible. The Opening of Tender should be in accordance with “The Public Procurement Rule, 2008” and amendments thereof.

Note 2 The above indicated number of sets (2 copies per set with additional copies of BOQ) of Tender Document are sent herewith for selling to intending Tenderer up on 05-02-2014 during banking hours at the rate of Tk. (as attached list of works) per set (two copies per set with additional copies of BOQ) in the form of a Demand Draft in favaour of the Accounts Officer, Regional Accounting Center, BWDB, Bogra. The sale proceeds should be deposited to the Account No. STD-11, Janata Bank, BSCIC Branch, Bogra and STD Account No. 36001008 of Janata Bank Ltd. Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29 Dilkusha C/A. Dhaka. Unsold Tender Documents along with the copy of the credit advice shall be sent to the undersigned at the earliest.

Executive Engineer

Sirajganj O&M Division

BWDB, Sirajganj.